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She took a deep breath and plunged onward, determined to be totally honest. “And, yes, I was sore. What woman wouldn’t be after a night of intense sex, especially when she’s not used to it. A soak in a warm tub and a day without sex and I was fine.”

His gaze narrowed as if he was trying to determine whether or not to believe her. “I hurt you,” he reiterated. “I won’t do it again.”

But he’d already hurt her. Not physically, as he seemed to be so worried about, but emotionally.

Sapphire shivered, suddenly cold to her very core. Jake was right. There was a darkness seething inside him, but instead of frightening her, it drew her like a moth to a flame. She knew she might get burned but she wasn’t sure she cared. The fire would be so beautiful it might be worth getting singed.

His intensity had roused something deep within her, a dark sensuality she hadn’t even known existed until the night they’d spent together. It would be all too easy to lose herself completely, to allow Jake to take over every aspect of her life, inside the bedroom and out. She had to decide if she was strong enough to hold her ground and not get swallowed up if they had a relationship.

“I need time to think.” And there was no way to do that with Jake sitting so close to her. After only one night together, her body was primed by his nearness, his masculine scent of musk and woodsy soap. The way he looked at her, as though he could eat her up, left her panties damp and her knees weak.

But he’d already left her once. And although she didn’t think he would intentionally hurt her again, she had to be practical. Relationships didn’t always work out. She’d dated and had a few serious liaisons over the years, but none of them had destroyed her the way that Jake’s leaving had done.

If she agreed to give them another chance she had to go into the relationship with both eyes open. She had to somehow guard her heart and not allow it to become any more susceptible than it already was.

Maybe she was fooling herself. Maybe she should just cut her losses and say goodbye for good.

Her heart cried at the very thought and tears filled her eyes.

“Sapphire?” Jake tugged the covers down to her waist. “Let me pleasure you. Let me touch you.” His hand snaked across her stomach and over her waist before dipping in to settle beneath her breasts.

“Let me taste you.” His tongue traced her collarbone, his nose nuzzling along the edge of her nightgown.

“I want to make you come, to hear your moans and those breathy cries you make when you’re aroused. I want to taste your cream when you reach your pleasure and eat it all up.”

Sapphire could barely breathe, mesmerized by the sensual spell Jake was casting over her. He was seducing her with nothing more than words and a light caress.

Her pussy pulsed and she ached for his touch. Her nipples pebbled into hard nubs, easily visible through the fabric of her gown. Jake rubbed his thumb over one of them and she gasped.

“You’re so responsive. So perfect for me,” he praised. “Let me touch you. Taste you.” The intensity of his gaze should have frightened her, but it didn’t. This was Jake and she trusted him not to physically hurt her. She knew from their one night together that he would bring her a pleasure so deep it would almost hurt, but it wouldn’t cross that line.

“That’s as far as it will go. I give you my word.” His gaze met hers and she read the sincerity there. “I’ll leave right after to let you rest and give you time to think.”

She knew what her answer was going to be even before she spoke the one word that would change both their lives forever. Sapphire took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Yes.”

Jake rolled off the bed and undid his shirt one button at a time, exposing a broad expanse of muscled flesh when he shrugged it off. Her breath caught in her throat as his chest and abs were exposed. He pulled the covers back, but made no move to remove her nightgown.

She was glad he didn’t try to strip her naked. She wasn’t sure she could have handled that quite yet. The risk she was taking with her heart was enormous and she hoped it didn’t backfire. After only one night with Jake, his leaving had devastated her. What would happen after days or weeks or months together?

It didn’t bear thinking about. For better or worse, she’d made her decision. She only hoped she didn’t live to regret it. Jake would have to take her as she was, but she’d have to do the same with him. Only time would tell if they were making a mistake or not.

Jake settled back on the bed between Sapphire’s legs. He wished to hell he knew what was going on in that nimble brain of hers, but it was impossible to tell. Of course, his throbbing cock wasn’t making thinking very easy.

He couldn’t believe she hadn’t kicked his ass to the curb. Oh, she’d made a couple half-hearted efforts to show him the door, but she hadn’t really ordered him out. He’d come to know her well in the time they’d spent together and he knew what she looked and sounded like when she meant business. Her earlier efforts to eject him had been weak at best.

That gave him hope that there was a chance for them. Of course, he knew he was on borrowed time and that she could change her mind at any moment. Where once she’d been open and willing to give him everything, now she was guarded.

Still, he could make this work. He’d give her so much pleasure she would eventually open up to him again. He would make it work. He had to. Because in the long dark nights he’d spent staring out his living room window, peering at the nothingness that was his life, he knew he needed Sapphire in a way he’d never needed anyone. And that included his twin.

Sapphire smoothed the jagged edges of his soul and gave him a sense of peace he’d thought was lost to him forever. He wasn’t even sure he’d ever really had it, even as a child. Until he’d left her, he hadn’t realized just how much he’d grown to depend on her quiet presence to soothe his inner demons.

Now she’d cracked the door and allowed him back into her life. Okay, so he’d practically battered the door down, but still. He was going to take advantage of the situation to gain his objective.

He lowered himself over her, supporting his weight on his forearms, so their bodies were barely touching. Her breathy gasp gripped his balls in a vise of pleasure.

“You’re so soft.” He brushed his lips over her cheek, down her nose and across her jaw. He’d dominated her the last time. This time he wanted to show her he could be slow and gentle. And he’d do it, even if it killed him.

Her lips parted and he drew his tongue over the bottom one, then the top, tracing their shape. A low moan escaped her mouth and he covered it with his, sliding his tongue inside the hot, moist cavern. He took his time, exploring and tasting, pulling away when his control was tested to the limits.

His arms strained to hold his weight off her and his cock was hard as a railroad spike. But he wasn’t going to come tonight, at least not here with Sapphire. Tonight was all about her. He’d given his word.

He sat back and hooked his fingers in the thin straps of her gown and drew them down to her elbows, exposing her full breasts to his gaze. He was normally more of a leg man than a breast man, but a guy would have to be dead not to appreciate the bounty before him.

Her nipples were taut pink buds, perched on full, round breasts. He gently captured one nipple between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue. Sapphire moaned and moved sensuously beneath him. Her hands caught at his shoulders, her nails scoring his skin in an erotic caress that had his cock head leaking.

He growled and released her nipple, blowing on the tight bud. Then he moved on to the other one. He licked and caressed, using his mouth and hands to arouse her to even greater heights. Her fingers tangled in his hair, dragging him closer, silently urging him on. He wanted to yell and pound his chest with satisfaction.

Sapphire still wanted him.

His jeans grew incredibly tight and his cock ached to the point of pain, but he ignored it, focusing all his attention on Sapphire.

He drew back and lifted the hem of her nightgown, letting his fingers trail over her calves, behind her knees and up the smooth inside of her sleek thighs. He touched an edge of lace and knew she was wearing panties. He shoved the gown up to her waist and grabbed the band of her panties, pulling them down and off, unable to bear having anything between them any longer.

Her dark curls were damp and the pink folds were swollen and moist. “Oh yeah.” He lifted her butt and lowered his head, inhaling her sweet, musky scent before he touched his mouth to her pussy.

Sapphire didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Every nerve in her body was alive, energized, waiting. Jake was still wearing his jeans, but his torso was bare, allowing her to see and touch his incredible chest. Every muscle was sculpted to perfection by years of hard work. His abs belonged on the cover of some men’s exercise magazine. His broad shoulders tapered down to a trim waist, giving him a chiseled appearance that made her ache to touch him.

Then his tongue caressed the slick folds between her legs and she was lost. She didn’t know what she’d expected, maybe bold and blunt and straight to the point. Instead, his touch was light and gentle, more featherlike as he brushed over her sensitive clit.

She arched her hips. “More,” she groaned. She needed more of his touch. Maybe in the morning when he was gone and she was alone, she’d regret what they were doing. Now, she wanted more, as much as he would give her.

He raised his head and licked his lips. They were moist with her essence and it was a huge turn-on. One corner of his mouth kicked up in a wicked grin before he lowered his mouth back to her heated core.

Sapphire fisted one hand in his hair and the other in her nightgown as she was tortured on the rack of pleasure. His tongue teased her clit, circling the sensitive nub before flicking over it. He explored every pink fold and dark crevice.

He slid two fingers into her tight sheath, parting them to stretch her. Sapphire knew it wouldn’t take much more for her to come. As much as she wanted it to happen, she didn’t want this night to end.

But it was too late to stop the impending explosion. Like a runaway train, her orgasm couldn’t be stopped. Jake flicked her clit at the same time his fingers filled her again and she exploded. Lights flashed behind her eyes. She tipped her head back and arched her hips, crying out as tremors shook her entire body.

How long it lasted, she couldn’t say, but she became aware of her surroundings when she shivered. Now that the moment had passed, the perspiration on her skin was cooling.

Jake released her and pulled the covers up around her shoulders. He kissed her and she could taste herself on his lips. She shivered again and Jake grabbed a throw from a nearby chair and spread that over her as well.

He brushed his hand over her hair and frowned when he touched her hammered silver hairclip. Most of her hair had escaped from the clip, leaving it half down and half up. He removed it and ran his fingers through the thick mass. “That’s better,” he murmured. He set the clip down on the bedside table and reached for his shirt.

She watched him pull it on and button it. He was going to leave, as he’d promised, even though a hard ridge ran down the front of his jeans, leaving no doubt that he was aroused. It would be easy for him to talk her into letting him stay, but neither of them was ready for that yet.

He’d exposed himself emotionally to her and she’d exposed herself physically to him. They both needed to step back. If he was feeling anywhere near as raw as she was, he needed some time alone.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She had a lot to think about between now and then. He looked as though he might say something more, but simply nodded instead.

She listened carefully and marked his progression through her apartment. He put on his boots and coat and closed the front door behind him, making sure it was locked. She sighed, knowing she should get up and wash off her makeup. At the very least, she should straighten out her nightgown and turn off the light.

She did neither. She lay there a long, long time, her mind awash with emotions and possibilities. Sapphire recognized the dark and controlling nature that drove Jake and made him the man he was, but she also saw the gentle man who iced her bruises and brought her to sexual satisfaction with no thought for his own.

There would be no easy path for them, no easy solution. Only time would tell what would become of them.