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“Including piss me off. You’re doing a helluva job at that.” I laugh, giving Ana a nudge.

She smiles back at me because she knows I’m trying to deflect. I smile at her because I know she’s right… about two things.

Firstly: she’s a grown woman; I can’t tell her what to do anymore… but dammit, I’d wish she’d stop growing up. I miss my sweet little Ana.

Guess I have to accept… that that sweet little Ana is gone, and in her place is a nearly twenty-two year old titan with brains and beauty and ambition.

As for her second assertion? Well, that’s even more true.

I’m wound tighter than a drum… and you could probably play a beat on my ass, it’s so clenched.

Everyone at this party is letting their hair down, cutting loose, but me?

I’m only becoming even more rigid—even more firm. In an effort to be more austere, I’ve pinned my hair up instead, and I’m walking around like a stick figure with an inflated head.

And it’s all because of my control.

Like my drink, it’s slipping intermittently from my fingers, threatening to crash like glass against the floor.

I can’t do as much as cross my legs properly at this party without squeezing them too tightly.

Linda’s called my cell three times already while I’ve been here, and I can’t even work up the composure to open my little wristlet and answer.

Flashbacks of me fiddling with my keyboard rock my consciousness at random times.

I see myself leaning back in my computer chair as Lukas fucks me on the screen. I feel my fingers drift as they reach towards my clit and start rubbing upon his command.

I was a slave to the page, letting him sex me via Skype text, and I’d never felt so turned on.

I didn’t even know his face…

And now that I do, the ache that he started is only made worse—heightened, by his presence, his swagger—his style.

There’s something so despicable—and delectable—in it all. I can’t make up my mind.

Ana pulls me back into reality.

“Elle?” She pulls at me.


“Make up your mind. Either, you’re going to go over there and say something to Mr. Melts-My-Panties, or you are going to be on your own. I’m done playing bodyguard. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

I tighten my hold on her. “What? Are you saying you’re going to abandon me?”

“You’re a big girl, Elle, so yes. I am leaving you to your own devices.”

I grit my teeth. “Dammit, Ana. If you do, then this old creepy guy that’s been ogling me all night is going to try to sweep in!”

“Just crush his dreams like you do every other guy’s.” She flashes a mocking smile.

I scoff. “I would… except I’m not in the business of geriatric abuse.”

“Just take out one little hip. That never killed anybody.” Ana winks and then takes off.

I grasp for her arm, but she’s already out of reach.

“Ana!” I hiss at her. “Psst! Ana!”

She blows a kiss at me from thirty feet away and disappears among the partygoers.

Shit, Ana. I growl out of frustration, nearly stomping my foot. Where the hell is Kat? This is her party, anyway.

Where the hell are my sisters when I need them? Who the hell is going to be my buffer for Lukas now?

A shadow descends upon my back. I turn around.

Or him, for that matter…

A set of falsies is gleaming right at me the second that Anastasia leaves my side, the geriatric Casanova making his way over to me in record time.

I don’t have the patience for this shit.

“Hello,” he says suddenly.

He flashes a mouthful of dentures that are as gray as his hair, and I nearly choke on my drink as I attempt a swallow. I sit my glass on a nearby tray.


“Would you like to dance?”

I start fumbling for words. “Oh, no. No, I’m, uh…”

“Here with someone?”

Ha! Inspiration. “Yes,” I smile with fake enthusiasm. “Yes, I am.”

“Well, where is he?” the past-his-prime pimp begins to ask.

Excuse me?”

“Where is he? I’ve seen you alone all night… or with some other woman. I don’t think you’re here with anyone… except for me right now.” He smiles wickedly.

My blood boils.

“Well, you’re clearly mistaken,” I respond. “So if you don’t mind…”

He steps in front of me, blocking my path as I try to escape. Now, I’m starting to see red.

I’ve underestimated the old timer. He’s faster than he looks. And though I may have been a pansy-ass about Lukas all night, I certainly won’t cower to this “cant-take-a-hint” geezer.

“I do mind, actually,” he continues. “I’ve been watching you all night, and I can’t think of anything I’d enjoy more than a dance with you.”

He pauses, extending a hand. “You might enjoy it, too.”

I’m done being polite. “Doubtful, Mister…Whoever-You-Are… but I will tell you this: You’re pushing your luck… and any second my…”

“Boyfriend is going to be here.”

I stop and turn to face the solid wall that now sits at my back. It’s Lukas.

All six feet of him. Standing directly behind me.

“Sorry it took so long, baby.” He hands me a drink. “The bar got really crowded.”

I nearly stammer. “Don’t worry. I was just telling this… fine gentleman about you.”

“Ah, I see. Well, that was very thoughtful of you.”

Lukas circles around me, standing between the other man and me. He clasps a hand on the man’s shoulder.

“Beat it, Pops.”

He gives a slight head nod to the persistent prick who’s still standing there dumbfounded, and then he turns to me, effectually dismissing the embarrassed man and his advances.

I stifle a chuckle. Lukas smiles at me.

A real smile. No dentures.

His dark hair is slightly tousled, and the shadowy stubble on his face frames perfectly white teeth.

His silent charm is rubbing off on me, and I’m doing everything I can to not give in.

“I saw you needed help,” he declares. “I came to save you.”

I give an incredulous laugh. “Save me? I didn’t need saving.”

“I overheard,” he says. “You started to say that any second…”

“’My knee would be in his balls.’ That’s how I was going to end that sentence.”

I lean into my glass, trying to hide the gratitude that’s on my face. As thankful as I am for his small interference, I know better than to lose my wits.

Owing Lukas Griffin will undoubtedly come with a hefty payment, and it’s the type of debt that I can’t afford to have him collect.

I keep my face stoic while he watches me.

“Touché, Miss Lexington. Tou-fucking-ché.” He takes a sip of his drink, grinning casually.

“Well, since you seem to have everything over here handled, I think I’ll go rescue some real damsels in distress.”

My heart stops at his implication… but I shrug.

“Be my guest.”

His stare turns smoldering. “I will.” He steps away.

I watch him go.

I let go of a shaky breath when he’s far enough way. I don’t see him again for what seems like the rest of the night.

A Rook-ie Mistake

My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don't take these things into consideration.  -  Bobby Fischer



After Lukas leaves, I resign myself to actually having some fun.

I dance. I dally. I drink.


There seems to be a surgically irremovable glass of liquor in my hands at all times, and I am casually entertaining so many people that one might even mistake me as the “life of the party”—which I never am.