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"He has been very, very good to me," she finished softly. Her innocent little ruse proved unsuccessful. He told her his name and that was all. When she ventured a half-question, she received--as she had feared--only a half-answer:

"I'm just takin' a look at the country," he said.

"I'm glad you chose this bit of it to-day," Carol smiled. "We are near the ranch ; I must prepare for a tongue-lashing from Dad."

"He needn't to know," Sudden pointed out. "Yo're safe now ; I can fade--"

"No, I'll take my medicine," she told him, and in mock reproach, "I shall begin to think you don't like your company."

The cowboy's eyes crinkled at the corners. "I could bear to be with yu a whole lot, ma'am," he said gravely.

Chapter V

THE S E ranch-house was not beautiful but was eminently adapted to the purpose for which it had been erected. It stood in the middle of a small, level plain which afforded no cover whatever for an attacking force, and the walls, constructed of squared logs, were loop-holed on all sides. Of one storey only, it comprised a large living-room, bedrooms, and a kitchen. Immediately behind was an ample corral, and to the left, a bunkhouse for the outfit, a barn and smithy.

On the broad, covered porch which extended along the front of the building two men were sitting. The elder, short, big-shouldered, dressed in range rig, was Sam Eden, owner of the ranch. Though he was past fifty, only his iron-grey hair betrayed the fact ; the keen blue eyes, firm lips beneath a clipped moustache, and pugnacious jaw all spoke of virility ; the deep cleft between the bushy brows told of temper.

The other man was of a different type. Tall, not yet forty, his fleshy, clean-shaven face appeared unusually pale in that land of bronzed skins. It was not an attractive face--the flattish nose, rather prominent eyes, and thick lips had a negroid character, and in fact, Jethro Baudry had sometimes been described as a "white nigger." His attire formed a striking contrast to that of his host: a "boiled" shirt, neatly-tied cravat, and long black Prince Albert coat. His hands were carefully tended: they had to be, for Baudry was by profession a gambler, though he was now sitting in a bigger game. His expressionless gaze studied the man before him.

"So you are going to take the chance, Sam?" he said.

"Shore I am--nothin' else for it," the rancher replied. "Yu see, Jethro, I want things clear for Carol--case anythin' happens to me. Sabe?"

"you don't think I'd press her, do you?" Baudry asked. "No ; but yo're mortal too, an' gamblin' aint the safest callin'," Eden replied bluntly.

"I can take care of myself," Baudry said with a thin smile. "Still, there's the chance. Setting that aside, you know I'm willing to wait?"

"Shore, yu've been mighty good lettin' me have the coin, Jethro," the rancher said warmly. "But think of it, man; a hundred thousand acres that, in a few years' time, may be worth as many dollars as I've paid cents for 'em. Wouldn't yu wanta feel it really belonged to yu?"

Actually the gambler was feeling just that, but his bland features expressed nothing of the greed which possessed him.

"Natural enough ; but these big drives are risky they tell me," he rejoined. "You may lose your herd."

"I'm losin' 'em anyway," the cattleman said bitterly ; and reading the question in the other's eyes, "Yeah, rustlers, o' course. It's an easy play ; the beasts is scattered in the brush an' a lot must be unbranded ; our round-ups aint been too thorough the last year or so--I couldn't afford a large outfit --an' what was the use when all yu could get for a steer was a few dollars for the hide an' taller? An' for that yu gotta drive 'em to a coast-town, which cut the profit to near nothin' a-tall.

"Now, they tell me, it's different ; the East needs beef ; the Gov'ment wants it to feed the Injuns on the reservations when they can git the war-whoops to stay on 'em ; the northern ranchers have discovered that the buffalo grass on their big plains will fatten cows, an' they're lookin' for stock. There's a shippin' point at Abilene, Kansas, an' beasts worth little more'n nothin' here will fetch as much as fifteen dollars or more apiece."

"Certainly sounds good," the younger man said. "If you can make it."

"I gotta make it, or bust," Eden said grimly. "Anyways, yo're sittin' pretty, Jethro ; if I win through, yu get yore dinero ; if I don't, the ranch is yores ; yu needn't to worry."

"I don't intend to," Baudry assured him ; and again a fleet ing smile swept over his pale face. Then he asked casually, "Any news of that son of yours?"

The rancher's brows met in a heavy frown. "I've no son," he said harshly. "When he went from here he stepped outa my life ; I'll be glad if yu'll remember that, Jethro." And, after a pause, "No, I ain't heard nothin'."

The other made no comment, but in his eyes there was a gleam of satisfaction.

"When do you expect to start north?"

"Soon as we can gather an' road-brand a sizable herd. Hello, who's that with Carol?"

The girl and her companion, having left their mounts at the corral, had suddenly appeared round the end of the ranch-house. Baudry rose and bowed to the lady, whose expression did not convey too warm a welcome. Murmuring a formal greeting, she turned to the cattleman.

"Dad, this is Mister Green, and I've brought him, much against his wish"--she smiled at the culprit--"because I knew you would want to thank him."

In a few words she told the story of her adventure and Sam Eden's face paled beneath its tan as he comprehended the terrible fate she had so narrowly escaped. Impulsively his hand went out.

"young fella," he said, "if there's anythin' I've got an' yu want, name it. yu couldn't 'a' done me a greater service." Sudden gripped the proffered fist. "It don't need speakin' of, seh," he said. "I happened to be handy, an' ..." He bogged down and looked thoroughly uncomfortable.

The rancher realized his feelings ; he knew the breed--they would rather oe blamed than thanked. He turned to the girl.

"As for yu, miss, didn't I tell yu" he began sternly. Before he could say any more her arm was through his and her cheek against his shoulder.*

"Now don't be an old bear ; I'll 'fess up," she smiled. "Of course you warned me, and I was wrong to go so far, but I didn't think of Indians."

"It ain't on'y them pesky critters," the old man growled. "yu might 'a' met up with some o' Rogue's Riders--his hide out is somewhere around." He looked at the cowboy quizzi cally. "yu don't happen to belong to that gang, do yu?" Sudden shook his head, grinned, and repeated the reply he had given the girl. "I'm from the south ; havin' a look at the country."

The explanation satisfied the cattleman ; he was aware that the range rider was a restless animal, liable to fork his horse and set out, at short notice or none at all, in search of fresh fields. He liked the look of this loose-limbed, competent appearing stranger.

At the meal to which they sat down later, Eden reverted to the momentous step he was contemplating, asking the cow boy if he had any experience of trail-driving?

"On'y short distances," Sudden told him. "Never been north ; but I hear it ain't no picnic."

The rancher nodded grimly. "Others have done it, an' I'm gain' to," he said. "Like to come along? I can do with a couple more men." He saw the hesitation, and added, "Think --we won't be ready yet awhile."

Sudden promised he would do so, and asked the probable size of the herd.

"I'm hopin' for three thousand head," Eden said. "Take some handlin' but I got a good outfit. The pay is thirty a month an' every man gets a share when we sell the cattle."