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"Malika was still alive at this point?"

Prisoner Zero nodded. "This was before."

"And Malika didn't like Idries?"

"Nobody liked Idries," Prisoner Zero said. He was telling Petra Mayer why he decided to carry drugs for Hassan after all.


"What do you want?" Moz made no attempt to hide his irritation. The rat-faced boy was Hassan's bagman, little more. These days he might dress like Hassan in a suit cut to the European style, but the garment looked as stupid on Idries as it looked stylish on bagman.

"We've been waiting for you."


"Hassan," said Idries quickly. "Hassan's been waiting."

"Then let him wait," Malika said. She was the only girl in a café full of old men wearing jellabas, a couple of middle-aged men in suits and the two teenaged boys. Only Moz was close enough to see that her hands were trembling.

"It pays," said Idries, smiling at the look on the other boy's face. It was a particularly rat-faced smile, even for Idries. "Hassan said that would interest you."

"How much?" said Moz.

"Depends," Idries said.

"On what?" Most conversations with Idries were like this. Unsatisfactory exchanges of minimal amounts of information. Idries spoke out of the corner of his mouth and chain-smoked Gitanes. The result of too many afternoons watching black and white Belmondo films at a cinema behind Boulevard Safi.

"Whether it's two of you or one." Idries glanced at Malika. "It's in a smart area of the Nouvelle Ville," he added. "So she can't dress like that."

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Malika demanded.

Idries ignored her.

"How much?" demanded Moz, bringing the discussion back to the thing that mattered. "And what's the job?"

"Hassan will tell you," Idries said. "Meet him in an hour outside the café opposite the market on Mohammed the Fifth." As an afterthought, Idries turned back to address Malika. "Any chance you own a hijab?"

The answer was no, but Malika could borrow one. Come to that, she could steal one freshly washed off the wall behind her house and claim a sudden, God-inspired attack of modesty if she got caught. The old crows were quite stupid enough to believe that.

"Find one," Idries said, "and wear something that covers your arms." He stood without offering to pay for the pastries he'd taken from the plate in the centre of their table and threaded his way towards the door, sneering at the old jellaba-clad men.

Idries made a real point of not looking back.


"Here," Moz said, pausing to tear a piece of cake in two and offer half to Malika, "you need to eat."

Malika shook her head, her red hair hidden and her face framed by the black folds of a haik. She looked beautiful. A beauty that only highlighted the set of her mouth and the anger in her cat-like eyes as she stalked across Place de Foucauld into Avenue Mohammed V, catching her reflection in the first shop window.

"Look at me."

"You look great," Moz insisted. Only this time flattery was not enough. And so Malika strode ahead and the boy in the black jeans and weird T-shirt hurried to keep up.

"It pays," Moz said.

Malika snorted. "One of these days," she said, "Hassan's going to get you into real trouble."

The avenue around them was beginning to fill as those in the Old City came out for the evening. A few tourists hurried passed the edge of Parc Lyautey, heads down, wearing shirts that were too thick, the wrong cut or just too tight for the heat, but mostly this stretch of Mohammed V was filled with Marrakchi in traditional dress.

Ahead of Malika and Moz bicycles, mopeds and donkey carts streamed through Bab Larissa, scenting the air with burning oil and the sweet smell of animal sweat and dung.

"Look," Moz said. "I need to make my peace with Hassan."

And Malika finally halted, ignoring the scowls of the old men around her as she touched her fingers to a bruise on Moz's cheek.

"What about this?"

Moz shrugged. "I've been thinking," he said, "Hassan's going to be somebody. You and me..." He looked into the eyes of the girl opposite. "We're just going to be ourselves. And maybe that's enough."

He understood this now. Jake wasn't going to be Moz's ticket out of Marrakech after all, because Moz no longer wanted a way out unless it included Malika. What he wanted walked beside him into Gueliz dressed in a stolen haik, her sandals slapping angrily on the dusty pavement.

"Idries is irrelevant," said Moz. "And I didn't say we should be friends with Hassan. I said we needed a truce."

"You said peace."

Peace, truce... Moz was about to say, What's the difference? Then he thought it through. "I meant truce," he said. "You don't have to like Hassan. But I want to stop having to avoid him."

"You don't avoid Hassan," protested Malika.

Moz looked ashamed. "That's not true," he said. "I've been avoiding him my whole life."


"You came," said Idries, and Hassan glanced at his bag carrier. It was a slight glance, so quick that neither Moz nor Malika really bothered to wonder what it meant. This was a mistake, although how much of a mistake Moz only realized later and by then it was too late.

Of course, Hassan might not really have glanced at Idries. Moz might only have imagined this in Amsterdam, when he was digging through all the memories that refused to stay buried.

"Why would they not come?" said Hassan, his voice arrogant. He nodded abruptly to Moz and would have ignored Malika completely had she not reached forward to feel the lapel of his suit.

"Nice cloth," Malika said, managing to make it sound like an insult.

Moz laughed.

This was the point Hassan should have thrown them out, stood up and punched Moz or said something cutting, but he only sat back in his chair and pulled out a wallet, counting ten-dollar bills onto the table. The total got to forty dollars before Hassan shrugged, casually added one more to the pile and slipped his wallet back inside his jacket.

"Fifty dollars," he said.

It was an incredible sum in a city where an entire family could work for a month and earn nowhere near that.

"Half now," said Hassan, "and half later." Pulling a small cigarillo from a leather case, he waited for Idries to produce a lighter. It was brass overlaid with chrome, the name of some Essaouria nightclub in enamel along one side. "We can meet at Café Lux afterwards."

"After what?" Malika demanded.

"After you deliver this." Hassan lifted a plastic bag onto the café table. "I'm glad you came," he added, sounding almost sincere. "I would have been very unhappy if you hadn't."

"Tough shit," said Malika, but she said this under her breath.

"What's in it?" That was Moz.

Idries snorted. "You don't want to know."

"We do," said Malika, "don't we?" She looked at Moz, who scowled, although it was at Hassan for raising his eyebrows.

"Anyway," Idries said. "Kif isn't drugs." He sounded amused at the idea. "And you don't have to go far."

"Where?" said Moz and Hassan named a café on Rue Arabe about fifteen minutes south of where they sat.

"Malika can be your sister," Idries suggested. His grin when he said this was less than kind.

"Not me," Malika said. "He wants to take it, he can take it..." There was a scrape as she pushed back her chair. "I'm going home."

"You can keep all the money," said Moz, her gaze stripping all the bravado from his offer. "Please," Moz added.