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She kept pulling his shirt up until he drew back and stared down at her.

“You want that off?”

His tone held a hint of humor but his expression was all lustful intent. When she nodded, he reached a hand behind his back and tugged the shirt over his head in one smooth movement, taking her breath away.

My god. He was gorgeous.

Her gaze fell on his chest, now completely bare. Even more muscled than she’d expected. And with beautiful art decorating the skin.

She immediately reached out to trace the words written in script across his left pectoral.


She hadn’t asked a question but he answered anyway. “Yes. To the first song Nik and I wrote.”

Fallen angels, black wings

Where the light meets the dark

Never falter, never fail

Never will we part

On the right side of his chest, a pair of black angel wings shed their feathers down over his ribs and one lone feather peeked out of over the top of his waistband. Her gaze stayed on that for several seconds before she saw the ink that curved around his left hip. Tread marks, as if someone had run over his body.

Stepping around him, she followed their path. He’d released his hold on her so she could move, and now she stood at his back, trailing her fingers over the complete set of piano keys inked diagonally across. She wished she knew how to play because she so wanted to run her fingers along his skin in some meaningful way.

Around the keys, swirls and patterns in brilliant color made the stark black and white stand out even more. Mixed into the pattern were more angel feathers, a guitar, and musical notes.

“This is beautiful.”

She ran her fingers along the ink, practically hearing the tinkle of the keys.

“I go to the same artist for all my ink.”

Leaning forward, she pressed a kiss to the center of his back, right over one of the feathers.

“Aw, fuck.”

Bending forward, he put his hands on top of the piano and went still, as if waiting for her to continue.

She had no plans to stop.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she flattened her hands over his stomach, feeling the muscles clench into tight ridges. Then she kissed her way across the keyboard until she’d hit every last key.

His warm skin felt soft and supple under her lips. She wanted to lick the spicy scent of him into her mouth and nuzzle her nose into the hollow of his throat.

Raking her fingers across his stomach, she loved the sound of his groan as he hunched forward a bit more.

She loved knowing how much she affected him.

Suddenly, she wanted him to be the one begging tonight.

Fingers restless and curious, she gripped the button on his jeans between her fingers and popped it through the hole.

His back rose and fell at a faster pace with each passing minute and, when she slid her fingers beneath the now-loosened waistband, she felt him shudder before stilling when she brushed against the satin-soft tip of his cock.



He fell silent, though she clearly heard every breath he took. Music to her ears and so damn sexy. Her panties were already damp beneath her jeans and becoming more uncomfortable with every second.

She wanted to turn him around and force him to make her come again, like he had last night.

But first . . .

She let her thumb rub over the head of his cock, slicking the moisture gathered there. She wanted to spread that moisture all the way down the shaft but to do that, she needed to unzip his jeans.

Leaving one hand to play with the head, she used the other to draw down his zipper. With her cheek against his back, she tugged at the side of his jeans with one hand but didn’t make much headway pulling them down.

He took one of his hands off the piano and tugged on the other side which loosened them enough for her hand to slip farther inside.


She was pretty sure he wasn’t trying to tell her to stop but she did because she didn’t want him to be distracted. At least not completely.


“You sure?”

“Sebastian. I’ve got my hand down your pants. I don’t think it got there by accident.”

He laughed, which turned into a groan as she moved her hand down his shaft to cup his balls.

“I know exactly what I’m doing.”

“Glad to hear it. Christ, Tru.”

She began to pump his cock with slow, steady strokes, rubbing her palm in the moisture leaking from the tip, then smoothing it down the shaft.

Part of her couldn’t believe what was happening between them. Another part was too freaking turned on to care about anything but making him lose control. Just like he’d made her lose hers last night.

She wanted to hear him cry out her name when he came.

While she continued to stroke his cock, she let her other hand glide back up his abdomen. She played her fingers in the soft hair trailing from his navel to the root of his cock, then moved to his abs and his pecs. His chest rose and fell in an increasingly jagged rhythm, and when she flicked his nipples, he groaned again and let his head drop down even farther.

They stood there entwined for several minutes, Tru teasing him with carnal purpose and Sebastian allowing her complete access. Which simply made her that much more hot for him.

She kept her pace deliberately slow. The silky skin of his cock slid through her hand, the heat emanating from the organ warming her palm. Cuddling closer, she let her hand drift down to his balls again and rolled them with her fingers, causing him to thrust into her hand.


That one word said in his low growl made her pussy clench. God, she’d almost orgasmed. She wanted to come but knew it’d be better if she drew out the pleasure as long as she could.

Pressing her lips to his back again, she picked up the pace. And tweaked his nipple.

“Yeah. Fuck. That’s—”

He turned abruptly and she gasped, releasing him before she could hurt him.

He barely gave her time to draw in a breath before he had his mouth over hers again and his naked cock wedged against her belly.

Her arms wrapped around his waist as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against him. Her hands flattened on his back as their chests pressed together, then immediately sank down to spread over his ass. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on the man and he had a damn fine ass.

But before she could caress her way back to his cock, he sat on the piano bench and slid his hands under her shirt, shoving it up until he had her breasts uncovered.

Staring down into his eyes, she saw they’d darkened to a stormy gray.

“Take it off.”

She didn’t hesitate to obey his rough command and she saw what looked like triumph cross his features. As if he imagined she wouldn’t do whatever he asked.

Probably better he didn’t know she’d do anything for him right now.

So she hesitated and raised an eyebrow at him. Which just made him smile.

Arrogant bastard. How could something that drove her so crazy during the light of day make her want to strip him naked and ride his cock at night?

What had changed since yesterday morning?

But then she stared into his eyes and saw the way he looked at her and completely lost her train of thought. Because the way he stared at her, as if he wanted to devour her whole, was exactly why she was about to take off her shirt for him.

Breathing became much more difficult as she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. But when she began to reach around to take off her bra, he stopped her by shaking his head.

“No, I get to do that. It’s all I’ve been thinking about for days.”

She couldn’t tell if he meant just the past two days or if it’d been longer.

Then her brain stuttered and stopped as he sat forward and wrapped his arms around her so he could reach her bra clasp. Which brought him close enough for her to feel his breath against her skin.