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Black-snout stared hard at Serrin, mentally gunning him down with his eyes but not daring to do more. He could see the strange stones the elf was clutching. Magic was the one real edge these intruders had. The weapons didn’t frighten the trolls, but a suicide strike by a mage with a serious death wish was another matter entirely. It wouldn’t be the first time one of his gang had ended up on the wrong end of a corporate combat mage. Many of them also had friends who’d suffered the same fate, and hadn’t lived to discuss it. The atmosphere began to change.

Please keep me standing up long enough to get us out of this, Serrin prayed mentally as Geraint and Rani began the negotiating. Geraint was listening to the flow of Rani’s clever comments, taking his cue from her as she told him implicitly what the trolls might accept for their release. Credsticks they wouldn’t touch; they had no way of verifying them. Geraint’s high-denomination sterling and nuyen notes did, however, speak to them in another language. Dumping slap patches and a pile of shiny equipment out of his bag, Geraint upped the ante even further.

Slowly the trolls began to move sideways, while Rani and the others did the same. It might have been hilarious had it not been so desperate, both groups circling around each other. Geraint covered their retreat through the far door with his heavy pistol. The trolls had one final challenge.

“Hey, ken-boy, why don’t you leave the woman here?” one of them smirked, rubbing his greasy crotch. The low chuckle that rippled through the group was a most unpleasant sound, but Geraint didn’t dare scratch the itch burning in his trigger finger. When the others reached the street, Geraint covered their final exit, then he backed out too. They still couldn’t relax yet, though.

“Where the hell are we? Got to get to Aldgate, the Shaking Samurai,” Geraint told Rani. She moved into action immediately, grabbing Serrin’s hand and guiding them as they ran up the Street.

The trolls had changed their minds, two of them firing from the upper floor of the house as the fleeing figures disappeared into the darkness. The group had almost reached the end of the road when Geraint drew up with a yelp of pain. He clutched the back of his leg just below the hip, but kept on going, limping around the corner as best he could. He’d taken a bullet, and when he took his hand away it was smeared with blood.

“They won’t follow. They’ve heard the sirens by now,” Rani tried to reassure them.

“Who are you?” Francesca gasped out at last, trying to conceal her disgust at the ork girl’s ugliness.

Rani scowled. “This isn’t the time for questions.” She pointed at Geraint. “He’s just been shot and elf-face is completely rakked. Look at his eyes. You got wheels?”

“Parked outside the Shaking Samurai. A troll’s guarding it. Owe him money,” Geraint managed to force out through the pain. “Ngh! I’m not going to get that far.”

“I can go for the car, but you gotta give me something the troll will recognize.”

“Give him this,” he said, handing her all his remaining notes, “and tell him the gas won’t be a problem if you touch the car. He’ll remember that. “Oh, and tell him this includes a bonus for the noses if he’s managed to collect any.” She looked at the nobleman as if he were mad. “He’ll understand. Honest.” He handed her the keys.

“Geraint. is this wise?” Francesca was alarmed. “It’s our only way out of here. We could make it ourselves.”

Serrin collapsed down to all fours and began to cough, great racking heaves that convulsed his body. Geraint hung on to his shot-up leg, looked at the elf, and back to Francesca.

“You want to walk it alone, Fran?”

“Got to get you safe while I get the car.” Rani was staring urgently about her. “Yeah, got it. Can you make it a couple of streets? Three minutes?” With Francesca holding up Serrin’s long, slim form, and Rani helping Geraint get along on one good leg, it took eight, but they made it.

“Through here.” she said. “Saw it this afternoon. There may be some little Street kids about, but they’ll be scared off if you point a gun at them.”

With Geraint’s flashtube lighting the scene, they saw that it was an abandoned house whose ceiling had collapsed. A couple of rats scurried out of sight among the piles of rubble and excrement strewn over the floor. The stench was overwhelming, but compared to the danger on the street. the place seemed deliciously inviting. There was no one inside it.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Rani was about to skip off into the night when Geraint called out to her.

“Oh, hey, you! The keys!” He took them back and showed her the plaque that slid out of the key-ring. You need to put that into the green slot, right? This’ll get you past the ID checks, but you’ll still need the password sequence to activate the controls.”

“Phew! What kind of car's this?” She was impressed.

“One that’s hopefully in one piece. The password, er is-he gestured her closer to whisper in her ear-Queen of Heaven.”

Rani stood back from him and smiled. Her face broke into a wide grin and she felt almost euphoric. She imagined these people were heavy-duty shadowrunners and she was saving their lives. That made it an adventure, the very thing she’d always wanted.

“Hey, lady, you wanna know my name? Call me the Queen of Heaven!” She ran off giggling into the night.

Francesca turned to Geraint in the darkness. “You almighty fool! You’ve just handed the car keys to a complete, bloody lunatic. And a sodding ork on top of it.”

“Like 1 said, you want to walk the East End alone at night?’

Again Francesca had no answer.

* * *

By the time the car came veering unsteadily along the road, Serrin had slipped into unconsciousness. Geraint’s leg felt sore as hell, but the slap patch had staunched the bleeding in what looked to be only a flesh wound. He looked up quickly at the sound of a car door slamming and the crunch of boots over the frosty ground.

It was the ork girl. “Got it,” she said. “I had to give that Emil everything. He really strung me along even though he knew I was from you.” She was angry, but obviously excited too. She grabbed at the elf s comatose body.

“Be careful with him,” Geraint said quickly. “Fran, help her.”

The American’s nose registered her repulsion at the ork’s distinctive body odor. The girl smelled strong. musky, and Francesca imagined that if not for the oil on her body she would probably have smelled even worse. Between them, they picked Serrin up and deposited him in the back seat of the car. Francesca nicked herself into a corner with the elf’s head in her lap.

Geraint took the driver’s seat, and the Indian girl climbed in beside him. “Hey, we owe you.” He held out the credsticks. “They’re worth ten thou. I’m sure you’ll get a good deal on them. But I don’t feel right leaving you out here alone.” He winced as he tried to press his foot against the pedal.

Rani waved away the proffered money and said she didn’t want it. “Take me with you.”

Geraint grinned as he used his hands to shuffle over into the car’s passenger seat. “See how the other half lives, huh? Can you drive this for me?”

She looked unhappy. “Um, it was a bit difficult getting here. I’m not used to driving, I don’t get the chance much. You really can’t manage?”

He held her arm briefly to reassure her. “It’s all right. Fran, you better act as chauffeur. We can put the walking wounded in the back.” They changed places, and Francesca pointedly avoided looking at Rani as she placed her hands on the wheel. She needed directions, however, so she was forced to speak to her.

With Rani navigating, it was only minutes before they hit Gracechurch Street, heading west. Geraint was briefing Francesca on what to do when they got back to Chelsea. She would have to bring down a coat and a change of clothes for him, because he couldn’t walk in wearing clothes covered with blood.