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At last, they were done. Lynn sighed.

She waited.

One of the boys untied her gag, and she ran her tongue over dry lips, keeping her eyes closed.

"Please, let me go," she pleaded softly. "Untie me and we'll forget it. I won't say anything to your father if you let me go right now."

"Fuck you, cunt," Billy said.

"Yeah, fuck you, cunt!" Tony smirked.

"Please, don't be so mean to me," Lynn begged. "I've done nothing to you, have I?"

"You slapped me!" Tony accused. "I can't let you bitch me and get away with it!"

"Slap her back," Billy said. "She can't stop you now."

Lynn looked up at the boys fearfully. "I won't ever slap you again, Tony. I promise."

"Maybe we better let her loose," Tony said, seemingly afraid of what they were doing to her.

"Sure, after I piss on her," Billy replied.

"Oh, God! No!" Lynn said. "Not that! Please, don't do that to me!"

"I can if I wanna." Billy laughed and began to piss on her come-smeared tits.

"Qhhh! Please! Please!"

Tony, seeing his brother pissing, lifted his cock and let go with a golden stream on her other tit. Lynn felt the stinging piss on her tits, gritting her teeth against this final degradation. She couldn't look at them, couldn't watch them piss on her tits. She was afraid they would interpret it as pleasure on her part.

The boys, laughing loudly, pissed from tit to tit, the streams crossing. She felt piss running from her tits, soaking her dress, getting her thighs wet. There was a strange sensation between her legs.


Feeling more degraded than ever in her life, Lynn was, nevertheless, grateful when the boys untied her. With downcast, shy eyes, she tried to adjust her ripped dress as best she could, feeling the garment soaked with piss.

She waited, sitting for a moment longer, wondering why she didn't run from them. Then, shocked, she realized she was waiting to be told when she could leave. She could hear her stepsons talking, but there was such a roaring inside her head, she couldn't make out any of their words. Peeking shyly she saw them leaving the kitchen.

Then she gave a sigh of relief. She pressed her hands over her face and began to sob.

She didn't know what to do, where to turn. That strange feeling she had felt when they came on her tits and then pissed on them was gone. She felt disgust, blaming herself for letting this happen to her. She could have fought them. She could have resisted, yet she had sat passively and let them tie her up and perform those humiliating things to her body. Confusion ran through her mind.

Slowly, like a zombie, she walked up the stain to her room, where she bathed for a long time, trying not to think. The hot water soothed her body, but did nothing for her bruised emotions. An hour later, as she was dressing in frisk clothing the telephone rang. She stood shaking. If it was Jake, what could she tell him?

She answered it after six rings.

Billy and Tony had been caught in a department store, shoplifting some cheap items they could easily have paid, for. She was asked to come to the store.

Lynn didn't know what to do, but she didn't have much choice.

If she refused to go to their aid, Jake would be very angry with her. He had, after all, left them in her care. Jake wanted her to run the house and his family like any mother so he could devote his time to his growing career. If she valued her marriage, she had to confront the store manager, attempt to get her stepsons out of the problem and try to punish them as Jake expected of her.

Approaching the department store, Lynn trembled, fearful of entering. Billy and Tony were in there, and she dreaded facing them after what they had done to her.

The manager was kind with her, giving the boys a stern lecture on shoplifting and what it could lead them to, then he released the boys to her, promising not to contact the authorities unless they were caught again.

Billy and Tony acted contrite and sorry for their act, but once they were out of the store, alone with Lynn, they changed completely around.

"That old fart," Billy scoffed. "We would've gotten away with it if he hadn't come along at that time, huh, Tony?"

"Yeah," Tony replied. "Up his!"

"Now don't talk that way," Lynn admonished, trying to exert some influence over them, but her voice sounded shaky. "It isn't nice."

"You can piss up a rope," Billy said, making Tony snicker. "You don't own us, Lynn."

"That's right," echoed Tony.

Lynn didn't like the way they talked. Telling her to piss up a rope had been the start of that degrading experience this morning, and she didn't want a repeat of that! Maybe if she kept her mouth shut, they would leave her alone.

At home, the boys, she saw gratefully, went to their rooms upstairs. She gathered up the soiled laundry, planning on doing the washing. The washing machine and dryer were set in a small room near the garage, and she would feel safe from her stepsons there, she felt. Loading the washer and turning it on, she leaned over it, not wanting to go back into the house. She was afraid Billy and Tony would be downstairs.

"Oh!" she screeched suddenly.

The boys had come up on her silently, and one of them had flipped her skirt up before she knew they were there. As her face burned with embarrassment, Lynn fought to shove her skirt down.

"Oh, fancy panties, stepmother dear," Billy said. "Real fancy, wouldn't you say, Tony?"

"Yeah, all lace and nothing else."

"Don't, please," Lynn begged, yet trying to sound firm, but failing miserably. "Haven't you done enough for one day?"

"Naw," Billy said. "We're just getting started, Lynn. Don't you wanna play with us? You're supposed to make us happy, aren't you? Mothers always make their boys and girls happy if they're real mothers."

Lynn, still facing the washing machine, closed her eyes tightly, tears already starting to sting them. She had her hands balled into tight fists, resting on the lid of the machine.

Suddenly she felt a rope being placed around her right wrist, jerking her hand back. The rope was secured, then lifted up and tied to a wall hook above the washing machine. Her left hand was tied the same way. She struggled against the ropes, then she felt her skirt being lifted up from behind again, and now she had no defense against it.

"We just wanna see your fancy panties, Lynn," Billy said, "They sure are the prettiest panties I've ever seen."

"I wanna feel them," Tony said.

"Don't!" Lynn groaned. "Don't touch me, please!"

She kicked her feet around in an attempt to keep them away.

"Tie her fucking feet!" Tony said. "She's gonna kick one of us in the fucking balls."

"She kicks me in the balls and I'm gonna beat her fucking ass," Billy said. "But let's tie her feet anyway."

Lynn made feeble efforts to stop them, but they held her legs firmly as a rope was looped about her ankles, then pulled off to the sides and secured. Her legs were parted, her crotch open and vulnerable. She felt her skin being lifted to her waist, pinned between her stomach and the vibrating washing machine.

She trembled in shame when a hand began to stroke the cheeks of her ass, another on the back of her thigh. Chills floated up and down her flesh.

"Lynn has a nice ass. Don't she, Tony?"

"Real smooth ass," Tony replied, squeezing the springy cheek of her ass. "Let's take her fucking panties off, Billy."

Lynn slumped against her bonds, tears running down her cheeks for the second time this day. She was totally helpless, unable to stop her stepsons. They had her tied up until she couldn't move. Her hands were up past her head, tied to those damned hooks, and her feet were spread wide. The washing machine vibrated against her flat stomach. She had no choice; she had to accept whatever they were going to do to her, and she hoped it was quick. She wanted to get this over with as fast as she could.