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36 Chronicon principum Polonie 23, ed. Zygmunt W^clewski, MPH 3 (Lwow, 1878, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 421—578, at p. 497; Chronica Poloniae Maioris 72, ed. Brygida Kurbis, MPH, n.s., 8 (Warsaw, 1970), p. 88; cf. 88, p. 94.

37 Chronica Poloniae Maioris 116, ed. Kurbis, p. 105.

38 ibid. 156, ed. Kurbis, p. 124; see Paul Knoll, ‘Economic and Political Institutions on the Polish-German Frontier in the Middle Ages: Action, Reaction, Interaction’, in Robert Bartlett and Angus MacKay (eds.). Medieval Frontier Societies (Oxford, 1989), pp. 151-74, at p. 169.

39 Annales capituli Posnaniensis, ed. Brygida Kurbis, MPH, n.s., 6 (Warsaw, 1962), pp. 21—78, at pp. 54—5.

40 Francis of Prague, Cronicae Pragensis libri Ш 3.12, ed. J. Emler, Fontes rerum Bohemicarum 4 (Prague, 1884), pp. 347—456, p. 426—7.

41 Ernst Schwarz, ‘Die Volkstumsverhaitnisse in den Stadten Bohmens und Mahrens vor den Hussitenkriegen’, Bohemia: Jahrbuch des Collegium Carolinum 1 (1961), pp. 27—111, fig. 1, p. 34.

42 Peter of Zittau, Chronicon Aulae Regiae 3.2, ed. Emier, p. 320,

43 Filippo Buonaccorsi, alias Callimachus, Vita et mores Gregorii Sanocei, ed. Ludwik Finkel, MPH 6 (Cracow, 1893, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 163—216, at p. 179. Эту цитату автору любезно предоставил Петр Горецки.

44 Domesday Book, ed. Abraham Parley (2 vols., London, 1783), 1, fol. 252; see John Le Patourel, TTie Norman Empire (Oxford, 1976). pp. 38— 40.

45 Michael Richter, Sprache und Cessellschaft im Mittelalter (Stuttgart, 1979), p. 190.

46 H.E. Shields, ‘The Walling of New Ross — a Thirteenth-Century Poem in French’, Long Room 12—13 (1975-6), pp. 24—33.

47 Rees Davies. Conquest, Coexistence and Change: Wales 1063—1415 (Oxford, 1987), p. 166.

48 Calendar of Ancient Petitions relating to Wales, ed. William Rees (Cardiff, 1975), p, 439, no. 13,029; no Welshman ought , . .’: ibid., p. 172, no. 5, 433.

49 Pommerellisches UB, ed, Max Perlbach (Danzig, 1881—2), no. 465, p. 416.

50 Raimund Friedrich Kaindl, Geschichte der Deutschen in den Karpathenlandem (3vols.. Gotha, 1907—11) 2, pp. 37—8; Manfred Hamarm, Mecklenburgische Geschichte (MF 51, Cologne, 1968), p. 195.

51 Annales capituli Cracoviensis (Rocznik Kapitulny Krakowski), ed. August Bielowski, MPH 2 (Lwow, 1872, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 779—816, at p. 815; Annales Krasinsciani (Rocznik Krasinskich), ed. August Bielowski, MPH 3 (Lw6w, 1878, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 127—33, at p. ~133.

52 Liber actorum, resignationum пес поп ordinationum civitatis Cracoviae, ed. Franciszek Piekosinski (Monumenta Medii Aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia 4/1, Cracow, 1878), p. 28.

53 Liber actorum … Cracoviae, ed. Piekosinski, p. 39; Wolfgang Zom, ‘Deutsche und Undeutsche in der stadtischen Rechtsordnung des Mittelal—



ters in Ost-Mitteleuropa’, Zeitschrifi fur Ostforschung 1 (1952), pp. 182—94, at p. 186.

•^ Paul Johansen and Heinz von zur МйЫеп, Deutsch und Undeutsch im mittelalterlichen und fruhneuzeitlichen Reval (Cologne and Vienna, 1973), p. 12; Reinhard Wenskus, ‘Das Ordensland Preussen als Territorialstaat des 14. Jahrhunderts’, in Hans Patze (ed.). Der Deutsche Territorialstaat im 14. Jahrhundert 1 (Vortrage und Forschungen 13, Sigmaringen, 1970), pp. 347—82, esp. p. 366, n. 81; idem, ‘Der Deutsche Orden und die nichtdeutsche Bevolkerung des Preussenlandes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Siedlung’, in Walter Schlesinger (ed.). Die deutsche Ostsiedlung als Problem der europaischen Geschichte (Vortrage und Forschungen 18, Sigmaringen, 1975), pp. 417—38, at pp. 422—3; Rees Davies, ‘Race Relations in Post-Conquest Wales’, Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion (1974—5), pp. 32—56, at p. 45.

55 Dalimil Chronicle (German version), prose 49, ed. Jiridek, pp. 283—4; cf. verse 67, lines 4—46, pp. 139—40.

56 De Theutonids bonum dictamen: ed, Wilhelm Wostry, ‘Ein deutscnfeindliches Pamplilet aus Bohmen aus dem 14. Jahrhundert’, Mitteilungen des Vereins fur Geschichte der Deutschen in Bohmen 53 (1914—15), pp. 193—238, at pp. 226—32. Уостри датирует документ 1325—50 годами, Граус (Graus, Nationenbildung, app. 14, pp. 221—3) — 1380—93.

57 Werner Vogel, Der Verbleib der wendischen Bevolkerung in der Mark Brandenburg (Berlin, 1960), pp. 121—33.

58 Codex diplomatics Brandenburgensis, ed, Adolph Friedrich Riedel (41 vols., Berlin. 1838—69), A 20, pp. 350—51, no. 16 (1353), pp. 365—7, no. 38 (1387).

59 ibid., A 14, pp. 241—2 (Neustadt Salzwedel, 1428).

60 Vogel, Verbleib, pp. 127—8, n. 9; Dora Crete Hopp, Die Zunft und die Nichtdeutschen im Osten, insbesondere in der Mark Brandenburg (Marburg/Lahn, 1954), p. 98, n. 84.

61 Liv-, esth-und curlandisches UB, ed. F.G. von Bunge et al. (1st ser., 12 vols.. Reval and Riga, 1853—1910), 3., no. 1305, col. 642 (art. 7).

62 Das Ofner Stadtrecht 32, ed, Karl Mollay (Weimar, 1959), p. 70.

63 Katherine Walsh, A Fourteenth-Century Scholar and Primate: Richard FitzRalph in Oxford, Avignon and Armagh (Oxford, 1981), pp. 341—3.

64 Gearoid MacNiocaill, Na Buirgeisi (2 vols., Dublin, 1964) 1, pp. 245—6.

65 Calendar of Ancient Records of Dublin 1, ed. John T. Gilbert (Dublin, 1889), p. 331 (1469).

66 Statutes and Ordonances and Acts of the Parliament of Ireland: King John to Henry V, ed. Henry F. Berry (Dublin, 1907), pp. 430—69.

67 Libellus de institutione morum, ed. J. Balogh, Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum 2 (Budapest, 1938), pp. 611—27, at p. 625.

68 Anonym; descriptio Europae orientalis, ed. Olgierd G6rka (Cracow, 1916), p. 56; Johannes von Buch’s gloss on Sachsenspiegel, Landrecht 3.70 — Sachsenpiegel, ed. Jacob Friedrich Ludovici (rev. ed., Halle, 1750), p. 555, note (b); Walter Bower, Scotichronicon 12.27, ed. D.E.R. Watt, 6 (Ab-



erdeen, 1991), p. 388; Aubrey Gwynn, ‘The Black Death in Ireland’, Studies 24 (1935), pp. 25—42, at p. 31.

69 James I, Uibre dels feyts (Cronica) 437, ed. Josep Maria de Casacuberta (9 vols. in 2, Barcelona, 1926—62), 8, p. 26.

70 Aureum opus regalium privilegiorum civitatis et regni Valentie (Valencia, 1515, facsimile ed., Textes medievales 33, 1972), fol. 42 (p. 143); John Boswell, The Royal Treasure: Muslim Communities under the Crown of Aragon in the Fourteenth Century (New Haven, 1977), pp. 133—4, n. 83 (1316).

71 Francisco Fernandez у Gonzalez, Estado social у politico de los mudejares de Castillo (Madrid, 1866), doc. 77, p. 401; Juan Torres Fontes, ‘Moros, judios у converses en la regencia de Don Fernando de Anteguera’, Cuademos de historia de Espana 31—2 (1960), pp. 60—97.

72 I?a Jeddih, Suma de ios principales mandamientos у devedamientos de la ley у cunna, Memorial historico espanol 5 (Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid, 1853), pp. 247—421, at p. 248; L.P. Harvey, Islamic Spain 1250—1500 (Chicago, 1990), pp. 78—97.

73 Об истории морисков см.: Antonio Dominguez Ortiz and Bernard Vincent, Historia de los moriscos (Madrid, 1978); Henry Charles Lea, The Moriscos of Spain (London, 1901).

Глава 10

1 William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum 4, ed, William Stubbs (2 vols., RS, 1887-9), 2, p. 396 (Urban II at Clermont).

2 Robert the Monk, Historia Iherosolimitana 2.20, RHC, Occ. 3, pp. 711—882, p. 751; ‘the Roman Church which holds …’: Fulcher of Chartres, Historia Hierosolymitana 1.5, ed. Heinrich Hagenrneyer (Heidelberg, 1913), p. 152.

3 Gregory VII, Registrum 3.6”, ed. Erich Caspar (MGH, Epistolae selectae, 2, Berlin, 1920—23), p. 253.

4 John Mundy: Europe in the High Middle Ages (London, 1973), p. 26; 2-е изд.: 1991, p. 16.

5 Переписка св. Григория см.: Registrum 1.7; 1.11; 1.21а; 1.19; 7.14а; 2.13; 2.74; 7.4; 4.28 (cf, 1.7); 8.10; 7.11, ed. Caspar, op. 11—12, 18, 35-6, 31—2, 485—6, 145, 236, 463, 343—7 (cf. 11—12), 528—30, 473-5.

6 Chronicon Burgense, s.a. 1078, ed. Enrigue Florez, Espana sagrada 23 (Madrid, 1767), pp. 305—10, at p. 309.

7 Gregory VII, Registrum 1.64, ed. Caspar, pp, 92—4; cf. 1.63, pp. 91—2.

8 ibid. 9.2, ed. Caspar, pp. 569—72.

9 Richard W. Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages (Harmondsworth, 1970), pp. 106—9.

10 Alexander II, 18 October 1071, Apostolicae sedi, J.-L. 4691; Epistolae et decreta, ep. 80, PL 146, cols. 1279—430, at col. 1362; La documentacion pontificia basta Inocencio III, ed. Demetrio Mansilla (Rome, 1955), no. 4, p. 8; см.: Bernard F. Reilly, The Kingdom of Leyn-Castilla under King Alfonso VI, 1065—1109 (Princeton, 1988), pp. 95—6; Ram6n Gonzalvez, ‘The Persistence of the Mozarabic Liturgy in Toledo after AD 1080’, in Bernard



F. Reilly (ed.), Santiago, Saint-Denis and Saint Peter: The Reception of the Roman Liturgy in Leon-Castile in 1080 (New York, 1985), pp. 157—85, at p. 158, with rets, at p. 180, n. 3.

11 Данные приводятся по кн.: la documentacidn pontificia, ed. Mansilla.

12 Pontificia Hibemica: Medieval Papal Chancery Documents concerning Ireland 640—1261, ed. Maurice P. Sheehy (2 vols., Dublin, 1962—5), 1, no. 2, pp. 7—8; The Epistolae Vagantes of Pope Gregory VII, ed. and tr. H.EJ. Cowdrey (Oxford, 1972), no. 57, pp. 138—40.

13 Rees Davies, Conquest, Coexistence and Change: Wales 1063—1415 (Oxford, 1987), pp. 191—2; A.A.M. Duncan, Scotland: The Making of the Kingdom {Edinburgh, 1975), p. 259.

14 Registrum 1.17, ed. Caspar, p. 27.

15 ibid., ed. Caspar, p. 28.

16 Tertullian: Ad nationes 1.3.

17 Geoffrey Malaterra, De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi duds fratris eius 3.30, ed. Ernesto Ponderi (Rerum itaticarum scriptores, n.s., 5/1, Bologna, 1928), p. 75.

18 Heinrich Hagenmeyer (ed.), Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes (Innsbruck, 1901), no. 16, pp. 161—5, at p. 164; Библия, Деяния 11:26.

19 William of Tyre, Chronicle 13.14, ed. RB.C. Huygens (2 vols.. Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio mediaevalis 63—63A, Turnhout, 1986), 1, p. 602.

20 Guibert de Nogent, Historia quae dicitur Gesta Dei per Francos 1.1, RHC, Occ. 4 (Paris, 1879), pp. 113—263, at p. 124; Thomas of Monmouth, The Life and Miracles of St William of Norwich 1.16; 2.4, ed. and tr. Augustus Jessopp and Montague Rhodes James (Cambridge, 1896), pp. 44, 71.

21 Innocent II, 27 July 1139, Quos dispensatio, J.-L. 8043; Epistolae et privilegia, ep. 416, PL 179, cols. 53—658. at cols. 478—9.

22 Alexander III, 5 July 1175, Benedictus Deus in donis suis, J.-L12504; Epistolae et privilegia, ep. 1183, PL 200, col. 1026.

23 Innocent III, 3 May 1199, Quanta debeat esse, Po. 686; Regestum Innocentii III papae super negotio Romani imperil, ed. Friedrich Kempt (Rome, 1947), no. 2, p, 8.

24 M. Монтень, Опыты 2.12, M., Наука, 1979.

25 Widukind of Corvey, Res gestae Saxonicae 1.15, ed. Albert Bauer and Reinhold Rau, Quellen zur Geschichte der sachsischen Kaiserzeit (AQ 8, rev. ed., Darmstadt, 1977), pp. 16—182, at p. 44; cf. Einhard, Vita Karoli Magni 7, ed. Reinhold Rau, Quellen zur karolingischen Reichsgeschichte 1 (AQ 5, Darmstadt, 1955), pp. 163—211, at p. 176.

26 Livlandische Reimchronik, line 3349, ed. Leo Meyer (Paderborn, 1876), p. 77.

27 Raymond of Aguilers, Liber (Historia Francorum gui cepemnt Iherusalem) 10, ed. John H. Hill and Laurita L. Hill {Paris, 1969), pp. 72—3.



28 Gregory VII, Epistolae Vagantes, ed. Cowdrey, no. 65, p. 146; Arnold of Lubeck, Chronica Slavorum 5.25—9, ed. Johann Martin Lappenberg (SRG, Hanover, 1868), p. 196.

29 Ambroise, L’estoire de la guerre sainte, line 42, ed. Gaston Paris (Paris, 1897), col. 2; Chanson de Roland, line 3392, ed, F. Whitehead (Oxford, 1942). p. 99.

30 Chanson d’Antioche laisse 9, lines 206—7, ed. Suzanne Duparc-Quioc (Paris, 1976), p. 27.

31 Baudri de Bourgueil, Historia Jerosolimitana, prologue, RHC, Occ. 4, pp. 1—111, at p. 10.

32 William of Rubruck, Itinerarium 16.5, ed. Anastasius van den Wyngaert, Smi’ca Franciscana 1: Itinera et relationes fratrum irtinorum saeculi Kill et XIV (Quaracchi, 1929), pp. 164—332, at p. 205.

33 Jean Kupp, L’idee de Chretiente dans la pensee pontificale des origines a Innocent III (Paris, 1939); Paul Rousset, ‘La notion de Chretiente aux Xle et Xlle siecles’. Le Moyen Age, 4th ser., 18 (1963), pp.191—203.

34 Registrum 5.7, ed. Caspar, p. 358.

35 Walter Map, De nugis curialium 5.5, ed. and tr. M.R James, rev. C.N.L. Brooke and RAB. Mynors (Oxford, 1983), p. 226; Ambroise, L’estoire de la guerre sainte, lines 18—19, ed. Paris, col. 1; Matthew Paris, Chronica majora, ed. Henry Richards Luard (4 vols., RS, 1872—7), 4, p. 430.