"Begin deployment," he said, and the enormous hatches opened and the pods began to spill free.
The other units of Task Force One were elsewhere, closing on Manticore-B. They wouldn't be deploying their pods just yet, not until they'd reached their own preselected launch point. Topolev wished that he'd had more ships to commit to that prong of the attack, but the decision to move up Oyster Bay had dictated the available resources, and this prong had to be decisive. Besides, there were fewer targets in the Manticore-B subsystem, anyway.
It'll be enough, he told himself, watching as the pods disappeared steadily behind his decelerating starships, vanishing into the endless dark between the stars. It'll be enough. And in about five weeks, the Manties are going to get a late Christmas present they'll never forget.
Appendix I: Ship Schematics
Appendix II: Characters
Aberu, Captain Ingeborg, SLN—operations officer, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.
Abruzzi, Malachai—Permanent Senior Undersecretary of Education and Information, Solarian League.
Adenauer, Commander Dominica, RMN—operations officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later operations officer, 10th Fleet.
Agnelli, Chief Steward Joanna, RMN—Aivars Terekhov's personal steward.
al-Fanudahi, Captain Daud ibn Mamoun, SLN—a Battle Fleet analyst assigned to the Office of Operational Analysis.
Alcoforado, Captain Filipa, RMN—CO, HMS Theseus. Shulamit Onasis' flag captain.
Alonso y Yáñez, Fleet Admiral Engracia, SLN—CO, Frontier Fleet, Solarian League Navy.
Alquezar, Joachim—Prime Minister of the Talbott Quadrant, leader of the Constitutional Union Party.
Anisimovna, Aldona—Manpower Inc. board member; a senior operative of the Mesan Alignment.
Appleton, Lieutenant Martin, RMN—XO, HMSRoland.
Archer, Sir Roger Mackley—"Gwen" Archer's father.
Archer, Lieutenant Gervais Winton Erwin Neville ("Gwen"), RMN—Michelle Henke's flag lieutenant.
Armstrong, Captain Victoria ("Vicki"), RMN—commanding officer HMS Artemis; vice Admiral Gold Peak's flag captain.
Askew, Lieutenant Maitland ("Matt"), SLN—assistant tactical officer, SLNSJean Bart.
Attunga, Marguerite—a reporter for Manticoran News Service, Inc.
Bardasano, Isabel—Jessyk Combine cadet board member; senior intelligence specialist, Mesan Alignment.
Billingsley, Master Steward Chris, RMN—Michelle Henke's personal steward.
Blaine, Vice Admiral Jessup, RMN—CO, Task Force 302, Lynx Terminus Station.
Boltitz, Helga—Henri Krietzmann's senior personal aide.
Bouchard, Lieutenant Commander Jerod, RMN—astrogator, HMS Artemis.
Bourget, Commander Hildegard ("Hildy"), SLN—XO, SLNSJean Bart.
Boutin, President Alain—System President, New Tuscany.
Bouvier, Captain Adelbert, RHN—Republic of Haven Navy POW camp liaison responsible for Camp C7.
Braga, Lieutenant Commander Antonio, RMN—staff astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.
Brangeard, Lieutenant Toussaint, RHN—CO dispatch boat RHNS Comet.
Brescatore, Captain George, RMN—CO, HMS Sabertooth.
Breshnikov, Captain Adolf, SLN—CO, SLNSRestitution. Evelyn Sigbee's flag captain.
Brinkman, Chief Steward Clorinda, RMN—Naomi Kaplan's personal steward.
Bristow, Lieutenant Oliver, SLN—sensor officer, Meyers Astro Control.
Brulé, Anne-Louise—an employee of the New Tuscany Ministry of Information.
Brunner, Lieutenant Simon, RMN—astrogator, HMS Reprise.
Byng, Admiral Josef, SLN—CO, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.
Cardot, Alesta—Minister of Foreign Affairs, New Tuscany.
Carlson, Captain Frederick, RMN—CO, HMSQuentin Saint-James. Sir Aivars Terekhov's flag captain.
Carmouche, Captain Tanguy—a fictitious New Tuscan merchant captain portrayed by Oliver Ratté.
Carus, Commander Joseph, RMN—CO, HMSJavelin; SO, Destroyer Division 265.2.
Casterlin, Commander Sterling, RMN—astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later astrogator, 10th Fleet.
Challon, Armand—Deputy Minister of War, New Tuscany.
Challon, Victor—a powerful oligarch and politician in the New Tuscany System Parliament.
Chandler, Commander Ambrose, RMN—Augustus Khumalo's staff intelligence officer.
Chang, Rear Admiral Liam, SLN—CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 302.
Chase, Lieutenant Commander Julie, RMN—CO, HMSLodestone.
Chatterjee, Commodore Ray ("Bear")—CO, Destroyer Squadron 301; SO, Destroyer Division 301.1.
Cheng, Admiral Hai-shwun, SLN—CO, Office of Operational Analysis, Solarian League Navy.
Chernevsky, Anastasia—head of naval research and development, Mesan Alignment.
Clifford, Petty Officer First-Class Cheryl, RMN—acting quartermaster, HMS Hexapuma.
Coker, Petty Officer2/c Alan, SLN—sensor technician, Meyers Astro Control.
Coleman, Commander Theresa, MAN—Frederick chief of staff, Task Force One.
Colenso, Admiral Jennifer, MAN—CO, Task Force Two.
Conner, Captain Jerome, RMN—CO, HMS Penelope. Senior officer, Battlecruiser Division 106.1.
Cortez, Admiral Sir Lucian, RMN—Fifth Space Lord, Royal Manticoran Navy.
Cramer, Commander Wesley, RMN—CO, HMS Devastation.
Crandall, Fleet Admiral Sandra, SLN—CO, Task Force 496.
d'Arezzo, Midshipman Paulo, RMN—assigned HMS Hexapuma for midshipman's cruise.
Da Orta e Diadoro, Jacinta—Interior Minister, Solarian League.
Dallas, Commander Albert ("Al"), RMN—XO, HMS Artemis.
Danville, Surgeon Lieutenant Pryce, RMN—ship's surgeon, HMSTristram.
Denton, Lieutenant Commander Lewis, RMN—CO, HMSReprise.
DesMoines, Commander John, RMN—CO, HMSRoland. "Bear" Chatterjee's flag captain.
Detweiler, Albrecht—CEO, Mesan Alignment.
Detweiler, Benjamin—Albrecht Detweiler's son; Mesan Alignment director of military affairs.