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I knew it all. It had been front-page news for a week. Cashdollar had been on Larry King just last night. I also knew that Cashdollar was guilty as sin.

“James, let me know what else he says.” The radio in my used Prius had crashed two weeks ago.

“Will do. Eventually, LeRoy is going to go after Cashdollar, but it could take a long time.” He paused. “Pard, have you heard from the cops?”

I hadn’t. Not since that night, and five hours of being interrogated. I did have an attorney. Em’s dad stepped up and hired a guy to represent me if there were any charges. So far, there hadn’t been. “Since we were taken in for questioning I haven’t heard anything, James. No news is good news.”

“Solid. And the pistol?”

“The last I heard, nobody had ever registered it. And Em’s and my fingerprints were the only ones they could recognize on it.”

“Not Crayer’s?”

“They claim that any other prints were not identifiable.”


The phone beeped. “James, hold on.”

“Hey, you.”


“Are we on tonight?”

“Yeah. Something very cheap, okay?”

“You bring a bottle of wine. I’ll provide the entertainment.”

I liked the sound of that.


“Same question.”

“Same answer. I haven’t heard a thing about Crayer. No one knows where he is or even who he is.”

“It bothers me. A lot.”

“I know. I’ll see you tonight.” I pushed the button and James was back.

“What do you think, James? How did he do it?”

“I don’t have the answer, bro. Just a guess.”

“Yeah, you and your friends have some pretty good guesses.”

He was silent for a moment. “I think the rev walked up to them, pulled the Glock from the Bible and shot them. Put the Glock back in the Bible and walked away. As simple as that.”

“How about your tires?”

“LeRoy. I’d bet on it. Trying to scare us off.”

We were both quiet. Finally, I said it. “I really came down on you about Styles. I’m sorry. He turned out to be a stand-up guy. Really.”

“Amigo, I still don’t understand. He normally wasn’t the kind of guy who just jumped into other people’s problems with both feet.”

“Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. But he did.”

“He did. And I miss him. Hey, I’ve got to go. There’s a line of people waiting for food, and you know how that is.”

I did.

Two days later I got a call from an unidentified number. I’m one of those guys who picks up anything. I’ve been sorry once or twice.

“Is this Eugene?”

“It is.”

“Eugene,” the voice was soft and sexy, “I was a — ” she paused, “a friend of Daron Styles.”


“You may receive a phone call regarding him in the next several weeks.”

“I was there when — ”

“I know. There are going to be more questions. They’re going to ask you about his contacts. Please, you and your friends, simply say that you were casual friends and there’s absolutely nothing else you can add.”

“Casual friends?”

“That’s right. Eugene, it’s very important.”

“If you were his friend, I need to tell you that I misjudged him. What happened to him should never happen to anyone.”

“Eugene. Please. You were casual friends. Nothing more. That’s all you should say.”

“I’ll do it.”

In the movies, on TV, in books, the ending always ties up the loose ends. It doesn’t seem to be that way in real life. At least for me. I’m still waiting to see if I’ll be charged for shooting LeRoy. I’m still waiting to see if Bruce Crayer surfaces. I’m still waiting to see if Cashdollar gets away with murder, and I’m still waiting to see if Em and I will survive. I keep remembering my uncle Buzz, saying we’re all waiting for the next revival. I wish that was the only thing I was concerned with. Actually, I don’t think I could ever visit another revival meeting. And I mean ever.

I saw Cashdollar on TV that night. I think it was Fox News that interviewed him. His ministry was skyrocketing. They showed him in front of a large gathering. The banner was behind him.


I’d donated to that cause. I’d bought into the concept, just a little bit, and I still didn’t have more than five bucks in my pocket and four beers in the fridge. Cashdollar’s ministry. The stuff dreams are made of.