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Cloud snorted and jerked his head away from Ellen. He lifted his hoofs, kicked the air. The action pulled his cock from Patsy's viselike grip.

Patsy screamed and scrambled away, her body covered in cum.

Tracy fell back, releasing his balls. She stared up from her back, wide-eyed with amazement.

Mary rolled free, hay sticking to the cum that had splattered her body.

With his cock free, Cloud became a docile colt. He brought his head to Ellen, nuzzling her as if apologizing for his rage. Soft whinnying noises were muffled against Ellen's tit and neck.

"Good, boy." Ellen sighed. "Good, boy." She led him back to his stall. "Tomorrow," she whispered, "you can have her cherry."

Patsy was saturated with cum. She was dizzy and hot, the cum burning into her flesh. The taste lingered in her mouth and like a cat, she began to clean herself. She brought one tit to her mouth and licked, savoring each drop.

She tilted the hard pink nipple up, hesitated a moment, then lowered her head and sucked it into her mouth. Once or twice before, while masturbating, she had sucked her own nipples briefly. She had found it to be a very pleasurable experience but somehow considered it naughty or unnatural and had denied herself the pleasure.

Now, after what she had just experienced, it seemed an inconsequential matter. She opened her mouth and sucked in the swollen aureole and as much of the soft titty flesh as her mouth would hold. She squeezed the lush mound with her hands as she rubbed the sensitive nipple with her tongue.

"Hey, save some for us," Mary moaned. She and Tracy crawled over and began feasting on Patsy's cum-stained tits.

Later, after Patsy was licked clean and everyone had dressed, all the girls stood outside the barn.

"I want us all to meet here tomorrow," Ellen said. She looked directly at Patsy. "Remember, to be an officer in our club, you have to give Cloud your cherry. It's the rule. Think about it. You can let us know tomorrow."

Patsy gulped back her fear. She didn't want to say that she thought she was already an officer. Instead, she accepted Ellen's decision. "See you all tomorrow," Patsy replied and waved good-bye.

With the girls watching, she climbed onto her bike and began pedaling home. An image of Cloud's gargantuan cock ripping into her body filled her mind. "Ohhhhh, God, what a day!"

"What do you think?" Mary asked the rest of the girls.

"She'll show," Ellen said with confidence. "She likes sex too much not to be here."

Each girl climbed on her own bike and peddled away from the Horse Club on the outskirts of Hillside.


Patsy rushed down the stairs, her blonde hair whipping around her flushed face and her tits bouncing erotically under her summer top.

"Whoa," her mother said, catching her at the kitchen door. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"The Horse Club," Patsy bubbled.

Rose took her daughter's arm and steered her toward the table. "Sit. You have time for juice."

"Awww, Mom," Patsy protested. "Ellen called me last night. They're meeting at ten o'clock this morning. I don't have time!"

Rose ignored her daughter's protests, pushed a glass of juice in front of her. "Drink."

Patsy frowned, but she began sipping the cold orange juice. Her eyes kept darting to the clock on the wall.

"I thought the Horse Club met only once a week."

"I'm going to be an officer of the club," Patsy bubbled. "One of the girls is leaving and I'm taking her place."

"I'm impressed," her mother said. "What about the other girls who have been in the club longer? Don't they mind? I mean, you just joined."

Patsy giggled. "Ellen, the president, picks who she wants."

"Sounds like a dictatorship to me," Rose said.

Patsy scooted out of her chair. She didn't want to talk.

"Hey, you didn't finish your juice."

"Can't, Mom. I don't want to be late." She was out of the door in a flash.

"Kids," Rose said. "Always in a hurry."

Patsy hopped on her bike and peddled away. Her strong young thighs pumped effortlessly, her taut buttocks shifting to and fro just above the seat of the bike. She was already excited and the pressure of the slender bicycle seat against her crotch would set her off for sure.

For the hundredth time in her young life she congratulated herself on her beautiful body. By just tipping her head she could look down the front of her tank top at her big beautiful tits just as the boys often tried to do. "Built for sex", someone had once said.

But the other girls all said that they had done it.

It was a beautiful spring day. A perfect day to experience sex, to lose her cherry.

Once on the quiet road to the clubhouse, she began to have second thoughts. She was eager for sex but she thought maybe she should do it with a boy first. Cloud was so beautiful that he made her knees weak just to look at him. But his cock was so damn big! She couldn't figure how she could take his big cock without it hurting, maybe even damaging her. By the time she spotted the Horse Club clubhouse in the distance she had all but changed her mind.

"Tracy didn't think you were going to show up," Ellen said as Patsy climbed off her bike. "I knew you would."

"So did I," Mary said. "You excited?"

"Yes," Patsy said, a tremor in her voice. "But I'm afraid too."

"Nothing to be afraid of," Ellen said, taking her arm. "Let's go and visit Cloud."

Patsy gulped as they headed into the barn. Once inside she began to tremble. Fear and doubt plagued her.

"Don't chicken out on us," Ellen said, sensing the tenseness in Patsy's body. "You don't want to be just another member. We have all the fun. The rest of them are all babies." She laughed. "Some of them don't even like the initiation."

Tracy and Mary joined in the laughter.

"Most of them are real duds," Tracy said.

Mary giggled, hugged Patsy. "Not like you. You're like us."

Patsy shivered. Was she? She gulped. It was true, she had enjoyed everything up until now, but… it boggled her mind. Cloud's cock was so huge!

"C'mon," Ellen said. "Let's feed Cloud his favorite food."

"Apples?" Patsy asked, glad even for a few minutes reprieve.

"No, silly," Mary said, grabbing her hand. "Cherries."

Patsy's heart leaped up into her throat.

"Your cherry," Tracy said, expecting Patsy to chicken out any second.

Patsy stopped in her tracks. She stared at Cloud. Her insides were churning. If Mary hadn't been holding her hand, she knew she could have run from the barn.

Ellen opened Cloud's stall. "C'mon, boy," she said. "Today you get lucky." She led the giant Arabian stallion out to the center of the barn.

"Isn't he gorgeous?" Mary sighed. "God, I'm getting so horny."

"You're always horny," Tracy said, drooling as she stared between Cloud's hind legs.

"You don't seem to mind though," Mary said. "Last night you couldn't get enough of my tongue."

Patsy was listening. It was like a dream, but she knew it wasn't. Before she had joined the Horse Club she had had fantasies while she played with herself. But now it was all real. She swallowed hard. Was she ready for this?

Ellen touched her shoulder, bringing her out of her thoughts. "We'll help you undress, then it will be just you and the horse. Do whatever you want, as long as you give him your cherry before you're done."

Patsy was numb. She nodded, her eyes fixed on Cloud as he stood calmly waiting. She felt hands stripping off her clothes. She helped, stepping out of her jeans and panties after the girls had pushed them down to her ankles. With her sneakers off, she was finally nude.

"He's all yours," Ellen whispered. "Enjoy your first fuck."

"Have a ball," Mary babbled. "Make him howl."