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German invasion of Poland, 169–170

German invasion of Soviet Union, 176, 187–188, 198–202

German occupation of Europe, 173, 174

postwar settlement, 269–270

second front plan, 223–224, 228, 229, 230

Tehran Conference, 229–230

Yalta Conference, 244–246, 290, Gallery 12. See also Soviet-German Front

Stalin, Joseph, wartime leadership of

Wrangel, Petr, 59, 60, 61

Yagoda, Genrikh Grigoryevich, 255

biography of, 351n69

and Kirov murder investigation, 131

purge of, 140, 160

Yakovlev, Aleksandr, 157

Yalta Conference, 244–246, 289, Gallery 12

Yegorov, Alexandr, Gallery 10

Yegorov, Petr, 307, 308Yemelianov, Nikolai, 49

Yenukidze, Avel Safronovich, 139, 193, 352n82

Yezhov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 154

biography of, 351n66

execution of, 160

on Kirov’s murder, 131

removal of, 157, 159–160

Terror directed by, 139, 140, 152, 157, 158–159

Yugoslavia, 235, 280–281

Zagumenny, Sergei, 102

Zaleski, Eugene, 267

Zhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovich: Gallery 11

in anti-intelligentsia campaign, 265

biography of, 335n19

and breakdown in relations with West, 267

and Central Committee, 178

death of, 282

in leadership reorganizations, 180, 181, 272, 273

Politburo appointment of, 177

protégés of, 352–353n6

at Stalin’s social gatherings, 6

in wartime leadership, 207

Zhdanov, Yuri, 260

Zhemchuzhina, Polina (Molotov’s wife), 283–284, 314

Zhou Enlai, 298

Zhukov, Georgy Konstantinovich: biography of, 360n2

in Command Headquarters, 202, 204

on Crimean defeat, 221

on crimes against civilians, 236

and foreign press rumors, 269

on German intelligence, 209

and German invasion, 198, 199–200, 201, 202

marshal rank of, 226

Stalin’s criticism of, 241, 273–274

as Stalin’s emissary, 201

and Stalin’s strategic decisions, 213, 227

wartime commands of, 212, 213, 214, 360n2

Zinoviev, Grigory Yevseevich, 70, 98, 194, 282

and anti-Trotsky coalition, 81–82

biography of, 341n9

Bolshevik seizure of power opposed by, 50, 51, 52

execution of, 139

expulsion of, 84–85, 90

and Kirov’s murder charge, 131

as oppositionist, 82–84, 87

in power struggle, 75–76, 77, 78, 79, 80

in Provisional Government crackdown, 48, 49

Zoshchenko, Mikhail, 265, 368n9

Zubkova, Elena, xiv–xv

Zverev, Arseny, 274, 275, 277

Zvezda (magazine), 265