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“Beast.” She ran water and then he could hear her pouring it. A few more seconds of silence and then she gave a satisfied sigh. “That won’t take long.” She paused and he could almost see her trying to figure out how to broach the subject of what had happened last night.

“I want to see you today.” Better to take the bull by the horns and state what he wanted. If she said no, he could try to work around her objections.

“I have a meeting this morning and I really need to work this afternoon.”

“Tonight, for dinner. We can go out or I can pick something up and we can eat in.”

Sapphire paused. “Okay. Call me later and we can decide then what we’d rather do.”

Jake smiled, feeling as though he could take on the world. “Sounds good to me. And Sapphire.” He waited until he was sure he had her full attention. “Thank you for giving me, for giving us, a second chance. You won’t regret it.”

“I hope not.” There was worry in her voice and he knew he hadn’t come anywhere near to winning this battle yet. But he was back on the playing field and that was all that mattered.

“Have a good day, babe.” He hesitated, not wanting to worry her, but his concern for her safety overrode all else. “And watch out for Ivan Gregor. I don’t trust him.” The fact he had a buddy watching Gregor gave him some peace of mind. The bastard wouldn’t get near her without his knowing about it.

“I’ll be careful. I don’t think I’ll be hearing from him again.”

Jake didn’t agree with her assumption. He knew men like Gregor a lot better than she did. “Call me if you get the least bit worried. Promise me.” His grip tightened around the phone and he had to force himself to relax before he broke the damn thing.

“I will. Coffee is done. Have a good day.”

“You too.” He waited until she ended the call before signing off.

He decided he was on a roll and hit another button. He picked up his coffee and strode into his living room. It was a masculine domain, filled with sturdy, comfortable furniture and a large flat-screen television. His favorite chair—a slightly battered brown monster—beckoned, so he sat down and put his feet up on the matching ottoman. The call was answered on the first ring.

“What in tarnation are you doing calling an old man this early in the morning?” The voice was gruff and as familiar as his own.

“You don’t sleep anyway, old man.” His grandfather had raised John and him from the tender age of six. A retired army man, Bernard Knight was rough and tough, but there had never been any doubt he’d loved his grandsons.

His grandfather laughed. “What are you doing up this early?”

“Working.” He took another sip of coffee and set the mug on the small table that sat next to his chair.

“Huh.” His grandfather was also an astute man. “Might be more than work, I’m thinking.”

“Might be.” But it wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. Not yet. His grandfather had already met Topaz when John had brought her home to meet him and loved her, but he had yet to meet Sapphire.

“Anything you need help with?” That was his grandfather, solid as bedrock. Jake knew the eighty-two-year-old would jump in his ’68 Camaro and speed over from Brooklyn if Jake needed him.

“I’m good for now, Granddad. I’ll let you know.”

“You do that, boy.”

They talked for a few more minutes, discussing cars and the upcoming wedding. Neither of them was thrilled at having to put on tuxedoes, but they’d do it for John. After he ended the call, he got to thinking about Sapphire. If they got married, she’d want a fancy ceremony too.

He thought about making a commitment to her, of tying their lives together forever. Usually the mention of something like that would send him walking in the other direction. He’d never been serious about a woman before in his life.

But with Sapphire, it felt…right. More than that, it felt necessary. He wanted his ring on her finger to warn all other men away from her. Old-fashioned for sure, but he couldn’t help it.

First things first. He needed to win back her trust. And for that, he needed to tone down the dark side of himself. He would bury it forever if it meant having Sapphire in his bed for the rest of his life.

He’d discovered in the weeks he’d spent without her just how necessary she’d become to his life. Like air, he needed her to breathe. If that meant he had to change, then he damn well would. There really wasn’t any other option for him. He’d tried living without her and that was just plain hell.

He finished his coffee and set his mug by the pot, planning on another one once he shaved and dressed. His phone rang just as he entered the bedroom. He glanced at the number and answered. “What do you want?”

“Good morning to you too, brother. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Not that you seem to have a right side these days.”

“I love you too. Now what do you want, John?” He continued into the bathroom, staring at his face in the mirror, wondering if he could skip shaving. He ran his free hand over the dark stubble on his jaw. No, he definitely needed to shave, especially since he was meeting Sapphire later today.

“Breakfast. Topaz is meeting her sister at eight so she’s not eating at home. Thought you might like to hit Maloney’s for breakfast.”

So that’s who Sapphire was meeting this morning. Jake wondered why she hadn’t told him. It bothered him slightly, but he let it go. If she was with her sister in a public place, she was safe. He wondered if she’d tell her older sister what was going on between them. He hoped not. He liked his balls where they were and Topaz wouldn’t hesitate to bust them if she thought he’d hurt her baby sister. He liked that about her.


“Yeah, I’ll be ready in a half hour. Come on down when you’re ready.” Maloney’s was a favorite of both of theirs. It was a greasy diner that made the best food in the world, if you weren’t worried about your fat intake and cholesterol. It was also loud and busy, not a place where they could talk about too much personal stuff. It was perfect.

“Will do.” John hung up and Jake tossed his phone onto the bathroom counter. He picked up his razor and turned it on. He wondered what Sapphire was doing and started counting down the hours until he could see her again.

Chapter Six

Sapphire loved Althea’s Bakery, but this morning she needed it like a drowning man needs a life preserver. Chocolate and coffee were a must after the night she’d had. Her life had taken a complete one-eighty in the past twenty-four hours. She’d gone from changing her personal style and lifestyle completely to deciding she liked herself the way she was and that the fast-paced dating life wasn’t for her. She’d gone from knowing Jake was no longer a part of her life, to having him come barreling back into it. Was it any wonder she needed a chocolate éclair?

The bakery was busy with people grabbing a coffee and some sinful treat, but most were taking their order to go, hurrying in and out on their way to work. Only a few other tables were occupied. Sapphire settled at her favorite table in the corner near the window. She loved people-watching. Sometimes she got her best ideas for her jewelry designs from something or someone she saw passing by.

Today, she paid no attention to the hustle and bustle she usually enjoyed, her mind completely occupied by Jake Knight. She went over and over everything he’d said last night. She didn’t doubt his honesty, only his reasoning. She also didn’t like the fact he’d made a decision about her life, one that was really hers to make. He truly believed he’d hurt her with his physical demands that first night and had done what he’d thought was best for her.

But if that was the case, what had changed to make him think a relationship between them was possible? Could both of them change enough to make things work? Was that even realistic or would one or both of them just end up miserable?