“laboured to convey” was “laboured to make the”
“to the rest” was “to the w”
“a christ” is Loy’s spelling
PAGE 272
After “be taken away” reads the following:
Of Genius
Genius is honesty
talent is theft.
Education is the training for intellectual thievery.
What is faith—
faith is the ability to set in operation, forces of whose existence you have no guarantee except through their (results effects)
Morality is not a device but a birth-right
Morality is as impersonal as criminality
Psychological Distance
There is a distance
or rather a proximity at which number is heterogeneous.
A thousand bugs at sufficient distance if focussed by a magnifying glass would present one bug to the power of form.
There is a distance at which number is homogeneous.
proximity produces diversity
distance produces uniformity
“consciousness is deepest” reads “consciousness deepest”— “deepest with” may have been “is closest to”—ed.
“within himself” was “to himself”
“hovers at a slight distance” was “hovers between distance”— “slight” is unclear—ed.
“quite in contact” was “quite sure of”
“with his own mind” reads “of his own mind”—ed.
PAGE 273
“correct solution” was “correction answer”
From “I think therefore I am” to the end of section three is attrib- uted to “lo” in original—ed.
“coincident to his state” was “coincident with the”
“make-up — there” reads “make-up there”—ed.
PAGE 274
“Yet the flesh and the soul can say to one another — we suffer” was “But the flesh can say to the soul we suffer—”
“without contact with the soul” is a later addition, and is preceded by “?”—ed.
“to cure suffering” was “to destroy suffering”
“to cure happiness” was “to destroy happiness”
“there can never be” was “there has”
“ ‘Man’s inalienable’ ” reads “ ‘Man’s alienable’ ”—ed.
PAGE 275
“weep over” was “weep of”
“simple poignancy” was “simple and”
“conception of starving and” was “conception and”
“complex protractedness” was “complex vagueness”
“on starving” may be “in starving”—ed.
“The sight of” was “the beauty of” and “the aspect of”
“shop windows”—“shop” is unclear—ed.
“takes on a sudden” reads “take on sudden”—ed.
“aspect féerique” reads “ ‘aspect féerique’ ”—ed.
On either side of the sentence “Death — it. . mind” a line is drawn across the page—ed.
PAGE 276
“universe is of the third” reads “universe of the third”—ed.
PAGE 277
“But what is morality?” is attributed to “mi” in the original—ed.
“who has lied” was “who lies”
“for a temporary lie” was “of a lie”
“sake of ultimate truth” was “sake of truth”
The sentence “Yet it in. . ultimate truth” is repeated; the second variant reads: “Yet in an illogical society there is [often] the ne- cessity often presents itself for the temporary lie for the sake of ultimate truth.”—ed.
PAGE 278
“physical phenomena end” was “physical phenomena begin”
“cessation of visuality” was “interruption of sight”—only “inter- ruption” is crossed out—ed.
“wakefulness — sets up” reads “wakefulness sets up”—ed.
“aware of the fourth dimension” reads “existing in the (or aware of the fourth dimension)”—“existing in the” is crossed out—ed.
“without exits” reads “without issues (exits)”—ed.
“get out of the room” was “get outside of the room”
“he in the fourth dimension — can follow” was “he has control of his fourth dimensional potentiality”
“he is connective with infinite distance” reads “he (has connectivity is) connective”—ed.
After “be aware” reads “(find other word)”—ed.
PAGE 279
Beneath “the three dimensional” reads “BLIND BACK”—ed.
“ample consciousness find” was “ample consciousness are”
“third dimensional” reads “3rd dim”—ed.
“back to its source” reads “back to its share source”—source ap- pears to be a later correction—ed.
“inhabit the identical” was “inhabit our”
Beneath “nothingness” a line is drawn across the bottom of the page, followed by: “It is the nature of infinity that it is infinite at every point.”—ed.
“educational exercise” was “educational impressions”
PAGE 280
“he who immovably”—“immovably” is unclear and could be “immeasurably”—ed.
“submission of identity” was “the submission of identity”
“libre arbitre” reads “ ‘libre arbitre’ ” in first instance—ed.
“amid a loud diversity” was “amid diversity”
PAGE 281
A circle is drawn around mi’s statement “Truth is the question. . formula” followed by a series of four wavy lines across the page—ed.
PAGE 282
After “finds himself” about two thirds of the remaining page is left blank
After “asserts” reads “?”—ed.
“death of the body” was “deaths of the body”
“together amount to” reads “together (brought to a whole) amount to”—ed.
PAGE 283
“towards the cosmic” was “towards cosmic”
After “cosmic” reads “? — for which he has not i.e.”—ed.
“macrocosm or divinity” was “macrocosm into the”
After “Mediocosm = man” Loy writes: “Mediocosmic? Can this word be used.”—this note to self appears to mark a break in the philosophical dialogue. The next six pages include a set of rough notes organised under the following headings: Vengeance, Truth, Religion, Propriety of Words, Miracles, Poem, Spirit, Medita- tion, Christ, Masses, Anomaly of Equality, Revolution, Hindu, and Beauty—ed.
Under the heading “Miracles,” Loy briefly continues the Mi/Lo dialogue as follows:
Yet god is ever-changing—
Unchanging in changeableness.
There is no process in the working of a miracle.
It is operated in the fourth dimension. No miracle ever happens in the third dimension: only its effect is apparent.
“conceive of it” was “conceive it”
After “impulse” reads “(longer word)”—ed.
“complement of shame” was “complement of educational”
“a swollen eroticism” was “the swollen bestia”
PAGE 284
“law of the world moralist” was “law of the sex”