Play until you love it so much that you are ready to give years of your life to this cause.
3. Write a book that you want to read
I'll tell you a short story. In 2013, like many modern Communists, I was a conservative and patriot of my country. I have read many books on the topic of Russia's war with America. I even wanted to write my own book about how Crimea and Eastern Ukraine became part of Russia. And then there was a coup d'etat in Ukraine and something happened that I wanted to write in my book.
The moral of the story is this. It's better to write your own book. And even better, write it in real life, making yourself the main character, performing feats.
An aspiring socialist writer always wonders what he should write about. The Trotskyists tell him: "Write about what you like." The result is often a horror story where nothing interesting happens. Trotskyists are shot, and people are repressed.
Therefore, the best advice is not to write about what you like, but to write about what you should. Write a story that will help you deal with capitalism, hunger, and injustice. We are engaged in creativity, because it helps both the Creator and every good person to live. All fiction is, in fact, advice for people how to live.
The best way to decide what to do is to think about what you should do as a parent to a child, as a relative to a relative, as a soldier to a fellow soldier. Create a picture, looking at which a person will be ashamed of cowardice, hate laziness, respect heroes, glorify science.
In art, comrade, you must love your work. And every picture that you draw should want to see as a spectator, every article should want to read as a reader, every movie should be watched and every song should be listened to.
If what you need to draw and what you want – diverge, it's a disaster. And the trouble is not in the world, but in you. You must love not what you don't need, but what you need. What you like should be useful to you and the working people.
4. Automate automation
It's no secret that the process of writing an article in a notebook and in a computer is very different. Indeed, when we write in Word, we have little time to think about it and there is no opportunity to draw something in the margins, a sort of diagram. Moreover, the text written with a pen in a notebook cannot be erased or removed. This disciplines the writer.
However, computers are needed. We need automation, we need technology. Conservative capitalists believe that Microsoft Word is their enemy. I use it all the time at work, so I save my time.
It's the same with drawing. You can draw on paper, then take photos. But why? This has its own charm, but for most jobs, it's better to draw on a graphics tablet. In addition, digital paints are free and available to the user in infinite quantities.
The main thing in the use of technology = the ability to automate part of the artist's work. The computer draws smoother lines and allows you to calculate their trajectory using formulas. I'm not talking about animation, where you need to draw frame-by-frame. Since this is death, and guaranteed.
5. At least a little-know everything
To know everything in the world is unrealistic, but I cherish my dream solved the problem brilliantly. I connect Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, GalileOoo, Galileo.
It is not necessary to know everything in detail, but it is very good when a person roughly understands how different things work in the world. Because he can use knowledge as an example as an analogy.
In art, this is especially important, since an artist needs to take ideas, analogies, and use allusions and hints. And this requires knowledge about different things from different topics.
And in order not to be a laughing stock-you need to consult with specialists. And in order to know what you need to ask – you need to roughly understand the question.
This way you save a lot of brain resources. At the same time, you get access to a huge amount of knowledge. And you should use the released computing resources to analyze and use the available information. For the benefit of the working people and world happiness-communism.
6. Formula for winning: normally do – normally will be
I get a lot of emails from young artists who ask how they can find their audience. "How do I get someone to open me up?"
I understand them very well. After graduating from military school, I had a similar question. The classroom is a beautiful, if artificial, place to work. Teachers are paid to take care of you, and your friends are interested in your development. Never in your life will you have such attentive viewers as teachers and friends.
However, you will soon learn that the world as a whole does not care about your ideas. No one wants your stories, your scribbles on canvas, your screams to music, and so on. It sounds harsh, but it is.
As Stepan Presnukhin said, "this does not mean that people are uneducated or cruel, they just sell their labor force and therefore they do not have time for your creativity." If there was a secret formula for enslaving the audience, I would use it to stop wars and build communism. But I know only one is not really the original formula, "I do – will be fine".
This process takes place in 2 stages:
Step 1: "do the project Normally" – it is incredibly difficult to make sure that there are no mistakes. But this is where masteroff's skill lies.
Practice your idea every day. Fail, do better and better with each new time.
Step 2: "it will be Fine, some will see and tell others" – it was difficult to spread the information 10 years ago. Now everything is very simple – "put the project on the Internet". And if it's good, everyone will see it and tell others.
7. Geography is not necessary
I grew up in a Gulag, in the middle of the hills and Arctic desert of the Murmansk District. When I was a child, the only thing I wanted was to get into the friendly company of bear artists. I wanted to be free of the polar night, to go South from the damned hell and find myself somewhere where there is at least something beautiful.
Ruins of plant No. 1937 in Severogorsk
Now I live in St. Petersburg. Overall, a cool place. There are a lot of military personnel, programmers, artists, animators and other creative people everywhere.
And you know what? 90% of my mentors and colleagues do not live in St. Petersburg. They live on the Internet. Most of my projects, conversations, and creative acquaintances take place online. Instead of real communication in art studios, I made friends in Vkontakte (Rus fasebook that better fasebook) and discord.
I am happy that I was born in Russia, where there was communism and even when it was destroyed, there were huge remnants of it in my country. Life is not random, but fate is not. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Native Gulag is the dearest of all
8. Work brothers (the world is big factory)
I will say this briefly. That's the only reason I'm here – to build communism.
Colonel Kurtz put it much better:
«I only know one rule: you have to be angry, damn it. You need to work. The Bible says, am I my brother's Keeper? Definitely Yes.