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She stood riveted in place. She breathed heavily and a mustache of sweat beaded into form on her upper lip.

Her breath was very rapid. Mullady could practically hear her heated thought as she stared at the covered contraption and her fantasy ran through her head.

Never had he met a woman of such courage. She knew what she was doing was terribly decadent, might even kill her.

Yet she was a woman of staunch will, a woman of destiny. She knew that it was an experience she had to live or die trying.

Mullady went to the clothed monument and whipped off the felt covering while waiting a long moment after grabbing a hank of the felt.

The apparition sprung into view. He could hear her gasp from the sight of the depraved contraption before her.

Its existence meant that her fantasy had become real. For better or worse her dream had become substantial.

He watched her gazing at it half in horror and half in the swoon of her uncontrollable lust as she drunk in the sight.

A hand went inside her blouse and gently caressed the top of one of her large firm breasts.

He saw her knees buckle as her strength seemed to ebb from her and she began to fall to the floor in a breathless faint.

He ran to her and reached her just in time to break her fall and ease her onto an old tool chest.

"Madam, are you all right. Perhaps…"

"No, I'm fine. Mullady. Thank you; you're a good servant."

"I am always willing to please madam in any way I can. But this, I'm afraid, is too much. I can not be a part of it."

"But you must, Mullady, there is no one else I can trust."

"But it could kill you. You must know that."

"I know it very well. But it must be done. Can you understand that."

"Not wholly, madam, but if you put it like that I'm forced to comply."

"You are very good to me. I shall never forget your loyalty. Here is the reward I promised you."

She handed him a check for fifty thousand dollars.

"Madam it's much too much. I can not accept such a generous payment."

"It is yours, Mullady. I will not take it back under any circumstances."

"What else do you want me to do."

"Mr. Barker is going away on business the day after tomorrow. You will meet me here at that time at approximately eight o'clock."

"And what else?"

"You are to bring with you a horse, the one I will specify in a minute, and then you will assist me as I am mounted by it."

"That is insane, madam, I won't have any part of it."

"Yes you will. You have accepted the check and now you must do as I say."

"But it will kill you."

"It will kill me if I don't."

"I do not understand."

"Perhaps some day you will. But for now you must just carry out my orders."

"As you wish, madam. Which of the horses shall it be."

She hesitated a long moment before speaking. Her lips and cheeks quivered with the thought of her loving the animal.

Her eyes were half-closed when she spoke. They were drunk and glazed and he knew that she wasn't looking at him but inside herself.

The name of the horse rose from her lips and bolted to his cocked ears like a crack of thunder: "Lightning is the one. Lightning shall be my charge."

And then she passed out and her vibrant body went limp in his strong hands and he rested her on the old chest.

As long as he lives Mullady Mistler shall never forget the events of that hallowed night that finally came to pass.

At a few minutes before eight o'clock he led the charcoal-stallion to the tool shed where the day of destiny awaited the horse.

It seemed to know that something strange and wonderful was about to happen. It was quiet and they moved soundlessly from the stables to the shed.

At eight o'clock Nora tapped on the door and Mullady let her in. She was dressed in a white gown, a wonderful low-cut affair.

The train of her gown left a trail on the dirt floor in its wake. Her heavy breasts rose and fell with her panted breaths.

She began to disrobe in front of Mullady and the horse. It gave a low snort and then bowed its large head to its mistress.

She went to the horse and kissed every inch of its large head and buried her fingers in its soft-blond mane.

She drew her body closer and then rubbed her fine large breasts whose nipples were fully bloated on the horse's face.

She caressed Lightning with her creamy skin and her body glowed in passionate heat from the decadent act of love.

Mullady Mistler found himself becoming terribly aroused from the inhuman spectacle. But he fought down his urges in respect for his mistress. It was her shining moment and he did not want to disturb her with his own selfish passions. She was in a state of high passion.

She moved to the side of the horse and rubbed her lovely hands along its strong flanks and caressed the soft underbelly.

She probed underneath with her hand for that object of desire that had obsessed her to make her fantasy real.

When she touched the massive limp cock she let out a gasp of pleasure and he could see her eyes rolling in her head.

She had a fabulous body. She had large, bulbous hips that were delectably curvaceous for they gave way to the supplest of waists.

Her flesh was firm and it glowed a beet-red that revealed its vigorous lust from laying her hands on the stallion's cock.

She turned her face and sex-drugged eyes gleamed out from her fevered face.

"Mullady, it is time."

Without saying a word Mullady led the horse over to the felt-covered monument. Then he whipped off the cloth.

He heard Nora gasp at the sight of the contraption. With the horse standing right by it the reality of what was about to happen made her swoon in passion.

Mullady led the horse atop the platform. It obediently allowed itself to be positioned properly.

Then he bound the leather harness around its belly and back and the horse was bolted into proper position.

"He is ready, madam."

"Excellent. I will need you. Stay here."

"Whatever madam wants."

He stood away from the platform and watched her approach it. She was bathed in an aura that bespoke of her as a woman of destiny.

She placed her dainty foot onto the platform and then lifted her voluptuous body atop it. Lightning softly whinnied.

She bent low to manage herself into the fur-lined pit that Mullady had expertly constructed to allow for her frame.

She knelt before the horse's huge limp cock. Her face was right in front of it. Mullady could see her nipples bursting with excitement.

He watched her long fingers take the huge cock and then gently fondle it with her soft, white palms.

It was a lustful sight of awe-inspiring passion. To watch a woman give way to a depraved carnal instinct was maddening.

She held the cock in both hands and then rubbed the flaccid tip along her beautiful face and sniffed it.

Her senses were reveling from the touch of the huge cock so close to them and her motions became wilder and wilder.

She quickly grabbed the stanchion to her and hugged it close to her breasts. She planted it in her cleavage.

She mauled her lovely tits around it and played with its massive staff with her trembling hands.

She was trying to control her lust, to keep it in line, so that she would not disturb the precious moment with childish enthusiasm.

She wanted Lightning to give way to her touch willingly. The moment had to be as good for the horse as it was for her.

He saw her draw the stiffening cock up to her lips and then gently flick her tongue all over its entire length.

She was breathing very hard and gasping between flicks of her tongue. The rod was filling with blood and she could feel the surge in her hands.

Then her passion raised to such an intensity that she could no longer control her urges and she took the humongous tip into her hot mouth.