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You are most kind, smiled StarWind rising. My Name is StarWind, but I am not registered as such. I will return here later and we can talk.

StarWind crossed the room and let herself out. Swiftly, she descended to the ground level and left the building. On the steps she stopped and surveyed the plaza before crossing it and heading to the Imperial Guard headquarters.

The building was a large four story stone structure with wide steps and columns on either side of the main entrance. Imperial Guards were stationed at the top of the stairs, but StarWind knew they were mostly for show and casually marched up the steps and passed between them. Inside the doors was a large room with a tiled floor and a large oval counter in the center manned with a host of clerks. A number of corridors led off the main room and dozens of Imperial Guards were constantly visible as they moved from one corridor to another or tended to whatever tasks or errands that had to do. Only two other civilians were present and both of them were at the counter, probably filing complaints or seeking information.

StarWind knew that each Imperial Guard post maintained a board with notices and drawings of criminals. She stood just inside the doors and scanned the room until she saw it on the wall to her right. She drew no notice as she glided over to the board and started reading the postings. There were descriptions of many wanted people, but few drawings. She found Lyra's likeness quickly. The drawing was yellowed and covered by other postings and she did not pause when she located it. She continued to read the other listings while casually scanning the room. While nobody was paying particular attention to her, there was no way she would be able to remove the drawing and get out unnoticed.

While her left hand moved over the board, as if to keep track of where she was reading, her right slid into her pouch and located a small tin. She popped the lid off the tin and dipped her finger into the sticky substance. Returning to the drawing of Lyra, StarWind raised her right hand and moved her finger over the likeness of the Star. With her left hand, she nonchalantly let the drawing on top of Lyra's cover the Star's face and pressed firmly on it, effectively gluing the two drawings together.

It might prove to be little help as each gate would also have a drawing, but any little precaution must be taken when it was available. There were many more recent postings than Lyra's and the guards at the gates would not bother them until it was time to leave.

She replaced the lid to the tin and turned to leave when an Imperial Guard stopped her. Did you find what you were looking for? he asked.

No, she sighed nervously.

I haven't seen you around here before, he stated as he looked her over. What were you looking for?

I was just checking on the descriptions of wanted men, StarWind lied. I am from Campanil and have been searching for a sailor who done my sister wrong. I thought I might check to see if he was wanted for something. That would explain why he never returned to marry her like he said he would.

The guards eyes brightened somewhat as he listened to her explanation. Well if your sister resembles you, I would count the sailor as dead, he smiled. The only accounting that would keep him away no doubt. I just got off duty and I could escort you down to the docks so we could search for him.

You are truly generous, StarWind smiled, but I think you are probably right. It was just a thought coming in here. I did not really have hopes of finding him and she is probably better off without him in any event. I should return to the inn and rest. Thank you for your kind offer though.

The Imperial Guard appeared ready to offer more assistance, but StarWind swiftly moved off in the direction of the doors and exited the building without looking back. She turned left and headed for the Palace merging with the flow of people. She spied a large crowd in front of the Palace and veered towards them. People were standing around watching the construction of a large platform and she moved closer to look at it. She stood staring at the platform as she listened to the buzz of conversation from the onlookers.

How many this time? she heard a man ask.

Three I hears, a woman answered. Sakovan spies they be.

Darn Sakovans, the man spat. It is high time the Katana finished them once and for all.

There will be war for sure, another man interjected. My son serves with the Guard and he says it's a sure thing. Our new Katana is a man of action.

Will he be here? asked the first man.

Never misses a chopping, laughed the woman. Even when he was First Minister he always came. Loves to see the heads roll I hears.

StarWind moved away from the platform and returned to the inn. She stopped at the desk and asked what time the executions would happen. Moving as swiftly as she dared without causing notice, StarWind raced up to Lyra's room.

We have a problem, she stated after MistyTrail let her in the door.

Lyra groggily sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. What kind of problem?

There is going to be an execution this afternoon, StarWind reported. The Katana will be there and I am sure that Malafar would not miss this opportunity.

Lyra rose and went to the window. Is that what they are building the platform for?

Yes, sighed StarWind.

MistyTrail, commanded the Star, round up the troops. Nobody is going to find Malafar in another part of the city now. We need to concentrate on the Palace and we do not have much time left. StarWind, split up the city with her. The sooner everyone gets back here the better.

Chapter 39

Death Throes

Lyra sat by the window of her room and stared out. The inn was too far from the platform to suit her, but occasionally she saw one of her people searching the gathering crowd. The Sakovans had been in place for hours trying to catch Malafar when he arrived for the execution, but the fear that they might fail to stop Malafar now screamed inside Lyra's head. Lyra's worrying was interrupted by a knock on the door. Leaving her seat, she crossed the room and opened the door for StarWind and Mayor Ferde.

Lyra, this Mayor Ferde of Campanil, introduced StarWind. Mayor Ferde, this is the Star of Sakova.

The Mayor seemed confused on how he should greet the young girl and finally managed a bow. It is a pleasure to meet you, Star of Sakova, he said.

Lyra will do fine, Mayor Ferde, the Star smiled tightly. Please come in.

StarWind closed the door and went to the window while Lyra showed the Mayor to a chair and then sat on the bed. I fear we are running out of time, Lyra began. Were you successful in getting the Katana to not appear today?

Unfortunately no, admitted the Mayor of Campanil. While he will consider my invitation to come to Campanil, leaving today is out of the question. I tried to stop him from attending the execution, but he would hear nothing of it. I have never been close to Alazar, nobody has, and I guess he little values my input. I fear that all is lost.

Not while Alazar lives and breathes, Lyra declared stubbornly.

But how could you stop Malafar now even if you did find him? questioned the Mayor. The execution is so public now that the crowds have arrived. Even if your people see him and try to stop him, it will be seen as a Sakovan assassination attempt.

He's right, agreed StarWind as she turned from the window. There are too many people assembled and too many Imperial Guards. Even if we stop Malafar, Alazar will have his excuse for war.

And all of you will be dead, Ferde added. Better to leave the city while all attention is on the execution. Slip away while you can. You tried your best and there is no reason for more people to die. I will try to stop the inevitable call for war.