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   Jake scoffs. “I have a terrible feeling he did. He dove so perfectly. Like he knew exactly where to land. Exactly what the fuck he was doing.”

   Aubrey begins to tear up, and Jake takes a step toward her but stops. “I think I need to talk to you alone,” I say.

   Eric slaps my back. “I think I’m going to stay over tonight. You gonna stay here, too?”

   I nod. Eric’s gaze flickers toward Jake. “You want to stay over, too?”

   Swinging the bat over his shoulder, he shakes his head. “I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”

   I know exactly what he means. He’s not ready to be that close to Aubrey and me together. I’ll be sleeping with her, I could only imagine how that would feel. “Call us if you see him.”

   He nods.

   “Hey,” I call out. Jake turns. “Thank you.”

   Eric and Cassie rush inside to take a shower and leave us by ourselves. Aubrey sits down on her bed and glances up at me. “What is it? What do you need to talk to me about?”

   “I don’t want you to freak out. I’m not sure yet. But, you said Michael was a swimmer right?”

   “State champ three years in a row.”

   Taking her hands in mine, I rub my fingertips over her knuckles. “When he jumped it seemed perfect. Not like someone freaking out and jumping over the ledge. It was a perfect swimmer’s dive.”

   Her face turns pale. She shakes her head back and forth quickly. “No. No. No. It can’t be him. He’s in prison. I called and…” She stops, breathing in and out really fast.

   “Shhh, darlin’. Calm down and breathe. We’re fine. It was just an assumption.”

   She nods into her hands and takes a long breath. “It’s just so suspicious. I saw him, Tanner. I saw his white cap—”

   “He wore a white cap?”

   “Yes.” She frowns. “Did this guy wear a white cap, too?”

   Should I tell her? My throat feel clogged. It always does when I’m about to lie. “No,” I say, shaking my head. “He wasn’t.”

   A small sigh escapes her lips, and she smiles over at me. “Maybe we’re reading too much into this. Maybe it isn’t Michael. Maybe it’s just someone else. Which still is bad but not as bad.”

   “Right,” I give her a weak smile. “Why don’t you get ready for bed? I’m exhausted. Let’s go to sleep.”

Chapter Nineteen


  Three weeks. It has been three weeks since Tanner went creeper hunting. No notes, no evidence of him in the cabin. It’s like he disappeared. Not that I’ve forgotten about it. The look in Tanner’s eyes when he told me about the dive was frightening. The look was off. It’s too coincidental. What are the chances? But, as far as I’m concerned he’s still in prison. Right?

   Cassie cusses underneath her breath while digging in her makeup bag. “You guys coming to the party?”

   I shake my head and pull on the shortest shorts I have. “Nope. We have plans.”

   Cassie raises an eyebrow and a smile tugs at her lips. “Really? What plans may those be? I mean you’re already getting used to the water again. And you’ve already gotten some Tanner loving, unless you’re going back for another round.”

   Tossing my pillow at her, I make sure my bikini strings are tight. “We’re going to spend the night alone. No campers. No distractions. Just us.”

   Cassie smiles. “I’m glad you’re happy, Aubrey. I haven’t seen you this happy in years.”

   “I know.”

   “Okay. I’m going to the firework show and BBQ. If you guys change your minds give me a call and I’ll wait for you.”

   Tucking my hair behind my ear, I nod. Tanner should be here in about thirty minutes. I tidy up our messy room and throw Cassie’s clothes into our clothes basket. I need to go to the laundry room and do some or we’re going to be wearing dresses to work in next week.

   I double check my makeup which is light and run a brush through my hair again. Its five thirty and Tanner still hasn’t called or came by. Biting on my thumbnail, I give him a call. Straight to voicemail. Weird. I shove my cell into my pocket and head toward his cabin.

   A slap of humid air rakes over me, but I’m too worried to care. Tanner’s cabin lights are on. It isn’t until I get to the porch that I realize the door is partially cracked. The florescent light shines through the opening, and I push it open with my hand. The entire place is a wreck. Their beds are flipped over, curtains ripped from the windows. My breath comes out in shaky gasps. The floor is littered with clothes, papers and… is that blood? No. No. No.

   Dialing Cassie’s number it rings until her voicemail picks up. Shit. I try Eric and he picks up on the third ring. “Hello!” he’s shouting. The music from the BBQ is loud behind him.

   “Come to your cabin. Please now, Tanner’s gone. It’s a wreck—”

   “Hey? I can’t hear you hold on a second.” I hear ruffling on the other end. “Okay, what is it?”

   “Tanner’s gone. Your cabin is destroyed. I need you to come here now.”

   “What? Aubrey, where the hell are you?”

   God! “Eric. Come to your cabin right now. Now. Please I need your help.”

   “Okay, give me a second.” He hangs up, and I bring my phone to my forehead. Please God, let Tanner be okay. Please. I can’t handle him not being here. Not now. Not ever.

   The window is opened to the left and it picks up several papers blowing them along the cabin floor. That when I see the Post-It note. It’s the same writing as the one on the other note. The same familiar writing. Despite it being light it feels heavy in my hand and I squeeze it tightly between my fingers.

   Aubrey. Come alone or I’ll kill him.

   Aubrey. He knows my name. He knows I’m here. And I know that writing. Michael Powers is out of prison.

   The note soars to the floor, fluttering down without worry. Alone? I can’t go alone, he’ll kill me. He failed the first time, but he won’t the second. Why hasn’t anyone called me? Why hasn’t the police been sent to get me? What the fuck is going on! I’m screaming in my head, pulling my hair.

   Eric’s shadow passes by the window, and I turn toward the one above Tanner’s bed. He can’t see me. He can’t come. He’ll kill Tanner. He can’t kill Tanner. Scurrying toward his bed, I open the window and slide out before Eric gets through the door. I land with a soft thud and sneak around until I’m hidden behind another boys’ cabin.

   This can’t be happening. It can’t be. I have no idea where they could be. He didn’t give me any directions. Think, Aubrey. Think. Pressing my face into my palms, I try to control my breathing. Just like Tanner taught me.

   I’ve only ever seen him at the cabin and… the abandoned house. It wasn’t a hallucination. It never was. It was always him. Michael stalked me before the incident and now he’s out to do it again. Only this time he won’t fail.

   My legs wobble as I stand up, but I know I have to go. I can’t let Tanner die because of my problems. I’m going to save him. Tanner’s truck is still sitting in the parking lot. Eric is searching the woods behind the cabins and calling out my name. Tears slip down my cheeks, but I gently open the passenger door and reach underneath the seat for his hatchet. My fingers land on clothes that are mine and finally grip onto the handle of the tool. I sling it to my side and look down. It feels unfamiliar in my hands, but I know it’s my only hope. Tanner’s keys aren’t in his truck, so I run.