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"Name some.”

He rattled them off.”Corgard, Procardia, Indocin, Orinase, Thorazine, Tagamet, Lasix, Tofranil, Apresoline, Staidpace, Mandol, Prednisone, Levodopa, Cytoxan, Isoniazid, Peptide 7.”

Andrew stopped.”You want more?" "That should hold us," Celia said.”And the point you're making”, "The point is that the successful, useful drugs outnumber losers. For every loser-Thalidomide, Selacryn, Montayne, Oraflex, Bendectin; those and the other few failures you bear about on TV news and '60 Minutes'-there have been a hundred winners. And it isn't just the pharmaceutical companies who are gainers. The big winners are people-those who have health instead of sickness, those who live instead of die.”

Andrew mused, then added, "If I were making a speech, which I suppose I am to an audience of one, I'd say that what your industry has done, my love-with all its faults, despite its critics-is provide a benefaction for mankind.”

Stop there!" Celia said.”That was, so beautiful, so right, anything more might spoil it. You have cheered me.”

She smiled.”Now I'm going to close my eyes and think.”

She did. Ten minutes later, opening her eyes, Celia said, "Andrew dear, there are things I want to say.”

She paused.”You've been many things to me; now you're my confessor. First, I am responsible for those bad events with Hexin W. In my mind there isn't any doubt. If I'd acted sooner some deaths might not have happened. I didn't ask tough questions when I ought. I took for granted what my own experience should have warned me not to. I became heady, a little drunk with power and success-so buoyed by Peptide 7, then Hexin W, that I overlooked the obvious. In a way, it was part of what happened with Sam about Montayne. I understand that better now.”

He said, "I hope you don't intend to say all that in court.”

Celia shook her head.”I'd be foolish if I did. I've already said that if I'm indicted, brought to court, I'll fight. But I needed to admit my guilt to someone, which is why I'm telling you.”

"And Vince Lord-if he's indicted too?" "We'll give him legal help. I've decided that. But otherwise he'll take his chances.”

Andrew said gently, "Despite everything you've told me-and I agree that most is true--don't be too hard on yourself You're human like the rest of us. No one has a perfect record. Yours is better than most.” "Not good enough, though. But I know I can do better, and an experience like this one helps.”

Celia's voice had regained her old, crisp matter-of-factness.”Those are reasons I want to go on, and why I intend to. I'm only fifty-three. There's a lot more I can do at Felding-Roth.”

"And you will," he said.”The way you always have.”

There was a silence. Then after a while, when he looked sideways, he saw that Celia had closed her eyes once more and was asleep. She slept until the flight was losing altitude for landing. Awakening, she touched Andrew's arm. He turned to face her. "Thank you, my dearest," Celia said.”Thank you for everything.”

She smiled.”I've thought some more, and I've made up my mind. Whatever happens, I'm coming through. I'm going to win.”

Andrew said nothing-just took her hand. He was still holding it when they landed at New York.