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The line was cheesy but it was so Sebastian, she was actually charmed. And so turned on, she could barely breathe.

She deliberately shut off the tiny part of her brain that kept wanting her to slow down, to take a step back. That this wasn’t her. Right now, this was definitely her and she wasn’t about to step back.

Because the look in Sebastian’s eyes made her feel like she was the sexiest woman in the world. Staring down at him as he leaned back on the piano bench, she felt the heat of his cock burning against the bare folds of her pussy. Only centimeters separated them, and she so wanted to sink onto his shaft and ride him.

The thought of making love to this man had consumed her since last night. It’d messed with her head until the only solution she could think of had been to either plunge herself in an ice-water bath or ravage the guy.

Pretty easy to guess which one she preferred.

“Put it on.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She lifted slightly, far enough away that he could get his hands between them. His knuckles brushed against her labia, teasing her with his nearness and making her drop her forehead against his.


“Whatever you want, Truly.”

“Why aren’t you this agreeable all the time?”

“Because you wouldn’t recognize me. And I want you to know exactly who’s going to make you scream.”

She sucked in a short breath, ready to laugh at him. But he leaned forward and took her mouth, just as one hand settled on her hip to pull her down and the other guided his cock into her.

She was so wet, he slid in without obstruction, filling her and stretching her and making her shiver as desire coursed through her. His tongue penetrated her mouth at the same time, stroking along hers as he began to move his hips.

Slow at first, as she adjusted to the shock of being stretched so completely, then quicker as he picked up the pace. With both hands on her hips, he urged her up, his cock sliding out, creating a friction that quickly escalated into a fire.

With her knees planted on the bench, she moved with him, their bodies seeking the perfect rhythm. With her hands on his shoulders, she found that rhythm and rode him hard. Every plunge down made her moan at the burn. Every upward retreat made her frantic to take him again.

She tried not to lose herself to the orgasm building low in her body or the enticing feel of his skin against hers. Tried not to let her enthusiasm carry her away. Didn’t want to miss any part of this amazing moment.

And though she felt the control he exerted over himself in the tight grip on her hips and the rapid beat of his heart against hers, Sebastian let her set the pace. The rough sound of his breathing and the low groan in the back of his throat when she took him in completely egged her on, faster and harder.

She couldn’t seem to get enough of him. Not of the feel of his cock inside her or his skin hot and slick against hers. Not of the sounds he made, because she was drawing them out of him and he couldn’t get enough of her.

And then . . . His hands began to urge her to move faster, to come down harder. And when he got her to increase the pace, he slipped one hand to her front and caught her clit between two fingers.

Her moan echoed through the room as he squeezed. Electricity zinged through her body, making her pussy clutch at his cock and her fingers dig into his shoulders. She kicked her motion into a higher gear, rushing toward an inevitable climax she wanted so badly. She felt out of control, almost manic.

She changed the angle of their kiss, tilting her head so she could kiss him more deeply. He accommodated her by doing the same as he moved his hand to get his thumb on her clit so he could rub that bundle of nerves until finally, her body snapped into orgasm.

Drowning in sensations that tightened every muscle in her body, she broke their kiss, sucking in air so she didn’t pass out. Shaking in his arms, she clasped him tighter as he thrust twice more before he groaned and she felt his cock twitch deep inside her.

Seconds passed as she clutched at him, breathing heavily and trying not to fall asleep on his shoulder. Finally, she felt as if she were floating in his arms.

She wanted to stay here, just for a few more minutes. Before reality returned and she had to figure out a way to untangle their body parts and get dressed.

Because both of them were buck-ass naked. In a semipublic room.

Another new and unique situation for her. Almost-public sex. All of her previous encounters had been in a bedroom.

And she’d never done a walk of shame. The guys she’d slept with had all been in her bed. Where she’d had some measure of control. They’d been the ones to get up, get dressed, and leave. Sometimes within minutes of finishing.

Sebastian seemed to have no desire to release her anytime soon. And that made her twitchy.

She tried not to be, tried to take deep breaths to calm herself, but every time she did, she smelled him. And her body decided she wanted him again.

Easing back, she forced herself to look into his eyes. And found him staring back just as warily as she imagined she stared at him.

“You okay?”

Her body thought his raspy voice was an aphrodisiac: Her nipples tightened and her sex clutched around his softening cock, making his eyes narrow and his body tense.

She didn’t trust herself to speak until she’d taken a deep breath. “I’m fine. I should . . . just . . .”

He nodded as if he understood exactly what she was trying to say. Then he lifted her by the hips and set her on her feet, rising to his own a second later.

Okay, maybe he could read her a hell of a lot better than she thought he could.

“Let me . . .” He turned and she saw him take care of the condom, putting it in the trash can by the side of the piano, then reaching for her clothes. He held them out to her with absolutely no awkwardness. As if this happened all the time.

Which, of course, it probably did for him.

Jesus, how stupid are you? Did you forget who he is?

She managed a flash of a smile and a barely strangled “Thanks” as she took her clothes. Her pussy still throbbing from her recent orgasm, she quickly covered herself as he turned to grab his clothes off the floor.

Her bra gave her a small fight since it was twisted all around, and she thought maybe she’d put her underwear on inside out, but she didn’t care. She was covered by the time he pulled his jeans up.

She tried not to watch as he tucked his cock inside his jeans. He wore no underwear, of course. And when he lifted his arms over his head to pull on his shirt, she had to swallow as she caught the play of muscles across his chest.

But she’d turned away by the time he had the shirt down. She didn’t want to get caught ogling him. At least not any more than she already had.

And that ship’s pretty much sailed, stupid.

She told herself to shut up as she grabbed her tablet off the piano, where it sat with her purse.


That one word, spoken so low she almost didn’t hear it, had her eyes snapping back to his.

His gaze was narrowed and focused on hers, watching her so closely she wanted to take a step backward. She didn’t. Damn, he was gorgeous. Those blue-green eyes and that mouth.

“You sure you’re okay?”

She nodded, her mouth curving in a slight smile at his concern. “Yes. Very. It’s just . . . It’s late and I really should . . .”

Invite him back to her apartment?

“. . . be going. I’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow and a meeting I can’t miss.”

And dinner with another man.

Shit. Holy shit, she’d forgotten about that.

Her gaze skittered away and she made a show of packing up her tablet. “I’ll send you the audio file tonight when I get back to my apartment. Is that okay?”

Sebastian nodded. “Sure, that’ll be great. Thanks.”

Okay, not awkward at all. Yeah, right.

“I’m going to go grab a taxi. I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.”