She unbuckled her belt and raised her ass so she could wiggle the waist past her buttocks and remove the pants entirely.
She kicked them off and they flew in a heap onto the grassy ground. Her black cunny hairs were glistening from her juices.
She whipped her leg over the saddle and could feel her dripping dew mash against the smooth leather and glue her to the seat.
Lightning was off in a flash. As soon as the rider was fastened tightly in position, the horse bolted at top speed.
Melanie's beautiful blue eyes gleamed with delight and her grin stretched from ear to ear as the wind whisked the hair across her pretty face.
The burning flame within her and without her was being quenched by the speeding ride of her powerful steed.
Her flowery cunt swished about the smooth surface as her thighs bounced up down and around on the bobbing horse's back.
Her nipples were hard as a rock. Her big tits flapped from the motion and the sweaty under parts were dried in the cooling wind.
Her body comfortably glowed from the inside. Her passion was flowing through her and exciting her to a grand height now that the wind cooled her boiling skin.
Lightning was whinnying as he sped through the valley. She was blinded from the fierce intensity of the sun's brilliant rays.
She felt alive like never before. Only her precious Lightning could do that to her. It was insane but true.
There was no guilt, no recriminations at this point. Everything was pure bliss, an uninhibited delight.
It was a feeling of lust, yes, but also one of total freedom. Her reckless abandon was reaping a fine reward.
And she knew that the horse was aware of her passion. In some strange way beyond her ability to fully imagine, the horse was trying to court her.
Great bellowing whinnies were rushing out of his snorting mouth without the faintest trace of a muffle from the bit inside it.
The horse was happy and charged up. It sensed the fact that the rider was pleased and enjoying herself on her frantic ride.
The horse did not slow down, but it changed the pace of its gallop from a frenzied headlong run to one of long, lopping strides.
Melanie gasped in pleasure from the change of rhythm. Her cunt suffused with a fiery glow making her clit palpitate.
Her tender underparts slapped against the wet leather between long delays due to the horse's arching prance that raised her flanks off the saddle.
At that interval she felt the wind pierce into the gaping, flower of her cunt and wonderfully irritate her burning parts.
Then her cunt pounced upon the smooth saddle and her loins shuddered in the spastic throes of a rippling orgasm.
The electric current that pulsed through her began in her fevered clit and then burst into flames in her cunt.
Then the wave began an incredible rise up the length of her tingling spine and raced through her shoulders and burst forth into the wells of her bulbous tits.
Her breasts glowed from the orgasm's dramatic chain of flow that inevitably settled in the flesh of her hot mounds.
Her face pulsed a beet-red. Her cunt lips glistened from her spasmic dew that drenched them and made their redness shine forth.
Her nipples were so hard she thought that the orgasm would end only after they had burst from their seams and gushed blood.
Lightning called a halt to the graceful and sweeping gallop with one last mind-boggling arching swoop of his pouncing flanks.
The horse stopped dead in his tracks and Melanie's loins fell onto to the saddle with a splashing thud.
It wrung the last of her fantastic vibration out of her pulsating frame and called a halt to the most fabulous orgasm she had ever experienced in her short life.
After that thundering stop the horse proceeded at a normal pace and allowed the beautiful rider to catch her fevered breath.
Through half-closed lids that hid a part of her sex-glazed eyes, Melanie began to focus on the scenery before her.
Lightning was taking them over to a shady spot. An enormous tree whose plumage rose to a grand height stood adjacent a running stream. They slowly ambled over to the cool-looking spot. Melanie's body was glued to the saddle that had afforded her so much pleasure.
Lightning pulled up to the shady nook without being told. Melanie lifted her leg and dismounted from her lovely steed.
She was wonderfully spent. Her exhaustion filled her with a peaceful contentment. Gone were the haunting pictures of all those conflicting images.
She was at peace. She sat down naked against the tree and closed her eyes. She could feel and hear the horse's rustling movements next to her.
When she closed her lids her eyes were dazzled by a radiating glow of enormous intensity that had the effect of making her ears ring.
It was if she was getting a picture of what her feelings were at that very moment. With her eyes closed, she was looking at what she felt like.
The longer she kept them closed, the more the radiance died out and then vanished completely until there was nothing but darkness.
Lightning's nose was brushing up against her leg. She bent them under her neck and his nose rubbed against her cheek.
Her chin rested on her hands that cupped her bony knees and Lightning's cold nose rubbed up and down her bare thigh.
She kept her eyes closed and groped out a hand to feel for the lovely soft mane that framed the horse's large head. She felt her strength coming back. With eyes closed and looking inside herself she searched into the awesome black abyss.
By trying to focus her eyes into the blackness that stretched forever under her lids they began to tear from the strain.
But for a fleeting moment she was able to gain a three dimensional perspective of her internal picture.
And at that moment she felt like she was flying through space. The only thing that was missing was the sun and stars.
Then the flight assumed a hoary proportion. Her sweeping glide became a fall into a bottomless pit.
It was like being sucked under by a whirlpool, one out in the middle of the ocean that was gigantic and awe-inspiring.
The feeling of vertigo made her bolt open her eyes. She was almost sick to her stomach from the queasy feeling from her internal swoon.
When she opened her eyes she saw that Lightning had ambled down to the stream and was sucking the refreshing waters.
That was funny because all the while she was sure she had been fondling his fluffy mane in her little hand.
She had felt the horse's nose nuzzle itself against the warm flesh of her curveous thigh. She couldn't have imagined that.
She closed her eyes again and this time fell off into a restful doze that gave her back her strength.
When she rose to consciousness her brain once again began its normal workings and the confusing maze of images were back.
Even with her eyes opened they never stopped bubbling up. Her mind's eye kept itself focused on the internal state.
She was looking right at the running stream. But she couldn't see it. She was lost in the reverie of her daydream.
She could feel the sculptured form of the light bouncing off the ripping spray of water, but the stream itself was not registering.
The sparkle of the bobbing jets of the running current merely provided a dazzling background to the row of images pulsing through her brain.
She groaned in fear. She had lost control of her mind! If she continued like this she would lose all sense of reality.
She was receding backward inside herself. A part of her told her that it was wrong but another part of her told her that it couldn't be helped. For better or worse she had to endure it. If one day she came back to the world of hard reality, it would be only after she endured this fearful head-trip.
The images in her brain were pictures of her mother and father and of the ranch foreman Mullady Mistler.