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No response. He didn’t move any faster, didn’t change his infuriatingly sexy rhythm. But he did take one hand away from her bra.

No, damn it. That’s not what she wanted.

She tugged a little harder this time and felt his mouth curve in a smile against hers.

He began to press kisses along her jaw to her ear, where he nipped at the lobe. She shuddered and moaned, the hand not clenched in his hair falling to his hip. She had some vague notion to tease him the way he was teasing her, but she lost her train of thought when he unclipped her bra with one hand.

Her breath hitched as his hand immediately slid under her bra and cupped her breast. His warm skin molded to her soft flesh and squeezed. Not hard, just enough to make her want more. So much more because, oh my god, she needed it. Needed whatever he wanted to give her because she ached.


Her voice barely registered above her breathing but he’d obviously heard her. He’d been licking and biting his way down her neck to her collarbone, left bare by her t-shirt, but he stopped for a few seconds just to breathe.

“You’re making me more determined to go slow, Truly. And when I set my mind to something, I can be pretty damn stubborn.”

She knew that firsthand. It’d made her furiously angry more times than she could imagine. Tonight it frustrated the hell out of her.


His hand started a slow, steady massage and her nipple hardened to painful stiffness.

“I fucking love hearing you say my name.”

And she fucking loved having his hands on her.

Cupping her neglected breast in his free hand, he pressed his mouth over her collarbone again and swirled his tongue on her skin. The slight roughness of his tongue stirred her blood, heated it to just under boiling.

Releasing his hair, she let that hand drop to his waist, then thrust both hands under his shirt and curved them around him. The warmth of his skin incited her to sink her fingernails into his back. And when he shuddered against her, his breath blowing hot against her skin, she raked her nails upward, loving the sound he made in response.

Feeling like she’d regained at least a little bit of control, she turned her head and nuzzled her nose against his neck, breathing in deeply. She couldn’t get enough of his smell. It made her want to lick him all over.

Groaning, his hands stopped and she knew if she could see his face, he’d be wearing that look of intense concentration. The one he had when he played.

It made her want to throw him back on her bed so she could be on top and watch him while she rode him until they both came.

Damn, she wanted to do that right now.

She must’ve made a motion or maybe he could actually read her mind because he crushed her a little more tightly to the wall.

“You’re trying to make me lose control. Not gonna happen, sweetheart. Those days are gone. I’ve learned a few things in the past year. Like how to control my urges.”

“Maybe I don’t want you to be in control.”

“Oh, yes, you do. Trust me, Truly. You’ll enjoy the hell out of it.”

His mouth caught hers again, and this time his kiss was just as ravaging as before, but now it held a darker edge. She sensed he was bringing that control to bear on her again.

And now, she wanted to melt. She felt like she was melting from the inside out, her muscles and bones going liquid as he continued to caress her breasts with firm hands.

Soon, it wasn’t enough and her hips began to thrust against his in a rhythm he couldn’t deny. His own hips soon followed hers, until they were practically fucking each other through their clothes.

A second later, Sebastian reared back, breathing like he’d been deprived of oxygen for minutes. His eyes met hers and she saw a wildness in them that made her want to strip and do him right there against the door.

Groaning, he grabbed her for another hot kiss, his lips melding into hers like he couldn’t get enough. Then he pulled back and held her at arms’ length. “Where’s the bedroom?”

“Up the stairs and to the right.”

“Christ, I hope it’s not too far.”

Reaching out, he swung her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing and headed for the stairs at a fast walk.

She had no fear he’d drop her as he took the steps two at a time. He held her too tightly for that. She had a second to worry that he’d bump his head on the ceiling at the top of the stairs but he ducked at the right moment and stepped through the door to her bedroom.

He didn’t bother to turn on any lights because she always left a light on upstairs and downstairs. The light she’d left on in the hall made it easy for him to see where he was going.

And easy for her to watch him. It’d become her new favorite pastime. He fascinated her . . . when he wasn’t pissing her off.

Right now, he definitely wasn’t pissing her off. Even though he wasn’t doing what she needed.

Which was throwing her on the bed and fucking her hard and fast.

When the hell had she become so needy? It wasn’t like her at all.

And it definitely wasn’t like her to feel practically lightheaded when a guy stared at her the way Sebastian was right now. As if he was plotting exactly how he was going to break her down to a quivering mass of jelly.

She really shouldn’t be looking forward to that.

She couldn’t help herself.

Still standing by the bed, he stared down at her, his eyes on her chest. She watched the rapid rise and fall of his with fascination. Apparently, he couldn’t catch his breath either. She loved it.

And when she reached for the bottom of her shirt and began to lift it up her body, she felt a little bit of that control shift back to her. His attention now focused solely on her fingers as she drew the shirt over her head and let it drop off the other side of the bed. Getting rid of her bra simply required her to grab the center and tug it off. He’d already unclasped it for her.

If another man had ever stared at her like Sebastian was, she would’ve felt extremely uncomfortable. Now, she simply wanted more.

Without wasting more time, she gripped her waistband and undid the button and the zipper, then lifted her lower body from the bed so she could shove her jeans and her underwear down and off. She’d already kicked off her shoes.

She expected him to strip as well. Instead, he leaned forward and reached for her hips, dragging her toward him until her legs dangled over the side of the mattress. Then he spread her legs until he stood between hers, keeping his hands on her thighs. His fingers traced minute patterns on her skin, intensifying the throbbing in her pussy, aching even more now.

There was just something about being completely naked in front of a fully dressed Sebastian that heightened the thrill.

“You are so fucking gorgeous.” She could barely hear his voice, he’d spoken so softly. “Why did I never see that before?”

She shook her head, a blush heating her cheeks and warmth filling her belly. “Maybe because we were never able to hold a civil conversation for more than five seconds before you kissed me.”

His hands continued to knead her thighs, his gaze locked with hers. “Should’ve done that a hell of a lot sooner.”

“I probably would’ve smacked you.”

“Yeah, you probably would’ve. What will you do if I put you over my knees and smack your ass?”

Her first instinct was to scoff and say she’d kick him in the nuts if he tried. But then the thought of his hand making hard contact with her flesh ignited something deep inside her.

Blinking up at him, she saw his eyes had narrowed and his cheeks had reddened.

“Has anyone ever spanked you?”

Not trusting her voice, she shook her head.

“Jesus, Truly, there’s so fucking much I want to do to you.”

“Then why don’t you start by taking off your clothes so I can suck you?”

“I think it’s my turn to taste you.”

In the next second, he’d fallen to his knees, hands high on the inside of her thighs, spreading her wider. He leaned closer, until she felt his breath on her labia, making all of her muscles tighten in anticipation.