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Somebody finally rose and asked the obvious questions. “How do you propose that someone talk to the Mayor of Campanil and how do we get the grain shipments through the army blockade?”

“Two very good questions,” rose Lord Marak. “The first is pretty tricky but it can be done. It would take the skills of somebody such as HawkShadow. I offer my own services if they are desired. I have done this sort of thing in the past, but I must have a Sakovan with me to represent the Star. The second problem is solved by the first. Get the Campanil Mayor to divert the army while the food shipments pass through.”

The room full of people talked freely and loudly for some time and it was clear that they thought the plan was worth the risk. After a time, the room quieted and the Star of Sakova stood.

“I see by the general mood of the room that most of you are in favor of risking our food supplies in this gamble,” she stated. “I also think it is worth the risk. As for who will go on this journey, I do not think we should impose on Lord Marak to undertake such a dangerous mission. His offer to supply grain and cattle is already costing him a small fortune, should we choose to accept that offer. The Sakovans have people who can undertake the mission. Are there any other suggestions before I adjourn this meeting?”

Nobody rose and Lyra purposely walked away from her spot at the table, signifying an end to the meeting. She walked over to RavenWing and inquired of his health before returning to speak with Lord Marak. The hall was emptying and hundreds of conversations were creating such a high level of noise that it was difficult to talk.

“Lord Marak,” Lyra shouted, “would you meet me in my office please? StarWind, HawkShadow, please come as well.”

Lyra turned and fled the room and the three requested guests followed. The Star felt relief as she rounded the first corner and the noise level dropped dramatically. Within moments, she reached the office and slipped into the chair behind her desk. Lord Marak, StarWind, and HawkShadow appeared instants later.

“This is quite a plan you have laid out, Lord Marak,” she said. “What do you really think the chances of success are?”

“I think they are good or I would not have brought it up,” smiled Marak.

Lyra smiled and nodded. “HawkShadow,” she asked, “can you accomplish the task?”

“I believe that I can,” HawkShadow replied. “I think taking StarWind with me would be a good idea though. She has compiled the report and if there are questions concerning it, she should be there when it is presented.”

“I agree,” smiled Lord Marak. “You could not ask for a better team.”

“Thank you, Lord Marak,” smiled StarWind. “Not only for your vote of confidence, but for that play with SkyDancer during the meeting. I think Master Malafar might have a better appreciation of the Sakovan people now.”

“I didn’t think it was that obvious,” blushed Lord Marak.

“It wasn’t,” grinned StarWind.

Chapter 35

Mayor Ferde

“Ah, Lord Marak, come in,” offered the Star of Sakova from behind her desk in her office. “I do hope you are not going to ask permission to go along with StarWind and HawkShadow to Campanil. You have already risked too much to help us and I could not afford to lose my new ally.”

“Actually,” smiled Lord Marak as he sat in the chair Lyra indicated, “I am preparing to leave for Khadora and wanted to finish up a few things before I left. I thought perhaps that I could entice you into helping me.”

“I would help in any way that I can,” agreed Lyra. “What type of help do you need?”

Marak reached inside his uniform and pulled out a long, narrow pouch. “You will need someplace to store the grain at Campanil,” he declared as he emptied the contents of the pouch on Lyra’s desk. A dozen small sparkling diamonds reflected the light from the window, creating a mosaic of rainbow colors on the wall. “I would like to buy one of the farms that was destroyed in the blaze. These gems should more than cover the cost of a farm or two and you can use the buildings to store the grain rather than try to take all of your wagons into the city. StarWind can tell the Mayor where the grain is stored and make arrangements to distribute it.”

“An excellent idea,” remarked Lyra, “but you do not need to buy the farms. We have plenty of money.”

“I presumed as much,” nodded Lord Marak, “but I would like to make the investment anyway. If I ever get into a situation up north where my crops are destroyed, it would be good for me to have farms that my enemies do not know about. Use the name of the Ksaly Corporation as the owner. It will keep people wondering who owns it.”

“Ksaly?” chuckled Lyra. “What does a Khadoran know about one-legged birds?”

“I have a very resourceful young woman as my Bursar,” explained Marak. “The corporation has holdings in Khadora as well. We will also be setting up offices in Alamar to facilitate the grain shipments from Khadora. That is where I need your help. I want you to establish an Air Tube to Fardale so I can instruct my Bursar to get things going so that it does not have to wait for my return. I am afraid that I just missed the rendezvous with my fishing boat and it will be some time before another is scheduled. If I could purchase some horses from the Sakovan people, I would be most appreciative. I think it will be quicker to go overland for the return trip.”

“I will set up the Air Tube if you can direct me how to do it so that it connects with Fardale,” grinned Lyra, “but the horses are out of the question. I have decided to gift you with four chokas, two breeding pairs. Your journey back will be swifter than you had planned. They are young enough to accept you as their masters, but that also means that they are not well trained. I hope that is acceptable?”

“Acceptable?” echoed the shocked Khadoran Lord. “You have my undying gratitude. I will guard them well, Star of Sakova.”

“Wonderful,” smiled Lyra. “Let’s get your message off then.”


StarWind and HawkShadow sat on the bed in the small rented room in the Wayward Inn located in the Merchant’s District of Campanil. HawkShadow stripped off his multicolored robe and tossed it over a chair. “At least the purchase of the farms went without a hitch,” sighed the Sakovan assassin.

“Yes, but getting in to see the Mayor is going to be a bit of a problem,” countered StarWind. “I did not expect the increased security that we have found.”

“I guess with the Katana’s assassin still on the loose,” HawkShadow reflected, “the other officials are taking their security seriously. I hadn’t really expected him to see an unfamiliar merchant anyway. We will have to sneak into his mansion.”

“I don’t see how we are going to do that with it surrounded by Imperial Guards,” mused StarWind. “If we kill any guards getting in, I do not think the Mayor will believe that we are peaceful.”

“True,” frowned HawkShadow. “I do not see any alternative though. We are not going to get in through the front door. We have already tried that and been rebuffed.”

“Well we knew this would not be easy,” StarWind sighed as she stripped off her gray tunic. “Let’s get into some dark clothes and see what openings present themselves.”

HawkShadow nodded as he rummaged through his pack for the black clothes he had packed. “You know that if this attempt fails,” warned HawkShadow, “we will not leave Campanil alive.”

“That is the risk we accepted,” agreed StarWind as she pulled on black pants. “We never expected to live forever. Maybe Kaltara will throw a little luck our way.”

HawkShadow finished dressing and hefted a coil of rope and slung it over his shoulder. “If it comes down to discovery or killing a guard,” he stated, “you know what I will do.”

“The same as I,” agreed the Sakovan spymaster as she hefted a rope of her own. “Shall we?”