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They were like dynamite and a match when they came together—totally explosive.

She bit her bottom lip and stifled a moan. The elevator door opened and she stepped out, hurrying to the front door. Sapphire hesitated, checking both ways before beginning her trek to the bakery. She glanced at her watch and swore under her breath. Topaz would be waiting for her. Sapphire hated being late.

She picked up her pace, keeping her eyes open even as her thoughts drifted back to Jake and the incredible night they’d spent together.

Jake watched Sapphire hurrying down the sidewalk and smiled. He loved the long skirt and colorful sweater she wore. He liked the fact the skirt hid most of her legs. She had sexy legs, long and toned. No one would ever accuse him of being a modern male in many ways. That was okay with him, and Sapphire didn’t seem to mind.

If she wanted to dress sexy, he’d suck it up and live with it, but he was glad her normal style went more toward long, flowing dresses and skirts or slacks and jeans. No short dresses or mini-skirts for her. Well, not anymore. She seemed to have abandoned her short-lived foray into those styles.

He knew she’d be pissed if she caught him following her, but he couldn’t help himself. Until the shit hit the fan with Ivan Gregor and Jake was convinced he was no longer a threat, he’d be keeping his eye on her. She was much too precious.

He broke out into a cold sweat remembering how close he’d come to possibly losing her last night. Gregor would have certainly raped her. After that, who knew? Jake didn’t trust Gregor not to get rid of her. There was nothing in the guy’s past to suggest he was a murderer, but Jake wasn’t taking any chances.

Sapphire was his entire world.

Deep in his gut, Jake knew there would never be another woman for him. Sapphire was it. There was something about her that pleased him on all levels—intellectually, emotionally and especially physically. The way she gave herself to him so completely was a major turn-on. She made him feel complete and no longer alone in the world. That was everything and worth protecting by any means necessary.

He loved her.

The words scared the shit out of him. They gave her so much power over him. But only if he told her. Maybe it was better to keep the thought to himself. He could show her how much he loved her without actually telling her.

Cowardly bastard, he mocked himself. A woman like Sapphire would need the words. More than that, she deserved them. He’d have to consider his options and make a plan. That’s where he excelled.

He watched her walk toward the bakery, totally oblivious to the stares of many of the men walking down the street. He smiled. She sure as hell noticed him and had from the very beginning.

Her curly hair tumbled around her shoulders and over her back. A wide bracelet wrapped around her left wrist, the stones in it glinting in the morning sunshine. Her hips swayed and his gaze focused on her ass, which was hidden beneath her skirt. He loved her ass.

She reached the bakery, opened the door and stepped inside. Jake continued on down the sidewalk, making sure she didn’t see him as he passed by. Satisfied she was safe for now, he headed to work. He’d put so much time in on the Gregor project lately he was behind with his work for Knight’s Security. Not that John complained, but Jake knew his brother had taken up a lot of the slack lately. Time to rectify the situation.

He pulled out his phone and hit a button on his contacts list. She answered on the second ring. “Hi.” Her voice filled him, filling the emptiness inside him.

“Hey, babe. Did you get to the bakery okay?”

“I was just going to call you. I’m here and I’m fine.”

He knew that, but he wasn’t stupid enough to admit he’d followed her. He might not totally understand women, but he wasn’t clueless either. In this case, what she didn’t know was better for him.

He crossed the street and backtracked toward the parking garage where he’d left his car. “Great. I’ll call you later.”

“I’ll be working at home this afternoon.” He could hear the muted conversations at the bakery in the background. “I’m going to the store this morning but hope to be finished up there by noon.”

“Get a cab home.”

“Jake, it’s not that far to walk.” He could hear the exasperation in her voice, but he wouldn’t budge on this.

“Until we know for sure my plan is going to work you need to play it smart.” Otherwise, he’d have to leave work to skulk around her workplace and wait for her to leave at lunchtime so he could follow her home. Dolan was still watching Gregor, but that didn’t mean the bastard couldn’t hire someone else to snatch Sapphire.

“For you.” Her voice was low and intimate. His cock stirred, the greedy bastard. Jake didn’t think his dick would be able to get up at all today after last night’s workout. “I’ll do it for you.”

“Thanks, babe.” He headed into the parking garage, keeping all his senses alert. “I’m not trying to be difficult or controlling.” He worried she might think he wanted to dominate her life outside the bedroom and nothing could be further from the truth. “I just want you safe.”

“I know. I gotta go.”

“Me too. Talk to you later.” He hung up and headed to his car, determined to get a full day’s work in at Knight’s Security.

“Jake, right?” Topaz tapped her fingers against the side of her coffee cup, her half-eaten apple muffin beside it.

“Yes.” Sapphire slipped her phone into her purse and tucked the bag on the floor between her feet. “He’s worried about my safety.”

“Good. He should be.”

Sapphire’s gaze flew to her sister’s face. She’d expected Topaz to start in on Jake and about his controlling manner. She’d been ready to defend him. Instead, her sister was on his side.

Topaz gave a throaty chuckle. “Don’t look so surprised. I want you safe too and if he can keep you that way he has my full support.” She picked up her mug and had a sip. “Besides, I’m marrying his twin. They’re not so different.”

Sapphire didn’t correct her sister. She had a feeling the men were very different when it came to the bedroom, but that was between Jake and her.

“So, you and Jake are serious?” Topaz crumbled a piece off the side of her muffin.

Sapphire took a fortifying gulp of her mocha latte and a bite of her chocolate chip muffin before answering. After last night, she needed the extra chocolate to keep up her strength. “Very serious.”

Topaz shook her head. “I have to admit, I didn’t see that one coming.” She paused and a slow, sexy smile crossed her face. “Of course, I didn’t see me and John together either. What is it about those Knight brothers?”

Her sister’s engagement ring flashed when she lifted her coffee cup and Sapphire swallowed the envy that threatened to fill her. She wanted that kind of commitment from Jake. But she quickly realized she wouldn’t get it until she made a commitment of another kind to him. The ball was in her court and he’d wait for her to make her decision.

Jake was a very patient man.

She pressed her thighs together to help ease the growing ache in her pussy. God, what was he doing to her? All she had to do was think about him, about them being together and she was aroused. And in a public place, sitting across from her sister, no less.

“You okay? You look a little flushed.” Topaz reached out and rested her hand on Sapphire’s arm.

She shook her head and scrambled to come up with an excuse. No way was she telling her sister her face was red because she was aroused. “I’m fine. Just thinking about last evening.” She left Topaz to draw her own conclusion and sighed when her sister zoned in on the attack.

“No wonder. I still can’t believe that awful man tried to drag you into his car.” Topaz sat back, her eyes narrowing. “I’m not convinced we shouldn’t have called the police.”