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Billy crawled between his stepmother's thighs, and before he could push the head of his cock into her cunt, Lynn shot her hips up, driving her cunt onto his cock hard. She wailed as she fucked him, her legs shooting into the air and waving, her neck arched back, face tormented with wild, erotic need.

"Fuck it, fuck it!" she screamed, thrashing about on the bed, making it hard for Billy to stay between her legs. "Fuck my cunt! Fuck my hot pussy! I've got to come… or go out of my mind. Please, make me come!"

Lynn pulled her legs high, her ass doubling upward until Billy was almost standing, plunging his cock into his stepmother's cunt hard, his balls slapping her asshole.

Lynn churned, crying in frustration, her orgasms so close, yet so far away. She beat on the bed with her fists, biting so hard on her lip she tasted blood.

Tony sat with his legs crossed, watching the frantic fuck. Lynn had come so easily before, and he didn't know why she didn't come now.

Billy thrust harder and deeper into his stepmother's searing cunt, grunting loudly.

Lynn began to beat furiously against the mattress, tears streaming from her eyes. Her naked, uplifted ass jerked wildly as her orgasms swelled in agonizing pain. She tried to devour Billy's cock with her cunt, yearning to pull it deeper and harder to her pussy. Her sobs became loud. She could feel Billy getting ready to come.

"Don't cum! Don't cum! I… can't! Don't come yet! Oh, Goddamn, Goddamnit! Shit, fuck, piss, make me come!"

"I gotta…" Billy exploded into her cunt, gushing powerful spurts of thick come into her clutching cunt.

Lynn screamed her protest as her pussy filled, her ass shaking in wild movements, her fists pounding, head twisting, hair fanning her pretty face as she willed – tried to will – her cunt to orgasm.

She failed to cum.

Billy pulled his glistening cock out of her drenched cunt, falling to his side, gasping.

Lynn dropped her ass to the bed, curling up on her side, and cried with frustration.

"Why? Why can't I come?" The deep throbbing scalded her cunt. Her clit was so hard and swollen, it ached. Her pussylips seemed to open and close, as though her pussy was trying to ask for more cock. Her naked body twitched, and the more she tried to strain it, the more it twitched.

She felt a hand on her back.

"Go away!" she snapped. "Just go the fuck away!"

"Aw, let's leave the cunt alone," Billy said, getting off the bed. "We fucked her, and we can always fuck her again later."

Lynn watched her stepsons leave through the haze of her tears. She wanted to call them back, plead with them to make her come. They liked to hear her beg, she knew. It excited them when she begged to be fucked. Yet, she kept her mouth shut, making a firm resolve to tell their father.

After the boys left, she searched frantically for the telephone number where Jake was supposed to be. It was nowhere around. She jerked open drawers, scattering various items about the room.

"Fucking punk kids," she snarled under her breath. "Don't know how to make a girl cum. I'll fix them, the lousy assholes!"

She stood in the clutter, sobbing, frustrated, calling her stepsons every dirty name she could think of.

Flinging herself on the bed, Lynn began to fingerfuck her cunt viciously.


Lynn was left alone by her stepsons for a few days.

It puzzled her. Were they tired of her already? How could that be? she thought. They had only been fucking her two days, tying her up and fucking her against her will.

They were gone a lot, too, and she had been expecting calls constantly to get them out of trouble. She was also expecting to be abused at any moment, to have them sneak up on her, grab her when she least expected it, then tie her up a some lewd, helpless position and abuse her.

She had mixed emotions. On one hand she wanted them stay away from her, but on the other hand she found she missed the things they had done to her.

Then, a few days later, as she came down the stairs, her stepsons grabbed her swiftly by her arms.

"I thought… come on, guys," she said. "Enough is enough. Please, don't start it all over again."

Ignoring her, she was taken into the den. Worried, she looked about, wondering if they had arranged some unseen methods of torture in the den, but the room was dim, the drapes pulled over the double sliding doors.

Tony turned her arm loose and flicked the light switch.

Lynn saw what they had done, and her eyes went wide. She cringed against Billy's restraining hand.

"No! God, no!"

In the center of the floor, they had somehow secured an enormous rubber cock to it. A foot or or so on each side were hooks embedded into the floor. The rubber cock was really huge, larger than her husband's cock. It was, or looked to be, a good foot long, with an intricately shaped head that looked real.

Billy removed his belt from his pants, a leather belt with a lethal-looking buckle. He swung it around in a threatening manner.

Tony came back to stand at his brother's side.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, her voice shaking with fear, gazing at the rubber cock. "Don't hurt me, please. I haven't done anything to you guys. Don't hurt me."

"We won't, Lynn," Billy said, swinging the belt around menacingly. "But only if you do exactly as we tell you. You mind what we say, and you won't get hurt."

Lynn shivered, once again controlled by two teenaged boys with sadistic desires. It was a world of insanity, a world she never thought existed. No one had ever wanted to hurt her or abuse her in such fiendish ways. But she had never known anyone like Billy and Tony, either.

"Are you gonna do what we tell you?" Billy asked, tapping the belt lightly against her ass. "We're not gonna wait all day for your answer."

Lynn shut her eyes, holding her head down shame, her fists clenched at her hips. Biting her lips, she nodded.

"That ain't good enough, cunt," Billy said, hitting her ass hard. "You gotta tell us not just move your fucking head!"

"Yes," Lynn whispered softly.

"You wanna get hurt bad?" Billy demanded.

"God, no!"

"You gonna do what we say, then?"

"Yes," she gasped.

"Make her do it now, Billy," Tony urged. "She's gotta promise first," Billy said, swinging his belt against Lynn's ass, hard enough to sting.

"I do," Lynn murmured, flinching, her ass cheeks clutching from the slight pain.

"Do what?" Billy said in a harsh voice, swinging the leather belt above her straining tits.

"Ohhh, don't, please!" Lynn moaned. Billy lashed out at her tits.

Her tits stung, especially her nipples that had taken the brunt of the belt.

"I-I promise. Oh, God, I promise!"

"You're learning, Lynn," Billy said, pleased.

The belt continued to flick about, threateningly. From lowered eyelashes, Lynn watched it warily, anticipating another blow.

"Squat down right where you are, bitch," Billy said.

Lynn sank slowly, her knees bending, her head still lowered in passive shame. She squatted, her knees together, the hem of her skirt covering her feet.

"Pull your fucking dress back, cunt," Billy snarled and swung the belt against her knees. "Pull your skirt way back to your ass!"

Her hands shook as she obeyed, refusing to look up at Billy. Her long thighs were exposed as she pulled her skirt to her waist.

"Open your fucking knees, cocksucker!"

Lynn spread her knees, but not wide enough to suit Billy. The belt crashed down on her sensitive flesh, and she quickly widened her knees. The crotch of bet panties was exposed.

Then she hung her head in shame, something Billy didn't like.

"Sit up straight, asshole!" he demanded. "Sit up straight and make your tits stick out. And don't try to close your eyes; you gotta keep them open and look at us."