Kremlin personnel investigated by, see Kremlin Affair
Leningrad branch of, 202, 203–4, 207, 219, 220, 229, 236, 540
mass arrests and executions by, 294, 319, 452–53, 486, 487, 488
mass arrests of foreign agents of, 497, 498–500
Medved as head of Leningrad branch of, 193–94
NKGB separated from, 840
OGPU replaced by, 176–77
Operational Order No. 00447 of, 452
party terror and, 475
Red Army investigated by, 222, 357
in release of prisoners from Yezhov-era roundups, 618
and Sedov’s death, 476
Siberia branch of, 194
in Spanish civil war, 339, 408, 410, 425
spying charges against, 528
“spy mania” arrests by, 486, 487, 488
supposed coup plot in, 391
swollen ranks of, 497–98
torture employed by, 190, 595
Trotsky assassination attempts by, 368
Trotskyites arrested by, 279–80, 294, 319
Trotsky surveilled by, 322–23
twentieth anniversary of, 471
writers’ union surveilled by, 182, 185
Yagoda as head of, 176, 272, 436, 523, 527
Yagodaites eliminated from, 415
Yezhov as head of, 344–45, 392, 415, 437, 449, 451, 471, 498, 521–22, 540–42, 618
Yezhovites eliminated from, 578, 588, 619
Yezhov loyalists in, 499
Yezhov’s resignation as head of, 587
Yezhov’s review of, 229
Nomonhan, 644
battles at, 645, 650–51, 683
nonaggression pacts:
Stalin’s desire for, 88–89
see also specific pacts
Non-Intervention Agreement, 327, 329, 330, 337, 342, 346, 347
Non-Intervention Committee, 339, 347
North Caucasus, 107, 112–13, 122, 128
party purges in, 112, 114
Northern Fleet, Soviet, 133, 703
Norway, 763
German occupation of, 762–63, 889
Trotsky in, 327, 368, 610
Novokuznetsk, 190
Nuremberg, Nazi Party Congress in, 266–67
Nuremberg laws, 266
Odessa, 13, 146, 774
Odessa military district, 779
OGPU, 35, 50, 51, 54, 89, 94, 95, 97, 117, 908
Beria’s career in, 140
collectivization and, 38, 39, 41–42
dekulakization and, 36, 37, 74–75
famine and, 122, 130
foreign directorate of, 172
1931 shakeup in, 79, 80
peasant deportations and, 125
power struggles in, 22–24, 78–79, 80
Red Army investigated by, 76–77, 84
replaced by NKVD, 176
Trotsky smuggled out of Russia by, 12–13
wrecking investigations of, 57
Okhotsk, Sea of, 133
okhranka, 436
Olberg, Valentin, 279–80
Olsky, Jan (Kulikowski), 56, 78
Olympics of 1936 (Berlin), 326
“On Anti-Soviet Elements” resolution, 450
“On Certain Cunning Techniques of Recruitment by Foreign Intelligence” (Pravda article), 486
One-Story America (Ilf and Petrov), 285–86, 404
“On the Hills of Manchuria” (Shatrov), 209
On the History of the Bolshevik Organization in the South Caucasus (Beria), 503
On the Nature of Absolutism (Vorovsky), 493
On the Road to Thermidor (Besedovsky), 294
Open Letter to Members of the Bolshevik Party, An (Trotsky), 787
opera, Stalin’s love of, 594
oprichnina, 465–66
Orakhelashvili, Mamiya, 140, 141, 264, 358, 508, 515
Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), 437, 610
orgburo, 66, 162, 224, 225, 507, 907
Orjonikidze, Papuliya, 348, 504
Orjonikidze, Sergo, 12, 20, 26, 29, 36, 39, 46, 49, 55, 57, 58, 65, 73, 86, 136, 140, 141, 159, 162, 209, 212, 231, 264, 273, 278, 308, 314, 345, 362, 373, 386, 396
appointed head of Supreme Council of the Economy, 66
funeral of, 385
as heavy industry commissar, 262, 278, 314, 320, 323–24, 325, 348, 371, 383–84
“hidden enemies” campaign resisted by, 323–24, 325
illnesses and failing health of, 123, 197, 324, 348, 350
as inner circle member, 162, 197, 262, 386, 526, 548
Kaganovich’s friendship with, 386, 500
as key to survival of Stalin dictatorship, 69
Kirov murder and, 205, 206, 209
Lakoba’s friendship with, 137
military budget cuts and, 101
popularity of, 325–26, 501
posthumous vilification of, 508–9
and proposed replacement of Rykov, 56
Stalin’s correspondence with, 54, 82, 98, 337
Stalin’s friendship with, 111, 133, 237
Stalin’s meetings with, 211, 384
Stalin’s plenum attack on, 358
suicide of, 384–86, 428, 443, 526
torture and confession of, 371
Orjonikidze, Zinaida, 324, 384, 506
Orlov, Alexander (Leiba Feldbein), 339, 347, 349, 351, 382, 410, 524, 534
Orlova, Lyubov, 216, 217, 293, 593, 795, 853, 854
Orwell, George, 410–11
Ōshima, Hiroshi, 485, 640, 855
Oslo, Trotsky in, 322
Osten, Maria, 363, 460
Ott, Eugen, 221, 356, 640, 650, 791, 874–76, 890
Ozaki, Hotsumi, 667–68, 851, 874
Paasikivi, Juho Kusti, 710–11, 712, 713, 715, 717, 718, 719, 723, 747
Paasonen, Aladár, 710, 711
Pacific Fleet, Soviet, 703
Packard automobiles, Stalin’s preference for, 164
Pact of Steel, 632–34, 639
foreign sale of “bourgeois” artworks in, 184
Industry of Socialism exhibition of, 607
socialist realism in, 184
see also culture, Soviet
German occupation of, 765
Hitler’s tour of, 769–70
1937 International Exhibition in, 411
Party Card (film), 293–94
Party Construction, 34
Pascua, Marcelino, 381
Passov, Zelman, 575–76
passports, internal system of, 115
Pasternak, Boris, 169, 181–82, 183, 184, 186, 255, 277, 326, 416, 481
Stalin’s call to, 170
Patolichev, Nikolai, 846–47
Pauker, Karl, 109, 165, 228, 344–45, 526, 618
arrest of, 393
in fabricated coup plots, 397
Kirov murder and, 205
Paulus, Friedrich von, 21, 820
Paustovsky, Konstantin, 289–90
Pavlov, Dmitry, 757, 877
Pavlov, Karp, 598–99
Pavlov, Vladimir, 628, 864
Pavlunovsky, Ivan, 140, 511
peasant revolution, 9, 10
anticollectivization protests by, 27, 29, 38–39, 41–42, 68
dekulakization of, see dekulakization
executions of, 131
in flight from collectives, 93, 99, 101, 117
grain procurements from, see grain procurements
internal incarceration and deportation of, 131
suspension of mass deportations of, 125
working class and, 369
see also collectives; collectivization
Peculiar Penguins (cartoon), 230
Pegov, Nikolai, 541
Peking (Beijing), 125, 233, 457–58
Peredelkino dacha colony, 177, 178
Permanent Revolution (Trotsky), 540
Persian Gulf, 813
Peshkov, Maxim, 177, 296
Pétain, Philippe, 315, 767, 889
Hitler’s meeting with, 798, 815
Peter I, “the Great,” tsar of Russia, 465, 466, 751
Peter the First (Tolstoy), 185
Peter the Great (Tolstoy), 853
Peterson, Rudolf, 205, 228, 397
Peter the First (film), 466
Petropavlovsk (cruiser), 764
Petrovsky, Hryhory, 99, 605
Petsamo, Finland, 710, 711, 714, 718
Philby, Harold “Kim,” 221–22, 656, 725, 800, 836
and attempted assassination of Franco, 409
Phipps, Eric, 167–68
Hitler’s meeting with, 275–76
Picasso, Pablo, 411
Pieck, Wilhelm, 189, 259, 401–2
Pike, Operation, 762