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in Manchurian invasion, 30–31

maneuvers of, 188, 265–66, 340–41

mechanized units of, 727, 755, 758, 860–61

modernization of, 20–21, 95, 99, 100–101, 131, 188, 223, 265–66, 270, 290, 297, 299, 352, 860–61, 862–63, 892

in Mongolia, 197, 644, 650–51, 653, 667–68

1938 partial mobilization of, 567, 568–69, 578

1941 war games of, 829–30

NKVD investigation of, 222, 357

NKVD troops deployed to block retreat of, 731, 749

OGPU investigation of, 76–77, 84

outdated and inadequate equipment of, 21, 101

paratroopers in, 265–66

preemptive attack on Poland considered by, 245

promotions in, 759

purge of party members in, 411

scale of, 391, 437–38, 603

reinstatement of officers in, 781

reorganization of, 820

September 1939 mobilization of, 681

Stalin’s order for buildup of, 91–92, 98

supposed Trotskyite-Zinovievite conspiracy in, 396

supposed wreckers in, 21–22, 51, 64

tanks and armored vehicles of, 188, 265–66, 290, 755, 839, 857, 861, 893

Timoshenko’s reform of, 758–59

troop strength of, 188, 223, 251, 290, 820, 843–44, 892

Trotsky as head of, 397

Tukhachevsky’s plan and, 91

Tukhachevsky trial and, 422–24

weaknesses of, 534, 563, 871, 893

Western border buildup of, 842–43, 871, 881–82, 894

Winter War casualties of, 748–49

see also military, Soviet; Soviet Far Eastern Army

Red Army, Chinese, 458

Redens, Stanisław, 79, 102, 108, 140, 272–73, 742

Red Guards, 704

Red International of Labor Unions, 335

Reichstag fire, 120, 142–43

Reichswehr, 21, 93, 119, 174

see also Wehrmacht

Reizen, Mark, 595, 853

religion, Stalin’s loathing for, 3, 87

Repin, Ilya, 246–47, 465

Respondek, Erwin, 854–55

Return from the U.S.S.R. (Gide), 416

Revolution Betrayed, The (Trotsky), 328, 335, 787

Reznikov, Boris, 57–58

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 255, 355, 569, 584, 613, 628, 629, 632–33, 636, 639, 640, 650, 673, 676, 677, 731, 752, 805, 838, 842

as Anglophobe, 643

on Axis pact, 793

and evacuation of German embassy in Moscow, 879

and German invasion of USSR, 858, 859

German-Soviet Pact favored by, 642–43, 647, 651, 654

in German-Soviet Pact negotiations, 659, 660–61, 662–65

and Hitler-Stalin Pact, 678, 679, 680, 685–86

Molotov invited to Berlin by, 794, 797, 798–99, 803

and Molotov’s Berlin visit, 806, 808–9

and revision of German-Soviet Pact, 693–94, 695

Soviet inclusion in Axis pact proposed by, 797, 799, 808–9, 817–18, 820, 835

Stalin’s meeting with, 664

Riefenstahl, Leni, 266

Riga, Treaty of (1920), 689

rightists, right deviation, 22, 24, 39, 52, 57, 64, 79, 103, 156, 387, 389, 394, 413, 420, 429, 430, 478, 515

accused of plotting coup, 253, 254

in Communist Party, 14, 28–29, 43–44, 46, 50, 54, 61

mass arrests and torture of, 391

and supposed Trotskyite conspiracies, 253, 254, 309, 331, 357, 476, 480

“Rise and Development of Bolshevik Organization in the South Caucasus, The” (Beria), 260

Rivera, Diego, 368

Rodos, Boris, 548–49

Röhm, Ernst, 175

Rokossowski, Konstanty, 759–60

Rolland, Romain, 295

Stalin’s meeting with, 256–57

Romania, 17, 62, 89, 92, 93, 168, 485, 557, 563, 687, 694, 791, 802, 889

Antonescu coup in, 788

in Axis pact, 812, 829, 847

Bessarabia in, see Bessarabia

Chamberlain’s guarantee of independence of, 616

German alliance with, 774

German occupation of, 796, 797, 798, 808

German troops in, 820

interwar dictatorship of, 430

mobilization of, 894

oil fields in, 774, 786, 796, 817

in plans for Soviet invasion, 876, 877

Polish alliance with, 158

as pro-German, 596, 613

proposed Triple Alliance as concern to, 622

Soviet relations with, 613

Stalin’s fear of invasion by, 50, 54, 84, 239

standing army of, 112

territory ceded by, 787–88

USSR recognized by, 173

war preparations in, 735

Wehrmacht in, 828, 837, 853

Rome, Soviet spies in, 241

Romm, Mikhail, 467, 617, 853

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 146, 263, 630, 778, 833, 834, 882

and Congress’s blocking of Soviet loans, 167

Lend-Lease agreement and, 843

Nazi attacks on Jews criticized by, 598

Soviet rapprochement sought by, 144–45

Rosenberg, Alfred, 158, 168, 673, 883

Rosenberg, Marcel, 334, 347, 380–81

Rosenholz, Arkady (Rozengolts), 56, 259

Rostov, 499

Rostov Agricultural Engineering Works, 41

Royal Air Force, 591, 794

losses of, 780

Royal Navy, 591, 653, 783

Rozenfeld, Nina, 228, 232, 253

Rudzutaks, Jānis, 49, 113, 116, 419

Ruslan and Lyudmila (Glinka), 404

Russia, tsarist:

famine of 1891–92 in, 127

grain exports by, 127

pogroms in, 267

Stalin’s selective embrace of culture of, 282

Stalin’s views on, 73–74, 468

weak central government of, 297

in World War I, xv

Russian All-Military Union, 322, 437

Russian Association of Proletarian Writers, 132, 151

Russian civil war, 594, 627, 703, 718, 726, 754–55

Russian language, teaching of, 467

Russians, ethnic, as first among equals in USSR, 281–82

Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party, 447

Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR), 113, 138, 354

criminal code of, 176

Russo-Japanese War (1904–5), 70, 261

Rustaveli, Shota, 511, 516–17

Rustaveli Theater, 511–12

Rybachy Peninsula, 711, 714, 725

Rykov, Alexei, 12, 15–16, 20, 22, 26, 29, 45, 162, 331, 344, 389, 430, 437, 515

accusation of treason against, 386, 387, 476

arrest of, 443

dismissed as head of government, 65

expelled from politburo, 65, 68

at February 1937 Central Committee plenum, 387

interrogations of, 336, 387

press slander of, 359

proposed replacement of, 53–54, 55, 64

Stalin’s enmity toward, 53–54, 59, 68

trial of, 478

Ryskulov, Turar, 122, 387

Ryutin, Martemyan, 70, 192, 464

arrest of, 105

in call for Stalin’s removal, 212

execution of, 477

prison sentence of, 107

Stalin dictatorship attacked by, 103–5, 107, 303, 308, 477–78

SA (Sturmabteilung; Brownshirts), 119, 174

Saakadze, Giorgi, 795–96

Sakhalin, 805, 811, 813, 851

Salazar, António de Oliveira, 315–16

Samarkand, 138

Samokhin, Alexander, 831, 842

Sanjurjo, José, 315–16

San River, 684, 686, 693

Sats, Natalya, 292, 412, 445

Schacht, Hjalmar, 246, 257, 259, 271–72, 275, 279, 291, 366, 373, 402

Scheliha, Rudolf von (“Aryan”), 220, 646, 651, 659, 699, 700, 735, 810, 828–29, 836, 837, 840, 842, 848, 880, 883

Schnurre, Karl, 631, 633, 654, 660, 830, 869

Scholl, Erwin, 875–76

Schulenburg, Werner von der, 251, 272, 347, 481, 609, 637, 639, 640, 647, 664, 681, 695, 717, 720, 724, 731, 752, 763, 790, 794, 799, 848

in attempts to avoid German-Soviet war, 794, 858, 864, 865, 866, 868–69, 872, 880, 897–98

and German invasion of Poland, 684

and German-Soviet Pact, 655, 659, 660, 661, 663–64, 679, 685

Molotov’s meetings with, 898

and planned invasion of USSR, 863–64

and proposed Soviet inclusion in Axis powers, 813, 831

on Soviet distrust of Germany, 673

and Soviet invasion of Poland, 683

Schulze-Boysen, Harro (“Elder”), 221, 837, 846, 856, 859, 864, 878, 879, 883

Schweisguth, Victor-Henri, 340–41, 357