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With a frustrated huff, she looked up at Cinder, who had been joined by the others at the top of the ramp. Scarlet looked much the same as Cinder remembered her, only more frenzied. Her eyes had an annoyed, bewildered look to them as she gestured haplessly at the farmland behind her.

“Welcome to France. Let’s get you inside before they send out the android journalists—they’re not as easy to scare off.”

*   *   *

Scarlet released a groan as she shut the front door behind her guests. “They started showing up two weeks ago,” she said. “They tried camping out in the sugar beet fields, like they owned the place! I’ve had to call the police four times for trespassing, but honestly, I think the police are about as dumbfounded by all this media attention as I am.” She sighed and slumped against the door. “I wanted a quiet, intimate wedding, not a circus.

Thorne leaned against the staircase rail. “It’s the first known Lunar-Earthen wedding in generations, the groom is a bioengineered wolf-human hybrid, and you invited the emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth and an ex–Lunar Queen. What did you expect?”

Scarlet glared at him. “I am marrying the man that I love, and I invited my friends to celebrate with us. I expected a little bit of privacy.”

“I’m sorry,” said Cinder. “We should have tried to be more discreet with our plans.”

Scarlet shook her head. “It’s not your fault. Kai’s travel schedule is pretty much public knowledge, so there was no stopping this, I’m afraid.” She snorted. “Just be glad you weren’t here to see the hoard of screaming girls when he arrived.”

Cinder stood straighter. “He’s here already?”

Scarlet nodded. “He arrived last night. And Winter and Jacin flew over from Canada this morning. Everyone’s here, so now I just need to survive the next three days of chaos until the wedding, and then it will all be over.” She massaged her brow. “At least, that’s assuming the bloodsucking heathens out there don’t try to crash the ceremony. You know, the worst part of it is that they keep trying to make this out to be some big political statement. ‘Earth and Luna, united at last!’ ‘Earthen girl tortured by Levana agrees to marry Lunar soldier!’ It’s revolting.” She sighed before adding, “He’s not here, Cinder.”

Cinder snapped her attention back to Scarlet, realizing she’d been ignoring most of her diatribe while she peered through the doorways into the kitchen and sitting room and tried to listen for footsteps coming from the floor above. “What?”

Iko tittered, but Scarlet buried her annoyance with an understanding smirk. “Wolf took them for a tour of the farm. They’ll be back soon.”

“Right. Sorry. I wasn’t—”

Scarlet waved her away. “It’s fine. Besides, if anyone understands what it’s like for their relationship to be treated like a political stunt, it’s you.”

Cinder lowered her eyes, not sure if that was meant to make her feel better.

“Hey, Cinder,” Thorne said, pacing to the opening that separated the entryway from a humble sitting room. “Remember when we were here before? When we were just two crazy fugitives, on the run from the law?”

“You mean when we discovered the secret lair under the hangar where I’d been kept comatose for eight years of my life, then turned into a cyborg by some mystery surgeon before being given away to a family who didn’t really want me? Yeah, Thorne, those were the good old days.”

Thorne winked. “I was actually referring to that cute blonde who found us and nearly had a heart attack. Hey, is she going to be at the wedding?”

“Her name is Émilie,” said Scarlet, “and yes, she is. Please try not to flirt with her in front of your girlfriend. I have enough drama to deal with this week as it is.”

Cress shrugged. “It doesn’t really faze me much anymore. Besides, he probably already told her he loved her, so what else can he say?”

Thorne cast his gaze to the ceiling in thought. “It’s true. I might have. I honestly don’t remember.”

Cress rolled her eyes, but if she was harboring any resentment, Cinder couldn’t detect it. She opted not to tell them that Thorne had in fact claimed love at first sight when Émilie had fainted at the farmhouse’s front door.

Hinges squeaked from the back of the house, followed by thumping footsteps and Winter’s dreamy voice flowing through the house’s narrow halls.

“But I will have a chance to milk her before we go? I’ve never milked a cow before. I think I’d be good at it.”

“Of course you would,” said Jacin with a chuckle. “She’ll just stare at you dumbfounded the whole time like all the other animals that fall under your spell.”

“What spell?” said Winter, knocking her shoulder into Jacin as they rounded the base of the stairway. “I’m not a hypnotist.”

“Are you sure?”

They froze when they spotted everyone in the foyer.

“You made it!” cried Winter. She flung herself at Cinder, giving her a brief squeeze before embracing Thorne, Cress, and Iko in turn.

Wolf had come in with them, too, showing a full row of sharp teeth as he grinned at the new arrivals. And beside him …

“I told them that was the dulcet roar of a Rampion’s engines,” said Kai, “but they all insisted it was just another media hover flying over.” His hands were tucked into his pockets and he was dressed more casually than Cinder was used to seeing him—a cotton button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his forearms and dark denim jeans. She had never imagined that farm life might suit him, but he looked as comfortable here as he did anywhere.

Cinder crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re an expert on the sound levels of spaceships now, are you?”

“Nah,” said Kai. “I’ve just been waiting to hear that sound all day.”

She smiled at him, feeling the hummingbird flutter of her own pulse. He smiled back.

“Aces,” said Thorne with a low groan. “They haven’t even kissed yet and they’re already making me nauseous.”

His comment was followed by a pained grunt, but Cinder didn’t know which of her friends had smacked him. Kai rolled his eyes, then grabbed Cinder’s hand and yanked her toward the back hallway. It was only a few steps. Not even a wall or door separated them from the others, but within moments it felt like they were alone.

Covertly, blissfully alone.

“How was the flight?” Kai whispered, standing so close she imagined she could feel the vibrations of his heartbeat in the air between them.

“Oh, you know,” Cinder murmured back. “Thorne was flying, so it was a constant stream of near-death experiences. How’s emperor life?”

“Oh, you know. Press conferences. Cabinet meetings. Adoring fans everywhere I go.”

“So also a constant stream of near-death experiences?”

“Pretty much.” He’d inched closer to her as they talked. Cinder was nearly pressed against the wall, standing between a wall peg holding heavy overalls and a stack of muddy boots on the floor. “Is that an acceptable amount of small talk?”

“Acceptable to me,” said Cinder, digging her hands into his hair and pulling him to her.

*   *   *

Breakfast served in 20 minutes.

Cinder grumbled under her breath at the message scrolling across the darkness of her eyelids. She squeaked her eyes open and peered into the dim sunlight that filtered through the room’s tiny window. The familiarity of the Rampion surrounded her, a far cry from the luxury of Artemisia Palace, yet more comfortable to her even now. The gurgle of a water tank through the metal walls. The aromas of steel and recirculating air. The too-firm mattress on the bunk bed’s lower cot.

However, the sensation of an arm thrown over her waist was something new.