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The soul and I screamed in agony at the same time. Chase was hurting us both. I stopped transferring power to him, too weak to give him any more. His poisoned blood was taking over mine. My vision blurred. My hearing dimmed, but I could still hear the soul screeching at us. My screams stopped, turning to choking instead. I fell to my knees, my hands still in Chase’s. He wasn’t stopping. I coughed up blood, staining the dirt beneath me.

Then the soul stopped screaming. Chase let go of me, and I slumped onto the grave. There were more screams, and feet shuffled against the ground. Someone slid on the dirt next to me.

Alex was at my side, cradling my head in his lap. “Jodi! Jodi, can you hear me?” His hands were caressing my face.

“Did you kill her?” Lexi asked Chase, not sounding all that concerned.

I could barely see through the blood filling my eyes, but I could make out Chase staring at me.

“We did it. She’s in there.” He pointed to the ground beneath me.

“What, in Jodi?” Leticia asked. “You put the soul in Jodi?”

“No, in there.” Chase continued to point, not paying any attention to me.

I felt something claw at my back before two decaying arms came up out of the ground and wrapped around me.

Chapter 24

I was virtually powerless. Chase had dosed me with so much poison I couldn’t defend myself against the corpse. Alex pried the arms from my waist.

“Leticia, get Jodi out of here!” he yelled. Before Leticia could get to me, Chase scooped me into his arms. He sent waves of life-restoring power to me, and I instantly started to perk up. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head against his chest so I was touching him and soaking up his energy in as many places as possible.

“Don’t release that soul,” Chase said. “We fought too hard to get it here. That’s not even the soul’s body. Jodi is going to want to see this when she’s feeling up to it.”

I heard Chase command the soul to stay where it was, but mostly I was aware of how much I wanted to be close to him. He looked down at me, concern on his face. “I’ve got you. Take as much as you need.”

Why did he have to be two such completely different people? If he was always like this, he really could give Alex some competition. But the fact that Chase had nearly killed me two minutes ago made me realize that, no matter how nice he was on occasion, he was still mostly evil.

“You can stop now,” I told him. “I feel fine.”

“You sure? I don’t mind connecting with you again. If you think that would help. In fact, I’d love to. I’m sure these guys wouldn’t mind babysitting the soul for us.” He turned to Alex. “What do you say, Alex? Can you watch this corpse while me and my girl get some private time?”

“Stop it.” I smacked his chest. “Put me down. I’m fine now.”

He put me down, but he didn’t let go of my hand. “Just in case,” he said, and I knew he wasn’t talking about me needing a little more energy from him. He was making sure I didn’t step out of line. So much for the temporary glimpse of good I had seen.

I walked toward the corpse with Chase at my side. “We didn’t have your body to return you to,” I said to the soul. “Hades took it, but we need to speak with you, so we’re letting you borrow this body for now. Do you understand?”

The soul practically growled at me, but she nodded her head—or should I say his head because the body she entered was a male.

“Sorry about the gender mix-up. We didn’t know which soul was going to respond to our call.”

She/he continued to growl at me.

“Okay, stop.” I put my hand up to her/his face. “I’m trying to have a civil conversation with you. I know you went through hell to get here, but please work with me.”

The corpse stopped growling, not because it wanted to, but because I’d commanded it to. I looked at Alex, trying to silently tell him that this was the kind of thing I was hoping to be able to use Chase’s power for. At least this might help us. Alex only met my eyes for a second before looking away. He was in agony. I could tell. I had to figure things out quickly before this thing with Chase really did end my relationship with Alex for good.

I turned back to the corpse. “What can you tell me about where you were? Did you see Hades? Did you see the others he took?”

The soul moved awkwardly in the corpse, not at all at home in its unfamiliar body. It reminded me of those horror movies where the zombies and possessed people bend in inhuman ways. I tried my best not to cringe. After all, I’d done this to the poor soul.

“Stop playing nice, Jodi, and make the thing talk.” Chase’s voice was full of anger. He dug his fingers into my hand as a warning. Either I hurt the soul or he was going to hurt me.

Alex clenched his fist, but he didn’t move to help me. I looked at him briefly, letting him know I was okay, that I could handle this. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure I could.

“Tell me your name,” I commanded the soul.

“Rebecca Ellison,” the corpse said in a rather masculine voice.

“Hi, Rebecca. I know Hades has your body trapped. Tell me where he brought you and the others.” I had to remember to phrase my questions as demands to ensure an answer, but I was still trying to be a little nice about it.

“Tartarus,” the corpse spit out.

“What’s Tartarus?” McKenzie asked.

Jared shook his head. “Really? Tony taught us all about it. It’s the part of the underworld that people refer to as Hell.”

Lexi laughed. “‘A place of profound misery.’” I could tell she was mocking Tony.

I couldn’t be bothered with them right now. We weren’t supposed to be able to raise souls from Tartarus. Hades kept them protected from us. “Hades brought you to Tartarus? Tell me how he’s torturing you and the others.”

“Like this!” The corpse raised its arms. “Forcing us into each other’s bodies. The pain is unbearable. He removes us briefly and fakes pity, only to shove us into other bodies that are not our own. I thought I was finding freedom coming with you, but you’re as bad as Hades!”

I staggered backward, but Chase put his hand against my back to stop me. “My God.” My voice was barely a whisper. “What have we done?” I looked at Chase in horror.

“I think this is a good thing. Hades won’t be angry when he finds out we’re torturing the souls the same way he is.” He smiled. “I think we found the answer to our problems, hon.” He wrapped me in a hug and picked me up off the ground. My arms were pinned to my sides, and my lungs tightened.

Chase put me down, and I looked at Alex. I needed to talk to someone rational, and that wasn’t Chase. “Do you think he took those bodies from my room because he knew I’d try this?”

Alex shook his head and stepped toward me. Chase grabbed my hand again, but he didn’t push Alex away. He let him talk. “I don’t know, but it does make sense. He took your father. That pretty much bought him insurance of exactly this.”

“I’m playing right into his games.” I’d done what Hades had wanted me to. “All I wanted was to talk to my dad again and see what Hades was doing in the underworld. I thought he could spy for us.”

“I can spy,” the corpse said.

I wrinkled my forehead at her/him. “Why would you do that? You said this is torture. I’m doing the same thing to you that Hades is.”

“Yes, but he does it repeatedly. It’s the initial act of shoving the soul into the wrong body that is so painful. I can adapt a little once I’m here. It’s still torture, but not as bad.”

“Then, I could bring my dad here.”