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The Eldress was severely ill for about a year. Physically weak, she was forced to lie down, but even then she did not give her body rest: she lay on bare boards. Matushka's spiritual children did not abandon her in this difficult time. They arranged it so that every night someone would stay at her little house. During this period, she would commune in her cell. Her healing took place on the feast of the Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul, whom the Eldress especially loved. She rose from her sickbed, and with incredible effort, and accompanied by her cell attendant and a nun, went to church. After they had all had Communion in church, Matushka returned home already more invigorated, and from that point would once again go to church each Sunday.

Many times, the Eldress foretold the day of her death. She would ask, «And what day is October 30?» When she would be told that it was Sunday, she would not respond. She also would say that she would die during the first snow. She gave a certain woman the Church calendar, and asked her to count off the days. When she came to the 30th, the Eldress stopped her and circled that day. The woman guessed that it was to be Matushka’s last day, and she began to weep. That incident could also have presaged the fact that today the faithful especially commemorate Matushka Alipiya on the thirtieth of each month.

Knowing that she would soon be translated to the Lord, the Eldress prepared her spiritual children for that event. Several times, she directed that they should come to her grave and ask her just as they had while she was alive. Several months before her repose, a certain nun, sensing that they soon would be parted, asked her, «To whom do you leave us?» Matushka affectionately replied, «You, dear, I leave to the Mother of God!» To a priest who greatly revered her, she said, «Come to me at my grave, and talk with me as with a living person. I helped you in life, and I will help you then as well.» She gave a blessing to honor the place where she pursued her ascetic struggles, and to come to her little house just as they had when she was alive. «I am not dying, but am here with you. Come, walk around the cottage, call out, and I will hear you.»

On the next to last Sunday before her death, Matushka suddenly began to prostrate herself before each person at her home, and to say, «Forgive me!» Then she stood up, raised her head heavenward, and sincerely and fervently appealed to the Lord, «Forgive me!» With upturned face, she continued her plea without ceasing. She had already said goodbye to everyone.

In her last week of life, she blessed a certain woman to come read the Psalter for her. She said, «Come for three days to read; no more will be needed.» The woman read on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Saturday evening, she blessed her cell-attendant to go to church, and to put candles in the candlestands, but not to light them. She gave a commemoration book to be offered in church in the morning, and warned her that after the service she was to «race quickly, so that I would not have gone.» After the service, many people gathered together in her cell. Everyone hurried to see her one last time, and to say goodbye. Matushka prepared herself, fixing everyone with a very solemn, very piercing gaze. Thrice, she moved her eyes cross-wise, and gave her blessing for the people to go to the Kitaev Hermitage to pray to Venerable Sts. Dosifei and Feofil. At the moment her spiritual children bowed down to the Venerable Ones, Matushka departed to the Lord. At the same time, a cloud appeared in the clear-blue sky, moved over the place where Matushka Alipiya's spiritual children were praying, and from it, thick, dense snow began to fall.

The next morning, nuns of the Monastery of St. Florus came to vest the Eldress according to the monastic rite. The Eldress' body was warm and soft. Hieromonk Roman Matiushyn, who had come with the nuns, served the first Panikhida.

On that day, nature took on an unusual, festive appearance. The earth, the trees, Matushka' cell, the ravine, the forest — everything was covered in white rime-frost. Matushka lay looking young, her face unwrinkled, and there was a smile on her white face. On the day of her funeral, the sky was blue, there was no breeze, all was quiet, and there was an otherworldly peace, a sense that the Kingdom of Heaven was present. The funeral was served on November 1, 1988 with all due solemnity by the clergy of the

Holy Ascension St. Florus Monastery, with a great crowd of people in attendance. Matushka Alipiya was interred in the St. Florus Monastery section of the Lesno Cemetery of the city of Kiev.

Since that time, the people's love for the Eldress has continued unabated. In keeping with her blessing, people continue to come to her with their burdens, and then to leave with a sense of relief. News of the miracles that had begun to occur at the blessed one's grave became more and more wide-spread among the people, and soon a steady and endless stream of people began to flow to their intercessor. From morning until late in the night, there were people at her tomb, and on the 30th of each month, there were so many that in order to venerate her memorial Cross, one had to stand in line for several hours.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan) of Kiev, the relics of Nun Alipiya (Avdeyeva) were uncovered by clergy of the Holy Protection «Goloseyev Hermitage» Monastery early in the morning on May 18, 2006, and were taken in solemn procession to the monastery, whose restoration the blessed one had foretold.

As the Eldress had said, on the site of her house, a chapel with five cupolas was erected. Initially, Matushka's holy relics were set out for veneration in the great Church of the Life – giving Spring. Later, they were transferred to the crypt below the church, and installed in a marble sarcophagus. The traditions established at Matushka's grave in the Lesno Cemetery continue to be observed at the monastery. On the 30th of each month, on the anniversary of Matushka's death, on her birthday — March 16, and on the day of the uncovering of her relics — May 18, festivities take place, a meal is prepared for the people, many Panikhidas are served, people come from all of the countries of the CIS, and from the Near and Far Abroad. Over 50,000 people gathered together for the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Eldress' repose.