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If he leaned forward just a little farther, he’d be able to put his mouth on the upper swells of her breasts. She wanted him to do it, her nipples tight and achy. He’d know as soon as he got her bra off how much she wanted him.

At this point, she didn’t care how much she gave away. She only wanted him to give her pleasure. And relief.

With his gaze holding hers, he unclipped the pretty lace bra she’d debated wearing tonight. It had almost seemed like she was giving him permission by choosing it.

Ridiculous. And absolutely right.

The bra straps loosened and she shrugged her shoulders just the right way to get the straps to fall. But with her arms at her side, the bra stuck in place.

She lifted her arms just enough to let the bra drop. His gaze continued to hold hers for several seconds before he let himself look at her breasts.

She wouldn’t say she had the best-looking boobs in the world but they weren’t the ugliest, either. And the way Sebastian was looking at them, he obviously found them nice enough.

The hands he’d spread across her back slid to her ribs, and then, finally, to her breasts. He cupped them gently at first, as if he were afraid she’d run. But when her head tipped back and she moaned softly under her breath, he began to knead her harder.

Yes. Just like that.

Each finger felt like fire against her skin, the rough texture of his own tantalizing in ways she’d never experienced before. Eyes closed, she sank into the sensation as he brought his mouth into play.

He pressed a kiss against one tight nipple, stopping her lungs for several seconds. Her hands found their way to his shoulders as he proceeded to heat her blood to boiling. His lips opened over the tip and sucked it into his mouth, using his teeth to scrape against the sensitive skin, sending shivers through her. His hands clasping her tighter, he played her into a frenzy with his teeth and tongue.

Licking at the pebbled flesh, he hummed, creating a vibration that resonated deep inside. Her head fell forward, her eyes opening only enough to see the top of his head.

She saw her hands move to hold his head to her as if they weren’t under her control. Her fingers made furrows through his short, silky strands, her skin hypersensitive to everything.

Drawing in a shaking breath, she slid her hands to his shoulders, then down his back. She wanted him to get even closer and kiss her again but she didn’t want him to stop using his mouth on her chest.

As he drew away, she made a small mewl of protest that he quickly silenced by moving to her other breast. She lost track of time as he played with her, falling even more fully under his spell, her body responding to his every movement, no matter how small.

With a groan, he pressed a final kiss against the side of her breast, then placed a kiss directly between them. Then another a little lower. And another.

His hands followed his mouth, leaving her breasts to caress down her sides to her hips. His tongue licked patterns on her skin as his fingers stroked another pattern. All the way to the waistband of her jeans.

Her breath hitched as he latched on to the belt loops, doing nothing more than using them to tug her even closer. Then he slipped his fingers just beneath the material.


She wanted him to move faster, to unbutton her jeans and shove them down so he could use his mouth lower on her body.

Just the thought made her bite back a groan. Sebastian obviously noticed, though, because he pulled away to look up at her.

“No.” God, please, no. “Don’t stop.”

His smile should be illegal, cocky and sexy and so sweet.

“Don’t worry. Not planning to.”

But he didn’t resume right away. Instead, he continued to hold her gaze while his fingers made their torturously slow way to the button. Every inch of her skin felt overly sensitized, tiny electrical shocks reverberating through her wherever they touched.

With her nipples in painfully tight peaks, she needed more but she didn’t know how to tell him exactly what she wanted. She couldn’t just blurt out her desire. She’d sound like an idiot.

He must’ve read her mind because he smiled up at her as his fingers worked the button through the hole and drew down the zipper.

Now her lungs froze as he peeled her jeans down her hips and thighs, pulling her underwear with them.

He held her gaze resolutely as he bared her sex. She wanted him to put his mouth on her, ached for him to do it. But he seemed intent on making her wait.

Cool air brushed against her thighs, making her stomach tighten and she swallowed convulsively. Her fingers tightened in his hair and she couldn’t seem to loosen them.

When he finally had her jeans at her knees, he stopped. “Kick off your shoes.”

Since she was wearing Chucks that was easy enough to do. If she’d been a little less worked up. As it was, it took her a few tries to do it.

“Now get rid of the pants.”

She was about to be naked in here with him and she stole a quick glance at the unlocked door.

His lips quirked as he rose from the bench, his chest brushing against her breasts as he did.

“Don’t worry, babe. I don’t want anyone interrupting us.” He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “Have the pants off by the time I get back.”

The way he said it should’ve made her want to scratch his eyes out. He’d all but ordered her to be naked and awaiting his pleasure. But she was already bending to shove her jeans to her ankles as he crossed to the door and threw the lock.

Now naked, she knew she should feel self-conscious, maybe embarrassed. Or, at the very least, chilly.

Instead, all she felt was the heat coursing through her body. All because of him.

When he returned, she thought that would change but the heat and the purpose in his eyes stopped anything she might’ve said before it could escape. She could only watch as he stalked back to her, his arms wrapping around her moments later.

And then it was as if they’d struck a match. The second his lips touched hers, the heat between them erupted with volcanic force. She wanted to devour him, be devoured by him.

Their tongues dueled as his hands molded to her breasts and hers reached for his jeans. She moaned at the sensations he created with his hands on her skin and the way he kissed her like he needed her to be able to breathe.

Her hands worked to strip him of his jeans, an easier job because his were looser. Once she got them around his hips, they fell to his knees without any further help.

And she got her hands around his cock again.

He groaned into her mouth as she wrapped one hand around the base and the other closer to the tip. He wasn’t massively thick but he was long. And so damn hard. And hot.

“Fuck, Tru.”

She had no idea if he’d been planning to say anything else, because as soon as she started to stroke him, he groaned and kissed her again, both hands on her head to steady her while she gave herself over to making him shudder and shake, just as she had the night before.

Her hand at the base slid down until she cupped his balls, rolling the heavy sack in her palm while her other hand worked the thickening shaft.

She wanted him inside her. Wanted to shove him back onto the piano bench and climb on top of him.

As if he’d read her mind, he twisted them around until he had his back to the piano again. Then he put his hands on her waist and lifted her as he sat. The bench was big enough that she could get both knees on either side of his hips and he wasn’t in any danger of falling off.

He had a condom in his hand before she could even think to ask him for one and, when she flashed a look up at him, she saw his lips quirk.

“I was a Boy Scout. It was in my back pocket.”

“Are you a magician, too? I didn’t see you take it out.”

That smart-ass smile of his returned in a heartbeat. “Damn right, baby. Now watch while I make you forget about everything but us.”