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  He asked the questions on impulse, not knowing how they would answer, but suspecting. He was not disappointed. Both Druids stared at him in surprise. The one who did all the talking folded his arms into his cloak. «We didn’t send him. But we know who did. We thought he was dead, killed in the Slags.»

  Pen shook his head, his eyes shifting to Tagwen, who was watching him alertly now, knowing he was up to something, anxious to find out what it was. «He? Not if?»

 « Aphasia Wye. A man, but 1 grant you he looks more an insect than a human. Are you saying he isn’t dead? Where is he?»

 « No, he’s dead. But he didn’t die in the Slags. He tracked us all the way here. Last night, he crossed the bridge. Just as you want to do. Except that he found a way. Then he found me, but something else, too, and it killed him. If you want to see what that something is, fly your airship on over. I’ll wait for you.»

  It was a bluff, but it was a bluff worth trying. Aphasia Wye was a predator of the first order—they might be hesitant to go up against something that had dispatched him. It cast Pen in a different light, giving him a more dangerous aspect, since he was alive and his hunter wasn’t. He had to make them stop and think about whether it was worthwhile to refuse his request.

  The taller Druid finished conferring with his companion and looked over. «All right, Pen. We’ll let you speak with Tagwen. But no tricks, please. Anything that suggests you are acting in bad faith will put your Troll friends and your parents at risk. Don’t test our limits. Have your talk, and then do what you know you have to do and surrender yourself to us.»

  Pen didn’t know if he would do that or not, but it would help if he could talk with Tagwen about it first. He watched the Dwarf rise on the taller Druid’s command and walk to the head of the bridge. He watched the Druids move back, signaling the Gnome Hunters to do the same. Pen waited until the area in front of the bridge was clear of everyone but the Dwarf, then stepped out onto the stone arch and walked across. He used the darkwand like a walking staff, leaning on it as if he were injured, pretending that was its purpose. Maybe they would let him keep it if they thought he had need of it to walk. Maybe pigs would learn to fly. He kept his eyes open for any unexpected movement, for shadows that didn’t belong or sounds that were out of place. He used his small magic to test for warnings that might alert him to dangers he couldn’t see. But nothing revealed itself. He crossed unimpeded, captives and captors staying back, behind the fire, deeper into the gardens, away from the ravine’s edge.

  When he was at the far side, he dropped down into a crouch, using the bridge abutments as shelter. He didn’t think they intended to kill him, but he couldn’t be certain.

  Tagwen moved close. They caught us with our pants down, young Pen. We thought we were watching out for you, but we were looking too hard in the wrong direction.» His bluff face wrinkled with distaste. They had us under spear and arrow before we could mount a defense. Anything we might have done would have gotten us all killed. I’m sorry.»

  Pen put his hand on the Dwarf’s stout shoulder. «You did the best you could, Tagwen. We’ve all done the best we could.»

 « Perhaps.» He didn’t sound convinced. His eyes searched the boy’s face. «Are you all right? Were you telling the truth about that thing that was tracking us? Was it really over there with you? I thought we’d lost it once and for all when we entered the mountains. Is it finally dead?»

  Pen nodded. «The tanequil killed it. It’s a long story. But anything that crosses this bridge is in real danger. I’m alive because of this.»

  He nodded down at the darkwand, which was resting next to him on the bridge, flat against the stone, tucked into the shadows.

  The Dwarf peered at it, then caught sight of Pen’s damaged hand and looked up again quickly. «What happened to your fingers?»

 « The tree took them in exchange for the staff. Blood for sap, flesh for bark, bones for wood. It was necessary. Don’t think on it.»

 « Don’t think on it?» Tagwen was appalled. He glanced quickly over Pen’s shoulder into the darkness of the tanequil’s island. «Where is Cinnaminson?»

  Pen hesitated. «Staying behind. Safe, for now. Tagwen, listen to me. I have to do what they want. I have to go with them to Paranor.»

  Tagwen stared. «No, Penderrin. You won’t come out of there alive. They don’t intend to let you go. Nor your parents, either. You’re being taken to Shadea a’Ru. She’s behind what’s happened to the Ard Rhys, and once she’s questioned you about what you are doing and you tell her—which you will, make no mistake—you and your parents are finished. Don’t doubt me on this.»

  Pen nodded. «I don’t, Tagwen. But look at how things stand. We’re trapped here, all of us. Even without the Druids to deal with, we’re stranded in these ruins, surrounded by Urdas. I have to get out if I’m to help my aunt, and the quicker the better. It’s already been too long. If I don’t get to Paranor and use the darkwand soon, it will be too late. And now I have a way. The Druids will take me faster than I could get there on my own. I know it’s dangerous. I know what they intend for me. And for my parents. But I have to risk it.»

 « You’re risking too much!» the Dwarf snapped. «You’ll get there quick enough, all right. And then what? They won’t let you into the chamber of the Ard Rhys. They won’t let you make use of that talisman. Shadea will see you for the threat you are and do away with you before you have a chance to do anything!»

 « Maybe. Maybe not.» He looked off into the gardens, into the pale, shifting patterns of color and the dappled shadows cast by the Druids and Gnome Hunters in the firelight’s glow. «In any case, it’s the only choice that makes sense.» He turned back to Tagwen. «If I agree to go with them, will that tall Druid keep his word and let you go? Is his word any good? Is he any better than the rest of them?»

  Tagwen thought about it a moment. «Traunt Rowan. He’s not as bad as the other one, Pyson Wence, and certainly not as bad as Shadea. But he joined them in the plot against your aunt.» He shook his head. «She always thought he was principled, if misguided in his antipathy toward her. He might keep his word.»

  Pen nodded. «I’ll have to chance it.»

  The Dwarf reached for him with both strong hands and gripped his shoulders. «Don’t do this, Penderrin,” he whispered.

  Pen held his gaze. «If you were in my shoes, Tagwen, wouldn’t you? To save her from the Forbidding, to give her a chance, wouldn’t you do just what I’m doing?» Tagwen stared at him in silence. He gave the Dwarf a quick smile. «Of course you would. Don’t say anything more. I’ve already said it to myself. We knew from the beginning that we would do whatever was necessary to reach her, no matter the risk. We knew it, even if we didn’t talk about it. Nothing has changed. I have to go to Paranor. Then into the Forbidding.»

  He closed his eyes against the sudden panic that the words roused in him. The enormity of what he was going to attempt was overwhelming. He was just a boy. He wasn’t gifted or skilled or anything useful. He was mostly just there when no one else was.

  He took a deep breath. «Will you come after me? In case I don’t find a way to get through? In case I get locked away in the dungeons and don’t get my parents out? Will you try to do something about it?» He exhaled sharply. «Even if I do get through and find her, the Druids will be waiting for us when we get back. We’ll need help, Tagwen.»

  The Dwarf tightened his grip. «We’ll come for you. No matter how long it takes us, no matter where you are. We’ll find a way to reach you. We’ll be there for you when you need us.»