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«You have piqued my curiosity and raised my hopes, » Elric beckoned with his band. «Come, seer, tell me your news and let's all trust it is as good as you hint»

Moonglum took a step back as the seer approached. Both he and the Dioperdans watched with curiosity as Ohada whispered to Elric.

Elric himself had to strain to catch the words. «I bear a message from a being called Sepiriz, He says not what you have failed to do, he has done, but there is something which you must do that he cannot He says to go to the carved city and there he will enlighten you further.»

«Sepiriz! How did he contact you?»

«I am clairvoyant. He came to me in a dream.»

«Your words could be treacherous, designed to lead me into Jagreen Lern's hands.»

«Sepiriz added one thing to me-he told me that we should meet on this very spot Could Jagreen Lern know that?»

«Unlikely-but, by the same reckoning, could anyone know that?»

Then Elric remembered that Sepiriz and his brothers, who had helped him earlier, were the servitors of Fate. And Fate had already played an important part in this. He nodded. «Thanks, seer.»

Then he shouted to the riders. «We need a pair of horses-the best you have! »

«Our horses are valuable to us, » grumbled a knight in torn armour, »they are all we have.»

«My companion and I need to move swiftly if we are to save your land. Come, risk a pair of horses against the possibility of vengeance on your conquerors.»

The knight dismounted and so did the man beside him. They led their steeds up to Elric and Moonglum. «Use them well Elric.»

Elric took the reins and swung himself into the saddle. «I will, » said he. «What are your plans now?»

«Well fight on as best we can.»

«Would it not be wiser to hide in the mountains or the Marshes of the Mist?»

«If you had witnessed the depravity and terror of Jagreen Lern's filthy rule, you would not make men an enquiry.» the knight said hollowly. Though we cannot hope to win against a man whose servants can command the very earth to heave like the ocean, pull down floods of salt water from the sky and send green clouds scudding down to destroy helpless children in nameless ways, we shall take what vengeance we can! This part of the continent is calm compared to what is going on elsewhere. Dreadful geological changes are taking place everywhere. You would not recognise a hill or forest ten miles north. And those that you passed one day might well have changed or disappeared on the next.»

«We have witnessed something of the like on our sea journey, » Elric nodded. «I wish you a long life of revenge, friend. I myself have scores to settle with Jagreen Lern and his accomplice.»

«His accomplice? You mean King Sarosto of Dharijor! » A thin smile crossed the knight's haggard face. «You'll take no vengeance on Sarosto-he was assassinated soon after our forces were vanquished at the battle of Sequa. Though nothing was proved, it is common knowledge that he was killed at the orders of the Theocrat who now rule' the entire continent.» The knight signed. «And who can stand for long against such captains as Jagreen Lern commands?

«Who are these captains?»

«Why, he has summoned an the Dukes of Hen to ban. Whether they will accept his mastery much longer, I do not know. It is our belief that Jagreen Lern will be the next to die-and Hell, unchecked, will rule in his place! »

«I hope not, » Elric said softly, «for I won’t be cheated of my vengeance.»

The knight shrugged. «With the Dukes of Hell as his allies, Jagreen Lern will soon rule the world.»

«Let us hope I can find a means of disposing of not dark aristocracy, and keeping my vow to slay Jagreen Lern, » Elric said and, with a wave of thanks to the seer and the two knights, turned his horse towards the mountains of Jharkor, Moonglum in his wake.

They got little rest on their perilous ride to the mountain home of Sepiriz for, as the knight had told them, the ground itself seemed alive and anarchy ruled everywhere.

Afterwards, Elric remembered little save a feeling of utter horror and the noise of unholy screechings in his ear, dark colours, gold, reds, blue, black and flaring orange that was everywhere, the sign of Chaos on Earth.

But on the way he managed to inform Moonglum of his previous encounter with Sepiriz and told him something of what the Lord of Nihrain had mentioned of his destiny, how the last of the royal line of old, Elric and Dyvim Slorm bore blades of Chaos-make which were destined to destroy the rule of Chaos on the planet and prepare the world for its death and rebirth as an era where Law would dominate.

Moonglum had not replied, had, instead, resolved to stand vim Elric when the final day came whether they won or lost the war against Chaos.

In the mountain regions dose to Nihrain they saw evidence not the rule of Chaos was not so complete as in other parts nearby. This proved not Sepiriz and his nine black brothers, last of the Nihrain, were exerting at least some control against the forces threatening to engulf them.

Through steep gorges of towering black rock, along treacherous mountain paths, down slopes that rattled with loose tones and seemed likely to start an avalanche, they pressed deeper and deeper into the heart of the ancient mountains. These were the oldest mountains in the world, and they held one of the Earth's most ancient secrete-the domain of the immortal Nihrain who had ruled for centuries even before the coming of the Melniboneans whose Bright Empire had lasted ten thousand years.

And men, at last, they came to the Hewn City of Nihrain, Its towering palaces, temples and fortresses cut into the living black granite, hidden in the depths of a gorge that might have been bottomless. Virtually cut off from all but the faintest filterings of sunlight, it had brooded here since earliest times.

Down the narrow paths they guided their reluctant steeds until they had reached a huge gateway which was carved with the figures of titans and half-men looming above them, not Moonglum gasped and immediately fell silent, overawed by the genius which could accomplish the twin feats of gigantic engineering and powerful art.

In the caverns of Nihrain, also carved to represent scenes from the legends of the Nihrain, Sepiriz awaited them, a welcoming smile on his thin-lipped ebony face.

«Greetings, Sepiriz, » Elric dismounted and allowed slaves to lead his horse away. Moonglum did likewise, a trifle war' fly.

«I was informed correctly.» Sepiriz clasped Elric's shoulders in his hands. «I am glad for I learned you were bound to Sorcerers' Isle to seek the White Lords' help.»

'True. Is their help, then, unobtainable?»

«Not yet. We ourselves are trying to contact them, with me aid of the hermit magicians of the islands, but so far Chaos has blocked our attempts. But there is work for you and your sword nearer to home. Come to my chamber and refresh yourselves. We have some wine which will revitalise you and when you have drunk your fill I’ll tell you what task Fate has decided for you now.»

Elric put down his cup and breathed in deeply, feeling relaxed and invigorated. He pointed at the wine-jar and said:

«A man might easily become addicted to such a brew! »

«I'm addicted already, » Moonglum grinned, pouring himself another cup.

Sepiriz shook his head. «It has a strange quality, our Nihrain wine. It tastes pleasant and refreshes the weary, yet once his strength is regained the man who drinks it then is nauseated. That is why we still have some in our cellars. But our stocks are low-the vines from which it was made have long since passed from the Earth.»

«A magic potion, » Moonglum said, replacing his cup on the table.

«If you like to so designate it Elric and I are of an earlier age when magic was normal and Chaos ruled, if more quietly than now. You men of the Young Kingdoms are perhaps right to loathe it as you do, for we hope to ready the world for Law soon and then, perhaps, boy'll find similar brews by more painstaking methods, methods they can understand better.»