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Her heart turned over and her lungs felt deprived of oxygen. And, oh my god, she wanted him to fuck her. Right here against the wall. She wanted everyone else to just disappear so it was only the two of them. And then she wanted him to take her like he couldn’t get enough of her. Like he wanted to devour her.

His expression said she wouldn’t have much trouble talking him into it. And he’d probably be willing to forgo having everyone else disappear.

Just the thought made her go wet between her thighs.

She took a deep breath. “Then let’s go back to my place.”

Nodding, he took her hand and they walked up to the door.

“Not too many people out there anymore.” The bouncer grabbed the door handle but didn’t open it right away. “Tried to keep them moving. If you can slip out quick, you might not get caught. Good show tonight, man. Nice to see you onstage.”

“Thanks.” Sebastian stuck out his hand and the guy shook it with a smile. “It was nice to play again.”

“Let me check to make sure there’s no one right outside the door.”

The bouncer stepped outside for a few seconds then stuck his head back in. “Head right immediately and don’t look back. See you again soon.”

They slipped out, keeping their heads down and made it almost a block before someone caught up to them.

He was probably twenty-five or so and had a huge grin on his face. He handed Sebastian a ticket from the show and a pen.

“Dude, you were awesome tonight. Seeing you and Nik with Johnny and Mac was mind-blowing. I saw you guys out on tour with them seven years ago. Best night of my life.”

“Thanks, man. That means a lot.”

“So is Baseline Sins gonna have new music soon?”

For the first time since she’d met him, Sebastian’s smile held no trace of indecision. “I hope so, yeah. I think we will.”

The guy’s expression couldn’t have been happier. “That’s fucking awesome. I can’t fucking wait.”

Sebastian thanked him, shook his hand, then took Tru’s hand again and started walking. No one else bothered them on the way back to her place and they didn’t talk.

But he didn’t need to say anything to let her know exactly what he wanted to do to her. It was there in the heat in his eyes and the way his hand tightened around hers. In the way he picked up the pace the closer they got to her house until they were practically running.

Giddy anticipation made her heart pound, which made it hard for her to catch her breath.

So by the time she had to dig her keys out of her purse, her hands were shaking with excitement and she could barely get the key into the lock.

She nearly dropped the key when Sebastian plastered himself to her back and wrapped his arms around her waist.


“No.” Although she did sound pretty out of breath.

“You sure? You need help?”

Oh, hell, yes, she needed help when he pulled her ass back against his pelvis and pressed his rock solid erection against her.

She finally got the key into the slot but stopped to turn and look over her shoulder at him.

“If you keep doing that, I’m not sure I’ll ever get the door open.”

“Then I guess you do need my help.”

His mouth pressed against her neck and he bit down, hard enough to sting. She tried to contain her moan but couldn’t stop the shiver that wracked her body.

Her ass wiggled back into Sebastian’s cock, making him thrust forward.

A second later, the door opened as if by magic since her hand was nowhere near the knob.

And then she was being pushed through to her living room. She barely realized she’d dropped her purse by the door before Sebastian spun her around and pushed her back against the hardwood.

His body meshed against her at the same time he dropped his mouth over hers. Something came over her then, something she’d never felt before. The undeniable urge to let him have his way with her. It almost frightened her, the intensity of her desire to submit because she had no idea where it was coming from.

The lash of his tongue against hers made her knees go weak and the only reason she didn’t sag to the floor was because he had her pinned to the door.

She could barely breathe but she didn’t care. All she cared about was easing the pulsing ache spreading out from her lower body.

Her pussy clenched like a fist, causing her hips to roll forward, seeking more pressure. Her mouth opened a little farther, letting him in just a little deeper. Her body softened, all thoughts of anything not Sebastian gone between one heartbeat and the next.

He took full advantage, his tongue engaging hers with furious abandon, as if he’d sensed her surrender on some level. His hands reached for hers, their fingers lacing together. Then he pulled them up to hold beside her head. His arms caged her in and the heat of his body seeped into her skin.

Everything that wasn’t Sebastian faded into oblivion. The hard door behind her back and head, the floor beneath her feet.

Nothing remained except the taste of his mouth on hers and the scent of his skin. He’d worked up a sweat under the lights onstage and she could still smell it on him. Not unpleasant. Just all man.

It drew her in, made her want to run her tongue along his neck and bite at his skin.

But right now, she could do nothing but let him kiss her. He did it with such thorough, wicked intensity she felt it like a drug seeping through her system. Her body felt dense and heavy, her muscles like jelly.

Sebastian must have felt that because he groaned into her mouth, the sound rumbling up from his chest.

His hands released hers and she immediately reached for his shoulders to hold herself steady. His hands went to her waist, his fingers digging into her side for a second before tunneling under her shirt and spreading across her hips. The new calluses on his fingers felt like sandpaper against her sensitized skin and her breasts ached to feel that texture against her nipples.

She wanted him to strip her shirt off, wanted them to be completely naked, but Sebastian seemed to be taking his own sweet time getting where he wanted to go. His fingers crawled at an incredibly slow pace up her sides to brush against the bottom of her bra. Her back arched, trying to push her breasts into his hands.

He pulled back to look down at her with a lazy smile. “Oh, not yet, sweetheart. This time I’m not rushing.”

“Rush this time.” She was practically panting. “Slow next time.”

He laughed, a wide smile making her lungs stop working for several seconds at the sheer masculine beauty of him. When had he become the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen?

She stared up at him, waiting. Hoping.

“No way, babe.” He thrust forward, his cock settling into the notch of her thighs and pressing against her clit. She felt an electric current zap through her body and wiggled closer, though she really couldn’t move much. “This is gonna take all night and we’re gonna enjoy the hell out of it.”

“If I promise to enjoy it no matter how fast or slow it is, will you hurry up?”

“No fucking way.”

He dipped his head again and sealed their mouths together, immediately sliding his tongue into her mouth and drugging her once more.

Her hands fell on his shoulders, fingers digging into the tight flesh before sliding around to spread across his back. The flex and play of his muscles against her hands made her thighs quiver.

He took his own damn sweet time, coaxing her into playing with him, forcing her to go slower, even as her heart continued to race.

Minutes passed while he kissed her, his hands continuing to rest on her sides. Until they weren’t just resting there. Now, his fingers were moving, flirting under the edges of her bra. Goosebumps rose on her skin, making her wriggle against him as the ache between her legs intensified.

As his tongue lazily played with hers, his fingers inched farther beneath her bra until he just touched the sides of her breasts. The pace he set was torture and she moved one hand to his hair to slide through the strands until she had a good hold on him. Then she tugged.