Kirov murder and, 205, 209
letters to wife from, 786
mass executions authorized by, 542
Mongolian border clashes and, 644
on Nikolayev, 207
Orjonikidze’s eulogy delivered by, 385
as proposed replacement for Rykov, 53, 56, 64
and proposed Soviet inclusion in Axis powers, 813, 831
replaced as head of government, 863
Schulenburg’s meetings with, 898
self-assurance of, 625–26
and severing of Finnish relations, 722
and Soviet invasion of Poland, 681, 683–84
Spanish civil war and, 381
Stalin’s correspondence with, 24, 25–26, 31, 32, 47, 48–49, 50, 53, 58, 84, 100, 189, 262, 266–67, 268–69
Stalin’s criticisms of, 863, 865
on Stalin’s drive for self-improvement, 495
on Stalin’s friendship with Kirov, 134
Stalin’s mealtime meetings with, 211, 225
Stalin’s relationship with, 237, 624, 625–26
on Stalin’s view of Hitler, 822
on Stalin’s work ethic, 892
terror campaign and, 429, 624
on third Five-Year plan goals, 606–7
and Triple Alliance proposal, 633, 634, 639, 647–49, 653, 656
Winter War and, 746
Yezhov’s threatening of, 500
Yugoslavia and, 848
Molotov, Zhemchuzhina, 193, 274, 593, 692
Molotovsk shipyard, 703
Moltke, Count Helmuth von (the Elder), xiv
Moltke, Hans-Adolf von, 221, 596
Mongolia, Inner, 125, 233–34
Mongolia, Outer (Mongolia People’s Republic), 83, 88, 98, 125, 234, 287, 366, 456, 458–59, 485, 557, 737, 852
army of, 196
in border clashes with Manchukuo, 455–56, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644–45, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902
Japanese attack on frontier post of, 277
lamas in, 147, 195, 277, 278, 309, 462
mass arrests and executions in, 482
military budget of, 277, 278, 280
NEPmen in, 147
Red Army troops in, 197, 280, 461, 644, 650–51, 653, 667–68
reversal of party policy in, 97
showcase trials in, 461, 462
Soviet nonaggression pact with, 196–97
as Soviet puppet state, 147–48, 195, 289
Stalin’s concerns about, 147–48, 195
Stalin’s forgiveness of debt of, 196
Stalin’s mass arrests in, 460–61
uprisings in, 97
Mongolian People’s Party, 147, 737
Moravia, 774
Morocco, Franco in, 314–15
antiaircraft defenses of, 889
famine in, 112
food rationing in, 16
mass terror in, 520
May 1 celebrations in, 246–48, 290
Napoleon’s occupation of, 888
Moscow, 1937 (Feuchtwanger), 416–17
Moscow Artists’ Union, 284
Moscow Art Theater, 148, 150, 151, 284, 404, 552
Moscow International Film Festival (1975), 230
Moscow metro, Stalin’s ride on, 234–35, 250–51
Moscow-Volga Canal, Gulag labor force of, 404
Mosfilm, 422
Moskvin, Ivan, 224, 593
Motherland (Wasilewska), 789
Mukden, Manchuria, 30, 83, 457
Mukhina, Vera, 411, 853
Munich, 597
Munich Beer Halclass="underline"
attempted assassination of Hitler in, 700–701, 720
failed putsch in, xiv, 559, 867
Munich Pact, 565–66, 567, 572, 574–75, 592, 609, 674, 699, 763
Stalin and, 578, 579
Murmansk, 133, 739, 740, 748
Musavat counterintelligence, 510, 511, 589
music, 283
socialist realism and, 183–84
Stalin’s interest in, 594
Mussolini, Benito, 189, 210, 285, 292, 298, 317, 318, 329, 350, 525, 565, 767, 814, 816, 838, 849, 889
and German invasion of Poland, 676–77, 678
Hitler’s relationship with, 555–56, 559, 561, 798
and Spanish civil war, 398–99, 406
My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography (Trotsky), 62, 540
Myussera, Abkhazia, Stalin’s dacha in, 505
Mzechabuki (ballet), 506
Nabokov, Vladimir, 550
Naggiar, Paul-Émile, 633, 649
Nakhichevan, 518
Nanking (Nanjing), 321, 359, 360, 367
Japanese capture and massacre of, 470
Napoleon I, emperor of France, 690, 888
Narew River, 684, 686
Nasedkin, Alexei, 453–54
Nationalists, Chinese, 17, 29, 83
in civil war with Communists, 262, 277, 321, 359–60, 367, 805
Mao’s offer of negotiations with, 330
massacre of Communists by, 30
northern China abandoned by, 743
proposed Japanese alliance with, 233
Soviet aid to, 459, 470, 471, 530, 535
Soviet relations with, 29–30, 114, 557
in united front with Communists, 277, 362, 364, 379, 458, 459, 470, 539
in war with Japan, see China, Japanese war with
mass terror campaign against, 453–54, 476
Stalin’s view of, 7
National People’s Party, German, 120
National Unity Camp, 688
navy, German, 473, 876
navy, Soviet, 702–3, 704
Nazis, Nazism, xiii
anti-Bolshevism of, 175, 473
Communist Party compared with, 287, 697
as dismayed by German-Soviet Pact, 673
in 1930 election, 53
rise of, 118–19, 129
Stalin’s misunderstanding of, 557
Near Dacha:
accommodations at, 165, 524–25
secrecy of, 164–65
Stalin’s fifty-sixth birthday celebration at, 277–78
as Stalin’s principal residence, 163
Near East, 752, 796, 800, 808
German “peripheral strategy” for, 784, 791, 798, 802, 815, 835, 837–38, 849, 872, 896, 905
Negrín, Juan, 347, 380
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir, 148, 404
NEPmen (private traders), 12
in Mongolia, 147
Stalin’s suppression of, 72
Netherlands, 766
general mobilization of, 678
German invasion of, 763
see also Low Countries
Neurath, Konstantin von, 292, 402, 473, 628
Nevsky, Alexander, 751
New Economic Policy (NEP), 9–10, 14, 15, 17
New Forms of Combat (Isserson), 826
New Moscow (Pimenov), 607
New York Stock Exchange, 32
Nicholas I, tsar of Russia, 246
Nicholas II, tsar of Russia, 267, 436, 485
abdication of, xi, 301
Night of the Long Knives, 174–75, 221
Nikolayev, Leonid:
childhood of, 197
diary of, 199–200, 203
Draule’s marriage to, 197–98
Kirov murdered by, see Kirov, Sergei, murder of
party expulsion of, 198, 204, 206, 236
quarrelsome nature of, 198
Stalin’s interrogation of, 207–8
workplace problems of, 198, 204
Nikolayev shipyard, 702–3
Nikonov, Alexander, 413, 454–55
Nin, Andreu, 335, 364
assassination of, 410, 425, 534
Nizhny Novgorod, see Gorky
NKGB (state security commissariat), 840, 846, 850, 891, 908
analytical department lacked by, 841
counterintelligence of, 873–74
evacuation of German and Italian embassies reported by, 887
German disinformation campaign and, 878
NKVD (internal affairs commissariat):
arrests in, 376, 379, 393–94, 405, 415–16, 434, 450, 471, 522, 528, 588–89, 595, 603
awards and pay raises for, 451, 472
Beria as head of, 550, 588–89, 595, 605
decline in mass arrests by, 190, 286
at February 1937 Central Committee plenum, 386, 389
foreign intelligence operations of, see intelligence, Soviet
Franco assassination attempts by, 409
Georgians in, 588
German agents captured by, 857
given co-oversight of Kremlin investigation, 229
and hunt for “hidden enemies,” 325, 391
introduction of formal ranks in, 272
investigation of excessive arrests by, 578
Jews and minorities expelled from, 522, 588
Kirov murder and, see Kirov, Sergei, murder of