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Consume? I wondered if I said that out loud. From the look on Mum’s face, I hadn’t.

I pulled my hands up to my sides, bent elbows, and pushed up to sitting.

Bloody hell, that hurt.

Sunny sat cross-legged on top of the dresser, her head resting against the mirror behind her. I didn’t know, she said.

“Know?” Excellent. That was actual audible speech. My bell had been rung pretty damn hard, though. It had taken a lot to get that word out.

The details of exactly what had happened were on the other side of the blast zone in my brain.

About Davy, Sunny said. I didn’t know that he was carved up and triggered to kill you. Well, you and Allie and Zayvion and Terric.

Ah, the details were coming back to me. “Did he? Kill?”

I looked around the room expecting to see everyone I cared about dead and tied to me. But the only ghosts in the room were Mum, Sunny, and Eleanor, who shook her head.

No one died, Eleanor said. But your mom’s right. That was a lot of magic to absorb. You’re kind of smoldering with death and darkness.

“Yeah?” I asked. “Is it sexy?”

She grinned. Oh yeah. Real sexy. That was the first time I’d seen her smile, really smile since I had bought her a drink in heaven.

Hold on. Heaven? Images and memories flashed and burned through my mind. All that magic I’d absorbed must have rattled a few things loose.

I’d died, gone to a bar in heaven. I’d seen Eleanor there, and Chase and Greyson, and Dessa. Dad and Victor too.

Shamus? Mum said.

“Hold on. Having a Dorothy moment.”

Dad and Victor had thrown me out of heaven and cast me down here.

They’d told me I didn’t have much time. That if I didn’t stop Krogher and Eli and the drones, the world would end. I searched those memories for exactly how the end might come, but came up empty.

Undoubtedly it was something involving magic.

“How long have I been here?” I asked. “How long since Davy bombed out on us?”

It hasn’t been longer than an hour or two, Mum said.

Felt like years.

I got out of the bed, keeping one hand on the wall just in case walking was going to be an issue. Nope. I felt pretty good for a guy who’d just taken a nuclear blast to Oz and back. “Where’s Terric?” I asked. “Where’s Dash and Cody? I have to go. We have to go find Eli.”

I was fully clothed, still had my shoes on.

Like we’d know? Sunny said. We can’t get that far away from you.

“Then let’s get moving.” I opened the door onto a nicely decorated hallway. Figured out where I was.

I’d been to Kevin’s house a couple of times and recalled needing a map to navigate the place. It had been in his family for generations, a family of some wealth who liked living on the grand side of the scale.

I was on the lower floor, in one of the bedrooms that was probably a servant’s quarters back in the day.

The hall led to a sitting room and a few other rooms that I guessed were libraries or something, and finally I was in one of the main living areas, which was roughly the size of a small ballroom.

There was no one in the ballroom, but I heard voices from farther down the hall.

Great. More walking.

The voices were in a meeting room that was done up in wood and leather and fine artwork.

Terric, Dash, and Cody sat at the table on one side of the room with Kevin, who had a shotgun propped next to his knee.

“Started the party without me?” I asked.

They all looked my way.

Terric stood, walked over to me. “I didn’t think you’d be up. Not so soon.” But in his eyes was not at all.

“I’d hate to miss out on the plans for kicking Eli’s ass,” I said. “We are kicking Eli’s ass, aren’t we?”

“Yes,” Terric said, placing his hand on my shoulder and guiding me over to a chair. “But there’s something else we have to deal with first.”

“Tell me it involves ordering pizza.”

“No,” he said. “You want a drink?”

“Is it that bad?”


“Then make it a double.”

He walked over to the small refrigerator recessed into the wall and pulled out a beer, brought it back to me.

I opened it, took a drink and then one more. How long had it been since I had a beer?

“Okay,” I said. “Tell me.”

Terric looked over at Cody and the rest of the people at the table.

“It’s kind of complicated,” Cody said. “But we think Davy booby-trapped the house.”

“Think? That’s a yes/no sort of situation, isn’t it?”

“Sure, if we could get a straight look at it,” Kevin said. “But that spell, whatever the hell that was he hit the place with, left something behind.”

“Okay.” I held up a finger, then finished the beer. Because, priorities. “I just got cracked in the head with exploding tainted magic he carried. I’m guessing Eli sewed a Beckstrom disk into that poor guy’s chest, so explain everything to me straight and clear. Use small words.”

“Davy’s spell created another spell,” Terric said. “We think it’s a trap.”

“Spells can do that? Never mind. A trap for what?” I asked. “Keeping us in, or keeping us out?”

“Both,” Cody said. “Maybe. Or maybe it’s something more.”


“The possibilities are pretty damn endless,” Dash said, finally joining the conversation. “We can’t figure it out.”

“Still missing the details.” I glanced at each of them. “I said small words, not no words.”

Terric stood and walked toward the door. “It would be easier to show you.”

I heaved up out of the chair and followed him. The others stayed behind.

“How are you doing?” he asked, keeping his pace slow enough that I didn’t have to strain to keep up.

“Just spiffy.”

He glanced over at me. “With less bullshit,” he said. “How are you doing?”

“I killed my mother, Terric. How do you think I’m doing?”

You didn’t kill me, Mum said.

He didn’t say anything for a bit. Then, “You didn’t kill her. And I think you’re doing better than I expected, considering what you’re dealing with.”

“Yeah, well, maybe you don’t know what I’m dealing with.” The people I’d killed. Losing ground to Death magic. Hell, the only thing I had to look forward to was penance via silver bullet through the head once we took care of Eli and Krogher.

Terric made a little hmm sound, then said, “Death, trip to heaven, dire warnings from your dad, killing Sunny, Mina, your mom—”

He didn’t kill me, she said again.

“—killing me, taking the brunt of an explosion meant to kill half a dozen people even though you knew that tainted magic is probably the only thing that will end you. Kind of hoping you’ll bite it after you take Eli and Krogher out? Silver-bullet penance.” He looked over at me again. “How am I doing?”

“The hell, mate?”

“I heard your thoughts, Shame. When you UnClosed me, you were an open book. There isn’t anything in you I didn’t see.”

“And that’s not creepy how?”

“You saw the same in me, I’m sure.”

“No,” I said. “I didn’t. All I saw was the spell we were trying to trace to UnClose you.”

“Really? I told you. You never pay attention.”

“Sure,” I said, “next time you get a hatchet job on your brain that I have to unhatchet, I’ll try to take the time to appreciate the scenery.”