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Kathy Andrews

Stepmother in ropes


Lynn sensed the boys didn't like her from the beginning. It wasn't a hatred she felt, but more a dislike. Before she married their father a few months ago, they had seemed to be good boys, always polite with her, even showing some affection.

The marriage changed all that.

In the past month, Lynn had helped get them out of trouble with store owners, stores they had shoplifted from. So far she had managed to keep them away from the hands of the authorities by paying for the items they had stolen, talking the managers out of pressing criminal charges. Until now, she had not told their father, wanting to prove to herself she could handle the little devils.

She had not realized the problems she would have the day she became their stepmother. The problems began a week after the wedding. She had been called to school for a talk with the principal about the increasing truancy of the brothers. She learned at that time Billy and Tony had been in trouble often throughout the year. At first the school authorities did nothing, believing the boys were a displinary problem because of grief over their mother, who had passed away in the last year. But their delinquency progressed until they were caught in a restroom with a young girl.

Lynn was shocked to learn the boys had been attempting to rape the girl. Billy, a year older than his brother, had removed the girl's panties while Tony stood by playing with his cock, trying to get the girl to hold it.

At first Lynn thought about telling Jake, her husband, and letting him handle it, but she thought better of it. She wanted to show him she could take the troublesome boys under her hand and control them. Besides, Jake was deeply involved with his job, getting ready to make a swing through four states, visiting the company's plants. It was a trip that would take at least a month, and Lynn wasn't looking forward to being alone, knowing she would have troubles with the boys.

As troublesome as they were, Lynn loved them. Young boys could be rambunctious and filled with piss and vinegar. She had brothers who used to torment her day and night, so she knew what monsters boys could be.

Lynn was younger than her husband by ten years. She had gone to him a virgin, knowing nothing about sex. Sheltered most of her life, she found on her wedding night a new discovery. As much as she had thought of being fucked, yearning for it, it had been a disappointment for her.

For one thing, lake was much too fast to give her any sort of pleasure. His cock was enormous, and it had hurt her. It felt as if his cock had ripped and torn her cunt to shreds, and his prick seemed to fill her all the way to her throat. She had not come, had not even started to feel pleasure, before he was squirting thick cum into her. Now, after only a few months of marriage, she hated it when Jake came to her with that monstrous cock, all stiff and swollen, ready to thrust it into her tender cunt.

Lynn was always passive when he fucked her, which seemed to be every night. She lay on her back, feeling him plunge his cock into her cunt with hardly any regard for her at all. He plunged a few times, then came, filling her cunt with that horrible stuff, made a few groans, then rolled off and turned onto his back, snoring almost immediately.

She hated it.

Rather, she hated the nights when he fucked her.

Being married was what she enjoyed. If only she didn't have to put up with that huge cock each night, Lynn thought she could be very happy.

Lynn drove Jake to the airport that morning, kissing him goodbye and telling him she would miss him. Jake patted her rounded ass, telling her to keep it hot for him. She waved as he boarded the plane, then drove home, thinking her ass was never hot. Perhaps if he were more gentle with her, his cock not so big, she could enjoy fucking. Maybe instead of cringing when he approached, waving that big cock proudly, he would fondle and caress her a bit breasts. Maybe then her cunt would become wet and slippery, and his cock wouldn't hurt her.

Pulling into the driveway, she stopped outside the closed garage door. As she got out of the car, she heard her stepsons inside the garage, giggling.

Just knowing they were up to some mischief. Lynn sneaked through the house and peeked into the dim interior of the garage.

Lynn's heart almost stopped.

Billy and Tony had their pants down, and they were playing with their cocks. At first, horrified, Lynn felt a twitching sensation between her legs. If only Jake's cock was that size, she thought.

She must have made a gasp or some sort of noise. The two brothers saw her, but they didn't miss a beat with those tight fists. They giggled and arched their hips toward her.

"Wanna feel it?" Billy laughed lewdly. "It sure does feel good, Lynn. My cock is all nice and hard."

"Sure," Tony giggled. "Can't you see she wants to cop a feel of cock, silly?"

"Shame on you!" Lynn said, with a noticeable quiver and hoarseness in her voice. "Pull your pants up right this minute and get in the house, both of you!"

"You can't tell us what to do," Tony said. "You're not our mother."

"Yeah, you're just a stepmother," Billy said sarcastically. "Who do you think you are? We can tell Dad all kinds of things about you, make him throw your ass in the street."

Lynn seethed. "Get upstairs to your rooms, right now!"

Seeing her anger, they pulled their pants up and walked into the house, brushing past her. It was Tony, the youngest, who suddenly shot his hand toward her cunt as he squeezed past.

Lynn yelped, jerking her hips back. Furious, she slapped him hard across the face.

Tony glared at her. The mark of her hand made a red spot on his cheek.

"You're gonna be sorry you done that, Lynn," he growled. "You're really gonna be sorry."

Lynn watched them go up the stairs, shivering from the tone of Tony's words. She had no doubt that he meant it. She felt afraid of them for the first time.

She was a slender woman with deep brawn hair and dark eyes. She was extremely attractive, but didn't seem to know, it. Her tits were bold and round, perfectly sized for her body. Her waist was narrow, and her ass looked tight and shapely. Her thighs were slim, smooth as cream. She was not strong, and she knew that the boys could overpower her easily.

Watching them disappear up the stairs, Lynn trembled and started for the kitchen, wanting coffee as she tried to get her thoughts together. There had been something wicked in the tone of Tony's voice, something that chilled her.

As she sipped her coffee, she sensed someone behind her. Turning, she saw Billy and Tony standing there. "I told you two to stay in your room, didn't I?"

"Sure you did," Billy said. "But we don't have to take any shit from you. You're not our boss and you're not our mother. We can do anything we want and you can go piss up a rope."

"Billy, that's enough of that." Lynn noticed he had a rope in his hands.

"This rope," Billy said, grinning as he held it out to her. "You can piss up this rope."

Lynn could not deny the fear that flooded her body. She stared at the rope as if it were a viper. Tony moved toward her, and she saw he had a rope in his hands, too. She started to stand up, but they were too fast for her.

Billy raced behind her and held her shoulders tight, with his brother wrapping his rope about her, tying her to the chair.

Lynn gasped, her eyes enormous with fright. The rope cut into her tits as Tony wound it about her body and the back of her chair. They wrapped it three times around her, with the rope cutting above and below her tits, and one strand smashing her nipples. She couldn't move, no matter how hard she struggled. When Billy knelt at her feet, she tried kicking, but he caught her legs and tied her ankles to the legs of the chair.

Lynn felt frustrated tears running down her cheeks, tears of fear and humiliation. Just as she started to say something, a wide cloth gagged her.