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military purge, (i)

Military-Revolutionary Committee, (i), (ii)

military science versus military art, (i)

Military Thought, (i)

Mints, I. I., (i), (ii)

Mishulin, A. V., (i)

Mitin, M. B., (i)

mobilisation, (i), (ii)

Mochalov, Vasily, (i), (ii), (iii)n46

Molotov, Vyacheslav: about, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n35; books in Stalin’s library by, (i); library of, (i); radio address of, (i); Short Biography and, (i); on Stalin, (i); trips of, (i), (ii)

Moltke, Helmuth von, (i)

Monist View of History, The (Plekhanov), (i)

Montefiore, Simon Sebag, (i), (ii)n34

Morozov, Grigory, (i), (ii), (iii)n16

Morte D’Arthur (Malory), (i)

Moscow, (i), (ii)

Moscow News, (i)

Moskalev, Mikhail, (i), (ii)n34

Mother (Gorky), (i)

movie-making, (i)

Mozg Armii (Shaposhnikov), (i), (ii), (iii)n25, (iv)n259

Münzenberg, Willi, (i)

‘Myth of the Beloved Leader, The’ exhibition, (i)

Napoleon, (i), (ii), (iii)

national anthem, (i)

national Bolshevism, (i)

nationalism, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

national self-determination, (i), (ii)

Naumov, Oleg, (i)

Nazis, (i), (ii), (iii)

Nazi-Soviet pact, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939–1941 (NSR), (i)

Nechkina, M. V., (i)

Neruda, Pablo, (i)

nervous collapse myth of Stalin, (i)

New Course, The (Trotsky), (i), (ii)n29

New Economic Policy (NEP): publishing and, (i); Stalin and, (i), (ii), (iii); Trotsky and, (i)

New Model Army, (i)

New Times, (i)

Nicholas II, (i), (ii), (iii)

Nicolson, Harold, (i)

Nietzsche, Friedrich, (i), (ii)n74

Nietzsche and Finance Capital (Leiteizen), (i)

Nikolaev, Leonid, (i)

Nikolaevsky, Boris, (i)

Nikonov, Vyacheslav, (i)n35

Nin, Andreas, (i)

Ninety-Three (Hugo), (i)

NKVD, (i), (ii), (iii)

Nobel Prize, (i), (ii)

non-party versus party writers, (i)

‘Not a step back!’ phrase, (i)

Obama, Barack, (i)

O’Conroy, Taid, (i)

‘Ode to Stalin’ (Neruda), (i)

Okhrana, (i), (ii), (iii)

Oktyabr’, (i)

Oktyabr’skaya Revolutsiya (Trotsky), (i)

‘On Party Policy in the Sphere of Literature’ resolution, (i)

On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (Stalin), (i)

On the History of the Bolshevik Organisations in Transcaucasia (Beria), (i)

On the Ideological and Tactical Foundations of Bolshevism (Ksenofontov), (i)

On the Vistula: Towards a History of the 1920 Campaign (Shaposhnikov), (i)

ontology, (i)

Onufrieva, Polina, (i)

On War (Clausewitz), (i)

Oprichnina, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Orbeli, Joseph, (i), (ii)n127

Orlov, Alexander, (i)

Osip, K., (i), (ii)n268, (iii)n270

Osnovy Inostrannogo Gosudarstvennogo Prava (Farberov), (i)

Ostrogorsky, Moisey, (i)

Our New Tasks (Trotsky), (i)

owl of Minerva metaphor, (i)

Palace of the Soviets, (i)

pamphlets, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Pankratova, A. M., (i)

Panova, Vera, (i)

paranoia, Stalin’s, (i)

party versus non-party writers, (i)

pathological theories of Stalin’s personality, (i)

patriotism, (i), (ii)

Pavlov, G. D., (i)

Pavlov, Ivan, (i)

Pavlov, Nikolai, (i), (ii)n127

Pavlov Institute of Physiology, (i)

‘People’s Library’, (i)

Perrie, Maureen, (i)

personal file series (lichnyi fond), (i), (ii), (iii)

personality cult of Stalin, (i), (ii)

Peter the Great, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Pilsudski, Józef, (i)

Piotrovsky, Boris, (i)

plagiariser, Stalin as a, (i)

Platonov, S. F., (i), (ii)

Platt, Kevin, (i)

play-writing, encouragement of, (i)

Plekhanov, Georgy, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Podorozhnyi, Nikolai, (i)

poetry, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

Pokrovsky, Mikhail, (i), (ii)

Poland, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Poletaev, A. A., (i)

political economy textbook, (i)

political violence, (i)

Polkovodets Kutuzov (Bragin), (i)

Pollock, Ethan, (i)

Polonsky, Rachel, (i)

pometki, Stalin’s see marked books in Stalin’s library

Pope, the, (i)

Poskrebyshev, Alexander, (i), (ii), (iii)n5

Pospelov, Pyotr, (i), (ii)

Possessed, The (Dostoevsky), (i)

Potemkin, Vladimir, (i), (ii)

POUM (Workers Party of Marxist Unification), (i)

praktik, (i), (ii)

Pravda: ‘Against Federalism’, (i); on Alliluyeva’s death, (i); biographies of Stalin and, (i), (ii), (iii); Falsifiers of History and, (i); films and, (i); Kennan and, (i); language and, (i); literature and, (i); The New Course and, (i); ‘Notebook on Clausewitz’ and, (i); science and, (i), (ii); Short Biography and, (i); on spies, (i); Stalin and, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); textbooks and, (i); Trotsky and, (i), (ii); Vipper and, (i)

Prawar, S. S., (i)n16

Prince, The (Machiavelli), (i)

prizes, Stalin’s, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

Problems of Leninism (Stalin), (i), (ii)

‘Proletarian Class and the Proletarian Party’ (Stalin), (i)

Proletarian culture, (i), (ii)n16

Proletarian Revolution and its Program, The (Kautsky), (i)

Proletarian socialism, (i)

Proletarskaya Revolutsiya, (i)

propaganda, anti-religious, (i)

Provisional Government, (i), (ii)

Provisional Polish Revolutionary Committee, (i)

public libraries, (i)

publishing industry, (i), (ii), (iii)

Pudovkin, Vsevolod, (i), (ii)

purges of libraries, (i)

Pushkin, Alexander, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n59

Putin, Vladimir, (i)n11

Pyatakov, Georgy, (i)

Qazbegi, Alexander, (i)

‘Question of the Stabilisation of Capitalism, The’ (Sten), (i)

Questions of History, (i)

Radek, Karl, (i), (ii)

RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers), (i), (ii)

Rayfield, Donald, (i), (ii), (iii)n35, (iv)n5, (v)n125

Razin, Yevgeny, (i)

Read, Chris, (i)

reading for the revolution, (i)

record collection of Stalin, (i), (ii)n48

Red Army: as a contemporary army, (i); Georgia and, (i); interwar years and, (i); medals of, (i); Poland campaign and, (i); purge of, (i); Russian Civil War and, (i); Shaposhnikov and, (i); size of, (i); Winter War and, (i)

Red Terror, (i), (ii)

‘Reflections on Stalin’s Markings in the Margins of Marxist Literature’ (Simonov), (i)

Religion and Socialism (Lunacharsky), (i)

religion and Stalin, (i), (ii)

Repin, Ilya, (i)

revivication of Stalin, (i)

revolutionary patriotism, (i), (ii)

Revolution Betrayed, The (Trotsky), (i)

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, (i), (ii), (iii)

Rieber, Alfred J., (i), (ii)

Right Opposition, (i), (ii), (iii)

Right to be Lazy, The (Lafargue), (i)

Robins, Raymond, (i)

Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), (i)

Rolland, Romain, (i), (ii)n66

Roman history, (i)

romanticism, (i), (ii)

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, (i), (ii), (iii)

Rosenthal, Richard S., (i)

Roskin, Grigory, (i), (ii)

Rossel, Charles, (i)

ROSTA questionnaire, (i)