as Central Committee secretary, 225, 500, 606
Kirov murder and, 205
regional party arrests and, 444
Stalin’s mealtime meetings with, 225
Anti-Comintern Pact, 355–57, 539, 557, 581–82, 596, 655, 665, 667, 677, 687–88
anti-intellectualism, Stalin’s denunciation of, 571
anti-Semitism, 238, 266–67, 307, 430, 557, 559, 582, 589, 597–98
Antonescu, Ion, 788, 798, 853, 876, 889
Antonov-Ovseyenko, Vladimir, 334, 380, 467
“Appeal to All Members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)” (Ryutin), 104
Aragon, Louis, 255
Aral Sea, 692
“Architect of Socialist Society, The” (Radek), 155
Arctic Sea, 711
Ardennes, 766, 767
Arkhangelsk, 739, 740
armaments commissariat, 727
Armenia, 138, 354, 502, 504, 516, 517, 542, 773
army, German, see Reichswehr; Wehrmacht
army, Soviet, see Red Army
Aron, Raymond, 760
artels, 35–36
Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 262
Artuzov, Artur, 24, 91, 158, 222, 377, 378
appointed deputy chief of military intelligence, 172
arrest of, 413
Uritsky’s rivalry with, 252–53
“Aryan,” see Scheliha, Rudolf von
Association of Proletarian Writers, 152, 153
Astakhov, Georgy, 631–32, 646, 654, 655, 664
German annexation of, 240–41, 292, 558–60, 598, 888
1937 putsch in, 556
Austria-Hungary, xv
aviation commissariat, 737–38
Axis pact, 809–10, 811
Bulgaria in, 847
Germany, Japan, and Italy in formation of, 792–93
Hungary in, 811–12, 829, 847
proposed Soviet inclusion in, 797, 799, 808–9, 813, 815–16, 817–19, 820, 831, 835
Romania in, 812, 829, 847
Slovakia in, 812, 829, 847
Stalin’s conditions for joining, 813, 818, 820, 831
Yugoslavia in, 847, 850
Azerbaijan, 138, 190, 354, 502, 518, 773
Babel, Isaac, 181, 255, 635, 740, 788
Bagirov, Mircafar, 139, 502, 503, 504, 520
Baikal, Lake, 644
Baku, 504, 739–40, 762
Baldwin, Stanley, 255, 317
Balkans, 796, 798, 799, 837, 840
Churchill’s concern about, 777
conflicting Soviet and German interests in, 814–15, 816, 831
German invasion of, 889
Baltic Fleet, Soviet, 703, 710, 711
Baltic Sea, 703, 707, 876
Baltic special military district, 779
Baltic states, 92, 614
anti-Soviet fifth column in, 774–75
British relations with, 655
denunciations encouraged in, 772
deportations in, 772
German-Soviet Pact and, 651, 652, 654, 659
pro-German sentiment in, 655
single-candidate elections in, 772
Soviet annexation of, 772, 776, 819, 829
Soviet demand for guarantees of territorial integrity of, 634, 647–48
Soviet demand for mutual assistance pact with, 693
in Soviet war planning, 290
Stalin’s fear of invasion from, 27, 50, 54, 84, 613, 647
Triple Alliance proposal and, 633, 634, 638, 639, 647–48
Balytsky, Vsevolod, 39, 77, 78, 79, 103, 162, 168, 344, 431–32, 449
Balzac, Honoré, 231
Bank of England, 616
banks, failures of, 85–86
Barbarossa, Operation, see Germany, Nazi, Soviet invasion preparations of
Barbusse, Henri, 1, 155, 263
Stalin as depicted by, 225–26
Barcelona, Spain, 408
Basques, 312, 407, 411
Bavarian Soviet Republic, xiii
Baidukov, Georgy, 425, 451
Beck, Józef, 568, 596–97, 615, 620, 634, 638
Beck, Ludwig, 168, 222, 257, 287, 291, 559, 567
Bedny, Demyan (Yefim Pridvoroy), 169, 332
Stalin’s relationship with, 150–51
survived the terror, 545–46
Belgium, 678, 766
German invasion of, 763
see also Low Countries
Belgrade, 847
Belorussia, 180, 772–73
anti-Soviet fifth column in, 774–75
ethnic Poles in, 211
famine in, 98
Polish territory annexed by, 689, 716
Belyakov, Alexander, 425, 451
Beneš, Edvard, 61–62, 252, 561, 562, 565, 567, 572
Berezhkov, Valentin, 799, 872
Berezina River, 340
Berghof, 585, 633, 642, 661, 664, 666
Beria, Lavrenti:
accusations against, 541, 589
arrests and executions ordered by, 502, 508–9, 513, 515
Blyukher’s death and, 549–50, 578
charisma of, 502
civil-war-era career of, 510–11
cruelty of, 549, 889
dachas of, 502, 605–6
elevated to Central Committee, 162
Georgian artists and writers controlled by, 511–12
and German invasion plans, 795, 876, 880, 894
Gulag labor as responsibility of, 692
industrial output and, 231
as inner circle member, 501, 526, 548
Khrushchev’s relationship with, 501, 520–21
Lakoba’s rivalry with, 139, 141, 142, 237, 504–6, 508
and Litvinov investigation, 626
lobbying for resources to Georgia by, 513–14
loyalty cultivated by, 549
Mekhlis’s criticisms of, 508, 509
Molotov’s rivalry with, 550, 692
and murder of Radek, 637
as NKVD deputy head, 541–42, 543, 547–48
as NKVD head, 588–89, 595, 605
NKVD powerbase of, 550, 588–89
in NKVD arrests, 588
Polish POWs and, 744–45
and rebuilding of Soviet intelligence, 589
Red Army reports of, 731
rise of, 139–41
showcase trials staged by, 515–16
South Caucasus controlled by, 501–4, 505, 506, 507, 512
Stalin biography project of, 154, 214, 260, 301
Stalin’s correspondence with, 513–14, 515–16, 518
Stalin’s relationship with, 511, 512–13, 546, 548, 550, 605–6
Stalin’s similarities to, 501
Trotsky assassination and, 610–12, 617, 764, 787
Vlasik’s rivalry with, 526
Winter War and, 725, 735, 739
and Yezhov investigation, 618–20
Yezhov’s power struggle with, 509, 542
bombing of, 791, 808, 809, 811, 818
Chancellery complex in, 585
Molotov’s visit to, 805–9, 811, 815, 818
1936 Olympics in, 326
Stalin’s 1907 visit to, xv
Berling, Zygmunt, 795, 838
Berlings, Orests (“Lycée-ist”), 804, 807, 823, 852, 873, 876, 880
Berzin, Jan Pēter Ķuzis, 172, 338, 382, 405, 454
reappointed head of military intelligence, 423
Stalin’s correspondence with, 406
Bessarabia, 17, 563, 694, 773, 786, 853
Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93
Soviet occupation of, 773–74, 776, 777
Bessonov, Sergei, 246, 275, 291
Bismarck, Otto von, 61, 339, 558–59, 598, 643, 791–92, 814, 886, 906
Bismarck (battleship), 255, 598, 703, 764
Black Sea, 311, 702, 703, 794, 796, 813, 819, 831
Black Sea Fleet, Soviet, 702–3
blitzkrieg, 767, 894, 904
Blokhin, Vasily, 424, 742
Blomberg, Werner von, 49, 473, 474, 475
Blum, Léon, 317, 318, 320, 329, 357, 363, 458
Blunt, Anthony, 222, 656, 800, 836
Blyukher, Vasily, 30–31, 420, 424, 456, 531, 533
accusations against, 527, 529, 537, 547
arrest and fatal beating of, 549–50, 578, 893
drinking by, 529
as Red Army marshal, 272
relieved of Far Eastern command, 547
and Soviet incursion in Manchukuo, 535–36, 537–38, 540, 547
Voroshilov’s dislike of, 412–13
Bodenschatz, Karl, 631, 675
Bogdanov, L. T., 141–42
Bohlen, Charles, 480–81, 666
Bolshakov, Ivan, 789, 795
Bolshevik Revolution, xi, 174, 489, 522
twentieth anniversary of, 467–69, 470
Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, see Communism
German, 351, 678, 755
Soviet, 99, 101, 265, 338, 346, 351, 567, 820, 856
Boris III, king of Bulgaria, 811, 812, 889