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264. Talking to Stalin in August 1942, Churchill remarked that his ancestor the Duke of Marlborough had put an end to the menace to freedom posed by the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–14). In response, Stalin said that Wellington was the greater British general because he had defeated Napoleon. Churchill’s interpreter, Major Birse, recalled that Stalin ‘then proceeded to exhibit his knowledge of history by reference to Wellington’s invasion of Spain . . . quoting chapter and verse with regard to some of the battles. I imagine that he had made a special study of the Napoleonic wars, which in many respects paralleled the one then in progress’ (A. H. Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter, Michael Joseph: London 1967 pp.103).

265. ‘Zapis’ Besedy I. V. Stalina s Otvetstvennymi Redaktorami Zhurnalov “Voennaya Mysl’” i “Voennyi Vestnik”, 5 Marta 1945 goda’, Voenno-Istoricheskii Zhurnal, 3 (2004) pp.3–4.

266. RGASPI, F.558, Op.3, D.25.

267. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/library/oral-histories/harrima1. Accessed 4 August 2021.

268. K. Osipov, Suvorov, Gospolizdat: Moscow 1941. The book contains a note by Osipov dated 28 June 1941. It was also translated and published in English during the war: Alexander Suvorov: A Biography, Hutchinson & Co.: London n.d.

269. RGASPI F.558. Op.11, D.204, n.2.

270. RGASPI, F.558, op.11, D.1599. Osipov’s second book on Suvorov, as corrected by Stalin, was published in various editions during the war. He also gave many public lectures on Suvorov.

271. Clark et al., Soviet Culture and Power, doc.130. Russian text: I.V. Stalin: Istoricheskaya Ideologiya v SSSR v 1920–1950 e gody (Sbornik Dokumentov i Materialov), vol.1, Nauka-Piter: St Petersburg 2006 doc.221.

272. The stenograms of Stalin’s speech may be found here: Zimnyaya Voina, 1939–1940: I.V. Stalin i Finskaya Kampaniya, Nauka: Moscow 1999 pp.272–82. In English: A. O. Chubaryan & H. Shukman (eds), Stalin and the Soviet–Finnish War, 1939–1940, Frank Cass: London 2001 pp.263–74. See further: M. L. G. Spencer, Stalinism and the Soviet–Finnish War, 1939–40, Palgrave: London 2018.

273. Istoriya Russkoi Armii i Flota, Obrazovanie: Moscow 1911. RGASPI, F.558, Op.3, F.80, pp.7–23 for Stalin’s markings. He read the book in the mid-late 1930s.

274. ‘Kratkaya Zapis’ Vystupleniya na Vypuske Slushatelei Akademii Krasnoi Armii, 5 Maya 1941 goda’, I. Stalin, Sochineniya, vol.18, Soyuz: Tver’ 2006 pp.213–18.

275. Dimitrov, Diary, p.160.

276. E. Mawdsley, ‘Explaining Military Failure: Stalin, the Red Army, and the First Period of the Patriotic War’ in G. Roberts (ed.), Stalin: His Times and Ours, IAREES: Dublin 2005 p.138.

277. I. Stalin, O Velikoi Otechestvennoi Voine Sovetskogo Soyuza, Moscow 1950 p.205.

278. Ibid., pp.271–303.

279. https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/116179.pdf. Accessed 4 August 2021.

280. E. Mawdsley, ‘Stalin: Victors Are Not Judged’, Journal of Slavic Military Studies 19 (2006) p.715.

281. D. E. Davis & W. S. G. Kohn, ‘Lenin’s ‘Notebook on Clausewitz’, http://www.clausewitz.com/bibl/DavisKohn-LeninsNotebookOnClausewitz.pdf. Accessed 4 August 2021. Stalin’s unmarked copy of the 1931 volume is located in the Stalin collection in the SSPL.

282. RGASPI, F.558, Op.3, D.47.

283. ‘Zapis’ Besedy’, p.3.

284. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1946/02/23.htm. Accessed 4 August 2021.

285. R. Medvedev, ‘Generalissimo Stalin, General Clausewitz and Colonel Razin’ in Medvedev & Medvedev, Unknown Stalin, p.188.

286. A. M. Ball, Imagining America: Influence and Images in Twentieth-Century Russia, Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham MD 2003 p.24.

287. J. Stalin, Works, vol.6, Foreign Languages Publishing House: Moscow 1953 pp.194–5.

288. Rayfield, Stalin and His Hangmen, p.43.

289. B. O’Keeffe, Esperanto and Languages of Internationalism in Revolutionary Russia, Bloomsbury Academic: London 2021 pp.148–51.

290. Yu. G. Murin (ed.), Iosif Stalin v Ob”yatiyakh Sem’i, Rodina: Moscow 1993 docs 46–7.

291. J. Stalin, Works, vol.13, Foreign Languages Publishing House: Moscow 1955 p.271.

292. Ibid., vol.3 (1953) pp.250–3.

293. K. Zubovich, Moscow Monumentaclass="underline" Soviet Skyscrapers and Urban Life in Stalin’s Capital, Princeton University Press: Princeton 2021 chap.2; Belodubrovskaya, Not According to Plan, p.27.

294. S. Lomb, Stalin’s Constitution: Soviet Participatory Politics and the Discussion of the 1936 Draft, Routledge: New York 2018.

295. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1936/11/25.htm. Accessed 4 August 2021.

296. RGASPI, F.558, Op.11, D.143.

297. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1937/12/11.htm.

298. RGASPI, F.558, Op.3, D.369.

299. Stalin, Works, vol.13, p.284.

300. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1934/07/23.htm. Accessed 4 August 2021.

301. Cited by M. Edele, ‘Better to Lose Australia’, Inside Story, https://insidestory.org.au/better-to-lose-australia (25 May 2021).

302. Roberts, Stalin’s Wars, p.267.

303. G. Roberts, ‘Why Roosevelt Was Right about Stalin’, History News Network, http://hnn.us/articles/36194.html (19 March 2007). For a radically different view of Stalin’s attitude to Roosevelt: R. H. McNeal, ‘Roosevelt through Stalin’s Spectacles’, International Journal, 18/2 (Spring 1963).

304. J. Stalin, Works, vol.10, Foreign Languages Publishing House: Moscow 1954 pp.141 ff.

305. RGASPI, F.558, Op.3, D.41, pp.82–4 of the article for the quotes marked by Stalin.

306. A. Girshfel’d, ‘O Roli SShA v Organizatsii Antisovetskoi Interventsii v Sibiri i na Dal’nem Vostoke’, Voprosy Istorii, 8 (August 1948) p.15 of the article for the Stalin notation.

307. Magnúsdóttir, Enemy Number One.


1. This chapter is focused on Stalin’s general attitudes to fictional literature. On his relations with individual Soviet writers, see: A. Kemp-Welch, Stalin and the Literary Intelligentsia, 1928–1939, St Martin’s Press: New York 1991; B. J. Boeck, Stalin’s Scribe: Literature, Ambition and Survival, Pegasus Books: New York 2019; Y. Gromov, Stalin: Iskusstvo i Vlast’, Eksmo: Moscow 2003; B. Frezinskii, Pisateli i Sovetskie Vozhdi, Ellis Lak: Moscow 2008; and B. Sarnov, Stalin i Pisateli, 4 vols, Eksmo: Moscow 2010–11.

2. A. Gromyko, Memories, Hutchinson: London 1989 p.101.

3. K. Clark et al. (eds), Soviet Culture and Power: A History in Documents, 1917–1953, Yale University Press: London & New Haven 2007 doc.18.