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I woke up still feeling slightly exhausted from the previous day, but I didn’t have any dead guys pounding on my door, so I was content. I couldn’t remember dreaming at all, so I took that as another sign that today would be a better day. In fact, I started to think the only reason I was drawn to Chase in the first place was because the power in my blood recognized the power in his. He was like me. That didn’t mean I liked him. And maybe he didn’t even really like me. Maybe he was only drawn to my power.

I got out of bed with a smile on my face. Things were starting to make sense again, starting to look better. Maybe Chase and I would be able to figure out how to combine our powers and get the other Ophi to join us. Be a real family. And more importantly, keep off Hades’ radar.

Alex was waiting for me by the stairs. I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck.

“I guess you’re feeling better this morning,” he said.

“Good as new, and I think I’ve figured things out. I’ve got an idea. One that might convince a few more Ophi to come here and join us.”

Over breakfast I told Alex and the others all about my plan. “So, here’s what I’m thinking. Chase seems to have different powers than other Ophi. Stronger powers. Kind of like me. That’s good news for us.”

Leticia and Randy turned to Chase, looking him over with jealousy in their eyes. They were both still struggling with their powers, and now here was another Ophi with more abilities than them.

“What did you have in mind, Jodi?” Tony sipped his coffee.

Even Arianna had stopped fussing over the food and sat down. “Have you seen evidence of these powers Chase has?”

“Yes. Last night, something terrible happened.” I looked at Leticia. She’d begged us not to tell Tony and Arianna what had happened, and since I hadn’t wanted to deal with any more drama either, I had made the others agree. “I think an attack was made on Leticia.”

“An attack?” Leticia looked horrified. Clearly, she hadn’t considered this was a possibility.

I nodded. “I hate to admit this, but I think Hades is purposely trying to make me screw up. Do something he can deem as a deal breaker so he can come after me.”

“You think Hades did that to me?” Leticia’s voice cracked.

“I don’t know how else to explain it. You just started choking. On nothing.”

Leticia shook her head, still not believing this. “I thought it was the popcorn or something.”

“You really think a popcorn kernel could take down an Ophi?” Alex asked.

I knew Alex was trying to help, but Leticia was sensitive. She wasn’t going to respond to jokes. “Leticia, I think Hades came after you to get to me.” I looked around the table. “I’m afraid he might come after all of you.” My eyes lingered on Alex.

“So, we need to be ready,” Alex said.

“Yes, and here’s how.” I got up and walked over to Chase. I took a deep breath and reached my hand out to him.

Chase looked at Alex and smiled before taking my hand. “Don’t get too excited,” Alex said. “She’s only demonstrating a point.”

I closed my eyes and felt the surge of power between us. My hair danced like a gentle breeze was blowing it. Even without seeing him, I knew Chase felt it, too. I didn’t want it to go too far, not with Alex and the others staring at us. Last night the connection between us had been… well, more than PG rated. I wasn’t ready for the others to witness that. I let go of Chase’s hand.

“When we form a connection, I can feel Chase’s power. Like it’s communicating with my blood.”

Tony wrinkled his forehead. “I’ve heard of this, but it’s very rare. It’s almost like when you connect with the Medusa statue.” He said it more as a statement than a question.

“You could say that, and that’s exactly why I think we can use this combination of power. When I connect with Medusa, I get an energy boost. I’m stronger. It’s what allowed me to bring Abby back before I even really knew how.” I remembered the day Abby tried to prove she was as strong as me. She’d held both of Medusa’s hands and died for it. Even though she was the last person I’d wanted to help, I couldn’t let her die because of me. I had asked Medusa to help me bring her back. Which only made Abby hate me more.

“Whoa,” Chase said. “I knew you could bring Ophi back and all, but you did it without any training?”

I shook my head. “Having Medusa help me was better than any training.”

“Yeah, you brought Alex back no problem after Troy—” Leticia’s eyes widened when she saw the look on Alex’s face. She shoved a piece of toast in her mouth and looked away.

“You were dead?” Chase asked. “And wait, isn’t Troy your father? Uncle Mason told me you’re Victoria and Troy’s kid, only they don’t openly admit it.”

Alex gripped the edge of the table, and for a second I thought he was going to lose it. How could Chase say those things? I was about to defend Alex when he stood up.

“You know what, Chase? I think you’re jealous because Jodi cared enough to save me. She gave her blood to bring me back.” He pulled up his sleeve and leaned across the table to shove his forearm in Chase’s face. “Her blood is in my veins.”

Chase swatted Alex’s arm away and stood up.

“Enough!” Tony yelled. “Don’t you two understand we may be at war soon? A war against Hades? How do you expect us to defeat a god when you two can’t even be civil around one another?”

I walked around the table and stood at Alex’s side. “Please. This isn’t helping.” I rubbed his arm, trying to calm him.

His expression softened at my touch. He leaned down and lightly kissed me. “I’ll be fine. Morning training will burn off some energy, and I’ll be good to go.”

I didn’t feel like eating anymore, so Alex and I headed to the cemetery. Leticia and Randy followed, which left Chase alone with Tony and Arianna. I knew they’d have a few things to say to Chase about the comments he’d made. The topic of Victoria and Troy was pretty much off-limits. It was an unspoken rule around here, and I knew Tony would make sure Chase was aware of it.

The air was crisp, and I filled my lungs with it. Since I had come into my powers, I was usually hot, thanks to my blood boiling in my veins to mix both sides of my powers. I welcomed the cool air on my skin.

Alex draped his arm around my shoulders. “What should we start with today?”

“Well, Randy is pretty good with raising one soul at a time, but he really needs more practice with raising multiple souls. I was thinking I could work with him, and you could help Leticia maintain her focus so she stops losing control over her corpses.”

“You got it.”

“Hey! Wait up!” Chase ran after us.

Alex rolled his eyes. “I was hoping Tony was really going to ream into him for a while. Maybe long enough for him to miss morning training.”

“Alex, we need him. You don’t have to like him, but you have to get along with him.”

He pouted.

“For me?”

He sighed, and I knew I’d won.

Chase slowed down when he reached us. “So, I was thinking I could give Uncle Mason a call. Tell him about the power connection between you and me,” he began, as if Alex wasn’t even there. “I think together we could convince him and the others to join us.”

“Really?” I was more than a little excited.

“Really.” Chase smirked. “Let’s show everyone what a great team we make.” He stopped and reached his hand out to me.

He wanted to shake hands? Without thinking, I took his hand. But Chase’s fingers squeezed mine, transferring power up my arms. Instantly my body tingled, overcome with power.

I pulled away, feeling completely self-conscious. “You want to take Leticia over there?” I asked Alex, pretending nothing had happened.