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Baz didn’t know what to say to that. Did Nik want Baz to forgive him for deserting him? Tell him it was okay? That everything was better now? Hug him or punch him? Or both?

Baz inhaled and released it on a huge sigh. Did any of that really matter now?

No. It didn’t. “Yeah, it’s fucked up. But that’s just us. We know that. And I’m not giving up on our friendship because of one bad year.”

Nik swallowed hard then sat beside Baz on the bench. “So that’s it? We just go back to the way we were?”

“I’m not saying we go back to how we were. I’m saying we move forward from here.”

“And what does that mean?”

Baz smiled. “It means you admit you were an asshole and I admit I was an idiot. Then you go get your notebook, because you told me you were writing, and we’ll do some work and we’ll go from there.”

“And that’s it?”

“That’s it.”

Nik didn’t look convinced but he didn’t look totally against it, either. And when he finally took another unsteady breath and nodded, Baz felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders.

They both started to smile at the same time but Nik looked away after a few seconds, just after Baz saw something flash across his expression. Was he thinking about that kiss last night? Should he bring it up? Did he really want to bring it up?

“Okay.” Nik stood and headed for the door. “Let me get my notebook out of my car.”

“Nikky . . .”

Their gazes caught and held.

“Last night . . . Do we—”

“No.” Nik shook his head. “We don’t. It didn’t mean anything. Just . . . forget it, okay? Heat of the moment, lost my head, whatever. I’m good if you are.”

Was he? “Yeah. I’m good. So we’re gonna work now?”

“Yeah. Unless you can’t?”

He’d known this was a possibility when he’d left Tru this morning but he hadn’t let himself think too far ahead. “No, it’s great.” He took a breath. “I’ll leave the front door open for you.”

When Nik left, Baz pulled out his phone. He texted Greg first, to let him know he and Nik would be in the studio all day. Then he tried to figure out what the hell to tell Tru. Which was stupid. All he needed to say was he and Nik would be working all day and he’d see her tonight. She’d understand. She’d tell him no problem and she’d see him later.

And if their writing session lasted all night, he’d apologize and tell her he’d see her tomorrow morning when she came into the office. He and Nik sometimes worked better at night.

But if they kept this up for the next several weeks, he’d never see Tru.

No. Fuck that. It wasn’t going to happen. He was going to fucking have it all and nothing was going to stand in his way.

*   *   *

Tru got Sebastian’s text in the cab on her way to the office.

Hey. We talked. Everything’s cool. We’re gonna do some work, see how things sound. Might be a long day. We’ll be in the studio. You gonna be in the office at all today?

It took her a few seconds to craft a reply, mainly because her heart was beating so hard, she could barely hear herself think over the thumping in her ears.

That’s great. Glad it worked out. Heading to office now. Talk to you soon.

Okay, this changed nothing. At least, not right now.

“Oh, for Christ sake, it’s not like we’re engaged. Or married. It’s just sex.”

And shit. She’d just said that out loud. No wonder the cab driver gave her a weird look in the rearview.

She needed to get a grip before she saw him. And ditch the boulder sitting on her shoulders.

Of course, when the cab pulled to a stop in front of the office, she nearly couldn’t force herself to open the door.

“Fuck this,” she growled at herself. “You’re not some groupie.”

Running her card through the machine on the back of the seat, she gave the driver a big tip, because he probably thought she was a crazy person, talking to herself. And maybe she was.

Not allowing herself to think about Sebastian and sex anymore, she focused on work.

What she needed to get done today, what she needed to have in order for Jessalynn to start tomorrow. What Greg would need for tomorrow. What she still had to do to get ready for the film release in a couple of months.

She had more than enough to keep her busy and she’d never had a problem keeping her mind on task before, even if she was handling five things at once. That skill had made her so valuable, several other producers had tried to steal her away from Greg.

So she’d concentrate on work. And forget everything she’d told the girls at brunch.

Okay. That sounded like a plan.

She’d reached the door and was just about to grab the handle when someone reached around from behind her.

“Here. Let me get that.”

She managed to swallow a startled scream as she realized Nik was at her back.

“Thank you.” She stopped just inside the door and waited for him to join her. “I’m just going to lock this. I don’t like to leave the front door open on the weekends when there’s no one to man the desk. You just don’t know who’ll try to get in.

Nik’s mouth twisted in a wry grin. “Like some washed-up rock stars, huh?”

“Rock stars, yes. Washed up . . . not really. Not after what I saw last night.”

Nik’s grin turned into a softer smile. “Yeah, I think we kind of surprised ourselves.”

“I’m glad you and Sebastian are going to be working together again. You make great music.”

Nik’s gaze narrowed. “You’re a fan?”

“Honestly, I’d never heard of your band until I met Sebastian. But since I listened to your music, yeah, I’ve become a fan.”

She turned and began to walk toward her office, Nik matching her stride. She hadn’t realized how imposing he’d be standing next to her. He was a little taller than Sebastian and, Jesus, the guy was gorgeous. Yeah, she’d noticed last night but in the bright light of day . . . Holy shit, it was no wonder women were constantly tossing underwear and bras at the stage.

She’d never understood that. Did they write their names on the underwear before they threw them? How else would the guys know who it’d come from? And was it clean underwear—

And there went her train of thought. Jeez, she hoped she’d be able to get at least a little work done today.

“He likes you.”

She didn’t pretend to misunderstand Nik. “I like him, too.”

“Good, because he’s a fucking awesome guy.”

“He’s also amazingly talented and devoted to his band.”

Nik stared down at her like he was trying to read her mind or figure out what she really meant.

“Yeah. So I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other for a while.”

“If you’re going to be working in the studio with Sebastian, then, yeah, we will.”

“And you don’t have a problem with that?”

She shook her head. “Why would I?”

Damn, she really hoped she was a good liar because she’d just told a huge one. She did have a problem, but it was one she’d keep to herself. Forever. Because she wasn’t going to be that kind of woman. The kind who clung and made trouble and caused problems.

“No reason.” Nik nodded. “Glad to hear it. Guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

She smiled. “That’s great.”

“Yeah. Great. Talk to you later.”

When he turned to walk away, she stepped into her office and shut the door. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the door and took a deep breath.

“God, you’re being ridiculous. Snap out of it.”

She needed to stop talking to herself. She’d picked up that bad habit lately and soon people would be crossing the street to avoid her.