«So, Sepiriz, you have brought the one whose destiny it is to aid us. Greetings, Elric of Melnibone. Though spawn of Chaos you be, we have cause to welcome you. Do you recognise me? The one whom your earthly mythology calls Donblas the Justice Maker.»
Immobile, Elric said: «I remember you, Lord Donblas. You are misnamed, I fear, for justice is nowhere present in the world.»
«You speak of your realm as if it were all realms.» Donblas smiled without rancour, though it appeared that he was unused to such impudence from a mortal. Elric remained insouciant. His ancestors had been opposed to Donblas and all his brethren, and it was still hard to consider the White Lord an ally. «I see now how you have managed to defy our opponents, » Lord Donblas continued with approval. «And I grant you that justice cannot be found on earth at this time. But I am named the Justice Maker and have still the will to make it when conditions change on your plane.»
Elric did not look directly at Donblas, for the sight of his beauty was disturbing. «Then let's to work, my lord, and change the world as soon we may. Let's bring the novelty of justice to our sobbing realm.»
«Haste, mortal, is impossible here! » It was another White Lord speaking, his pale yellow surcoat rippling over the clear steel of breastplate and greaves, the single Arrow of Law emblazoned on it
«I'd thought the breach to earth made, » Elric frowned. «I’d thought this martial sight a sign that you prepared war against Chaos! »
«War is prepared-but not possible until the summons comes from your realm.»
«From us! Has not Earth screamed for your aid? Have we not worked sorceries and incantations to bring you to us? What further summons do you need?»
«The ordained one, » said Lord Donblas firmly.
«The ordained one? Gods! (You'll pardon me, my lords.) Is further work required of me, then?»
«One last great task, Elric, » said Sepiriz softly. «As I have told you. Chaos blocks the attempts of the White Lords to gain access to our world. The Horn of Fate must be blown thrice before this business is fully terminated. The first blast will wake the Dragons of Imrryr, the second will allow the White Lords entrance to the earthly plane, the third–» he paused.
«Yes, the third?» Elric was impatient
«The third will herald the death of our world! »
«Where lies this mighty horn?»
«In one of several realms, » said Sepiriz. «A device of this kind cannot be made on our plane, therefore it has had to be constructed on a plane where logic rules over sorcery. You must journey there to locate the Horn of Fate.»
«And how can I accomplish such a journey?»
Once again Lord Donblas spoke levelly. «We will give you the means. Equip yourself with sword and shield of Chaos, for they will be of some use to you, though not so powerful as in your world. Go you then to the highest point on the ruined Tower of B'all'nezbett in Imrryr and step off into space. You will not fall-unless what little power we retain on earth fails us.»
«Comforting words, my Lord Donblas. Very well. I shall do as you decree, to satisfy my own curiosity if naught else.»
Donblas shrugged. «This is only one of many worlds-almost as much a shadow as your own-but you may not approve of it You will notice its sharpness, its clearness of outline-that will indicate that Time has exerted no real influence upon it that its structure has not been mellowed by many events. However, let me wish you safe passage, mortal, for I like you-and I have cause to thank you, too. Though you be of Chaos, you have within you several of the qualities we of Law admire. Go now-return to your mortal body and prepare yourself for the venture ahead of you.»
Elric bowed again and glanced at Sepiriz. The black Nihrainian stepped back three paces and disappeared into the gleaming air. Elric followed him.
Once again their astral bodies ranged the myriad planes of the supernatural universe, experiencing sensations unfamiliar to the physical mind, before, quite without warning, Elric felt suddenly heavy and opened his eyes to discover that he was in his own bed in the tower of D'a'rputna. Through the faint light filtering between chinks in the heavy curtain thrown over the window-slit, he saw the round Chaos Shield, its eight-arrowed symbol pulsing slowly as if in concert with the sun, and beside it his unholy runeblade Stormbringer, lying against the wall as if already prepared for their journey into the might-be world of a possible future.
Then Elric slept again, more naturally, and was tormented, also, by more natural nightmares so that at last he screamed in his sleep and woke himself to find Moonglum standing by the bed. There was an expression of sad concern upon his narrow face. «What is it, Elric? What ails your slumber?»
He shuddered. «Nothing. Leave me, Moonglum, and I’ll join you when I rise.»
«There must be reason for such shouting. Some prophetic dream, perhaps?»
«Aye, prophetic sure enough. I thought I saw a vision of my thin blood split by a hand that was my own. What import has this dream, what moment? Answer that, my friend, and, if you can't then leave me to my morbid bed until these thoughts are gone.»
«Come, rouse yourself, Elric. Find forgetfulness in action. The candle of the fourteenth day burns low and Dyvim Slorm awaits your good advice.»
The albino pulled himself upright and swung his trembling legs over the bed. He felt enfeebled, bereft of energy. Moonglum helped him rise. «Throw off this troubled mood and help us in our quandary, » he said with a hollow levity that made his fears more plain.
«Aye, » Elric straightened himself. «Hand me my sword. I need its stolen strength.»
Unwillingly, Moonglum went to the wall where stood the evil weapon, took the runeblade by its scabbard and lifted it with difficulty, for it was an over-heavy sword. He shuddered as it seemed to titter faintly at him, and he presented it hilt-first to his friend. Gratefully, Elric seized if was about to pull it from the sheath when he paused. «Best leave the room before I free the blade.»
Moonglum understood at once and left, not anxious to trust his life to the whim of the hell-sword-or his friend.
When he was gone, Elric unsheathed the great sword and at once felt a faint tingle as its supernatural vitality began to stream into his nerves. Yet it was scarcely adequate and he knew that if the blade did not feed soon upon the life-stuff of another it would seek the souls of his two remaining friends. He replaced it thoughtfully in the scabbard, buckled it around his waist and strode to join Moonglum in the high-ceilinged corridor.
In silence, they proceeded down the twisting marble steps of the tower, until they reached the centre level where the main chamber was. Here, Dyvim Slorm was seated, a bottle of old Melnibonean wine on the table before him, a large silver bowl in his hands. His sword Mournblade was on the table beside the bottle. They had found the store of wine in the secret cellars of the place, missed by the sea-reavers whom Elric had led upon Imrryr when he and his cousin had fought on opposite sides. The bowl was full of the congealed mixture of herbs, honey and barley which their ancestors had used to sustain themselves in times of need. Dyvim Slorm was brooding over it, but looked up when they came close and sat themselves on chairs opposite him. He smiled hopelessly.
«I fear, Elric, that I have done all I can to rouse our sleeping friends. No more is possible-and they still slumber.»
Elric remembered the details of his vision and, half-afraid that it had been merely a figment of his own imaginings, supplying the fantasy of hope where, in reality, no hope was, said: «Forget the dragons, for a while at least Last night I left my body, so I thought, and journeyed to places beyond the earth, eventually to the White Lords' plane where they told me how I might rouse the dragons by blowing upon a horn. I intend to follow their directions and seek that horn.»