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Warran’s gaze narrowed in the first betrayal of annoyance Kiska had yet seen from him.

L’oric now bowed to his sister. ‘Jayashul.’ He indicated Jheval. ‘What reason has this man given for coming here?’

‘They say they came to investigate the Anomaly, the Devourer.’

L’oric’s gaze was openly sceptical as he studied them in turn. Kiska felt as if she’d been mentally frisked for stolen goods. ‘For what reason, I wonder,’ he mused. ‘All three must be arrested.’

‘I have extended the status of guest to them.’

‘Then you did so too quickly — you should have waited for me.’

It was now Jayashul’s turn to reveal annoyance. Jheval laughed. ‘Still the diplomat, I see, L’oric.’

The man frowned, completely unable to penetrate Jheval’s taunt. ‘This one, at least, must be chained. If only for our safety.’

Kiska couldn’t contain herself any longer. It was stunning how these two could stand here speaking of them in the third person. ‘We have done nothing!’

L’oric regarded her, bemused. ‘How strange to hear a Malazan defending Leoman of the Flails.’

Leoman of the Flails! Kiska gaped at Jheval. The man at least had the scruples to appear ashamed.

‘I am sorry, Kiska,’ he said.

‘Ah!’ L’oric snorted, as if vindicated. ‘He lied to you. Typical.’

‘I believe we’ve established that,’ Warran commented, arching a brow.

Leoman of the Flails. Follower of Sha’ik, and the last commander of the Seven Cities insurrection. The man who lured the Malazan Seventh Army to its greatest tragedy in the city of Y’Ghatan, where a firestorm consumed thousands. Possibly the greatest living threat to the Empire.

And a man she would have brought to Tayschrenn! Whom the Queen of Dreams pressed upon her! Could he have deceived her? Surely not. But then… gods turn away! What was she to do?

Kiska sat heavily, gazing at nothing.

‘Perhaps,’ Warran suggested, ‘you might settle this on your own.’

L’oric gave a curt nod. ‘Yes.’ He snapped his fingers and a guard edged aside the cloth hanging. ‘Take these three back to their quarters and put them under close watch.’

The guard’s gaze flicked to Jayashul. Though obviously irked by her brother’s infringement on her prerogative as commander, she gestured her agreement.

Kiska remained sitting until hands urged her up and guided her back to her tent.

She sat on her pallet, staring at the blank cloth walls long into the night. Leoman. Had he planned assassination? The Queen of Dreams could not have been fooled. Did she then… approve?

Her gaze fell to her hands. Impotent. Deluded. Abetting!

The hands clenched into white fists.

No. Never. I will kill him.

She stood, threw off her loose cloak and travelling jacket. She rewound her sash wider and tighter, pulled on her gloves. Only now did she notice the noise without the tent. Many men and women moving about. She glanced out of a gap in the cloth opening: the Liosan were readying for their assault. Utter insanity! What can an army do against a Void?

She saw a detachment of five Liosan marching towards her tent, led by the man from the dinner, Brother Jorrude. Damn! They might be…

She pulled on her cloak, wrapped it around her and sat on the pallet, hands tucked within the folds.

A sharp knock on the tent’s front pole. ‘Yes?’ she called.

‘We must enter. Dress yourself.’

‘What is it?’

‘I will give you one more moment.’

‘Enter, then. If you must.’

The flap was pulled aside and three Liosan stepped in, Brother Jorrude and two female soldiers. They peered about the empty interior of her tent.

‘What is it?’

Brother Jorrude ignored her.


‘Courtesy?’ the man cut in. ‘You Malazans are not deserving of courtesy. I find your manners… offensive.’

Kiska smiled. ‘Came away poorly from a previous meeting, did you?’

The man glared, gestured the others out, then followed.

Kiska gave them a moment then peered out of the gap in the cloth. They appeared to be gone. She bent to examine the cot. Two legs came off, giving her short batons as weapons. These she tucked into her sash at the rear. She went to the flap, tucked her fingers round the edge and waited for the alley in front to clear.

‘There’s too many for that,’ a voice said at her back and she nearly jumped from the tent. It was Warran; the man was standing directly behind her.

‘Don’t do that!’ she hissed.

‘It looks as if we’ve all decided it’s time to go.’

She eyed him, not liking that. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Jheval — that is, Leoman — has escaped.’

‘I knew it! That was why they came here!’ She regarded him anew. ‘And you as well, it would seem.’

A modest shrug. ‘I come and go as I please. These Tiste Liosan truly do not understand Shadow. To them it is merely some sort of bastard hybrid. A crippled, or inferior, Liosan. But it is not that at all. It is its own Realm. Separate and equally legitimate.’

In that speech she heard something new in the priest: pride, yes, but the touchy insecure pride of the outsider, or newcomer, to a very old and long-running game. ‘Will you help me get away?’

The priest’s answering grin was unnervingly sly. ‘Of course.’

Pyke choked on his beer when Lard and Wess thumped down at his table. He finished drinking from the heavy tankard and wiped his mouth. ‘What do you two want?’

‘We’re waitin’ for Suth.’

Pyke snorted. ‘Then I’m goin’.’ He moved to rise but Lard grabbed his forearm. ‘What’s this shit?’

Suth entered, peered round, then sat at the table. He nodded to Wess, who yanked something from Pyke’s waist — his money pouch. Wess upended it over the table. Silver and copper coins tumbled over the uneven planks and on to the floor. Pyke writhed to escape Lard’s grip. ‘You guys crazy? That’s mine!’

Suth shook his head. ‘I wasted my entire day following you, Pyke, from one shop to the next. Guess what I saw?’

Pyke wrenched his arm free and rubbed it, sneering. ‘What’s the matter with you guys? It’s the routine. Why should we miss out?’

‘We get paid,’ Lard said.

A laugh from Pyke. ‘When was the last time you saw any Malazan coin?’

‘Coin or not,’ Lard ground out. ‘I signed on to fight, not steal.’

‘Well then, you’re just a stupid fucker, ain’t you?’

Lard surged forward but Suth pulled him back, saying, ‘You’re digging a grave with that mouth of yours, Pyke. Consider this the warning it is. No more giving us a bad name, or we’ll put you in the infirmary.’

Pyke bared his teeth in a derisive smirk. ‘You can try.’

Suth sat back, disbelieving. All the gods of the lands. How dense can a man be? ‘All right. Outside.’

Wess inched his head aside, his eyes to Suth’s rear. Suth turned to see Goss approaching. The sergeant rested a heavy hand on Lard’s and Pyke’s shoulders, giving them all an evil smile. ‘Good to see everyone together like one big happy family. Now kit up. We’re on.’

The squad assembled in front of the inn. All were present, including, of all people, Faro. Yana only was absent as she was still recovering from her crossbow bolt wound. Suth had been named acting corporal. Len and Keri showed up last, jogging from the direction of the garrison. They cradled fat shoulder bags at their sides. Something in Suth shivered upon spotting those bags: whatever this was, it was gonna be ugly.

They marched east. Before they left the last outskirts of Banith, the 6th joined them led by Sergeant Twofoot. Suth couldn’t miss the giant shambling Fish, the squad’s muscle. The man held out a hand to Wess, who pressed a pouch into it. The two tucked rolls of leaves into their mouths. Peas in a damned pod.

Beyond the outskirts they passed tilled market gardens, leafless orchards and harvested fields of stubble and snow. They passed through Malazan checkpoints, were saluted onward. A mounted messenger joined up with them and led the way to a copse of trees north off the road. Here they were ordered to form up.