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They passed beyond the chapel to the private chambers of the family and their immediate retinue, which were placed beyond the more generally accessible reception rooms.

A chamber had been prepared for her, with a newly lit fire blazing in the hearth. It was the very room in which she had been born and where she had spent the early years of her life. It had hardly changed.

Before the fire, a table had been set with food and wine.

Colgu waved his sister to a chair.

"Let us eat, and as we eat I will attempt to explain why King Cathal called you hither."

Fidelma did as he bid her. She realized that her journey had been long and uncomfortable and that she was ravenous.

"Are you sure our cousin is too ill to see me?" she queried, still hesitating before the meal. "I do not fear the Yellow Plague. These last two years I have crossed its path in safety many times. And if I do succumb, well, then surely it will be God's will."

Colgu shook his head despondently.

"Cathal is no longer in a state to even recognize me. His physician says he may not last this night. In fact, the arrogant Forbassach of Laigin was right. It is now my duty to reply to his demands."

Fidelma compressed her lips as she realized what that meant.

"If Cathal dies this night then you will be… ?"

She paused, realizing that it was improper to voice the thought while their elderly cousin was alive.

Colgu, however, finished the sentence for her with a bitter laugh.

"That I shall then be king of Muman? Yes, that is exactly what it means."

The Eóganacht kings, like all Irish kings and chieftains, were elected into office by the derbfhine of their families. On the death of a king, his family, that is the living descendants of the male line of a common greatgrandfather, called the derbfhine, would gather in assembly and vote for one among them who would next take the throne. Sons did not necessarily, therefore, inherit from fathers. Failbe Fland, the father of Colgu and Fidelma, had been king in Cashel. He had died twenty-six years before, when Fidelma and Colgu were only a few years old. Even to be considered for any office in the land, a candidate had at least to be at the "age of choice," which was fourteen years for a girl and seventeen years for a boy. Failbe Fland's cousins had succeeded him in office until Cathal mac Cathail had been chosen as king of Muman three years before.

It was the custom and law to also elect the heir-apparent, or the tánaiste, during a king's lifetime. When Cathal had become king of Cashel, Fidelma's brother, Colgu, had been chosen as his tánaiste.

So now if Cathal died, Fidelma realized suddenly, her brother would be king of Muman, the biggest of the five kingdoms of Eireann.

"It will be a heavy responsibility, brother," she said, reaching forward and laying a hand on his arm.

He sighed and nodded slowly.

"Yes; even in good times there would be many weighty responsibilities with this office. But these are bad times, Fidelma. There are many problems facing the kingdom. None more so than the problem that arose a few days ago and why, when he was not so ill, Cathal chose to send for you." He paused and shrugged. "Since you have been away from here, little sister, your reputation as a Brehon, an advocate of the courts and a solver of mysteries, has spread. We have heard how you have performed services for the High King, the King of Northumbria and even the Holy Father in Rome."

Fidelma made a deprecating gesture.

"I was in those places at the time when my talent was needed," she replied. "Anyone with a logical mind could have resolved the problems. There was nothing more to those problems than that."

Colgu smiled quickly at her.

"You were never given to conceit, my sister."

"Show me a conceited person and I will show you a mediocre talent. Which does not get us any nearer the reason that I was sent for. What does this have to do with Forbassach of Fearna?"

"Let me tell you in my own way. King Cathal believed that you could resolve a mystery which has threatened the safety of the kingdom. Indeed, it threatens the peace of the five kingdoms of Eireann."

"What mystery?" prompted Fidelma as she started to help herself to some of the food that had been prepared.

"Have you heard of the Venerable Dacán?"

Fidelma allowed an eyebrow to raise slightly as she recognized the name.

"Who has not?" she replied quickly. "He is already spoken of in some quarters as a saint. He is a teacher and theologian of no mean ability. Of course, his brother is the Abbot Noé of Fearna, the king of Laigin's personal advisor and supposedly as saintly as his brother. Both brothers are widely respected and beloved of many. Stories are told of their wisdom and charity in many corners of the five kingdoms."

Colgu nodded his head slowly at Fidelma's glowing recital. His face assumed a weary expression as though he did not like what he was hearing but expected no less.

"You know, of course, that there has been some enmity recently between the kingdoms of Muman and Laigin?"

"I have heard that since the old king, Fáelán, died of the plague a few months ago, the new king, Fianamail, has been examining ways of enhancing his prestige by trying to pick quarrels with Muman," she agreed.

"And what better way to enhance his prestige than to find an excuse to demand the return of the petty kingdom of Osraige from Muman?" Colgu asked bitterly.

Fidelma formed her lips in a soundless whistle of astonishment.

Osraige was a small kingdom which had long been a source of bad relationships between the two major kingdoms of Muman and Laigin. It stretched along the banks of the River Feoir from north to south. Hundreds of years before, when the kings of Muman held the High Kingship over all five kingdoms of Éireann, Osraige was under the tutelage of the kings of Laigin. When Edirsceál of Muman became High King, the men of Laigin contrived to assassinate him so that Nuada Necht of Laigin could assume the kingship. The king was murdered but the culprits discovered. Conaire Mór, the son of Edirsceál, eventually became High King and he and his Brehons met to agree what honor price the kingdom of Laigin should pay in compensation to Muman for their infamous act. It had been decided that the kingdom of Osraige should be forfeited by Laigin. Henceforth, Osraige would be part of the kingdom of Muman and its petty-kings would pay tribute to Cashel and not to Fearna, the capital of Laigin.

Now and again the kings of Laigin would raise a protest before the High Kings, requesting the return of Osraige to them. But six centuries had passed since the days of Conaire Mór when Osraige had passed to Muman. Each protest had been rejected by the Great Assembly of the Brehons of Èireann, who met every three years at the royal palace of Tara. The punishment and compensation were confirmed as being just.

Fidelma brought her gaze back to the worried face of her brother.

"Surely even Fianamail, as young and inexperienced a king as he is, would not consider attempting to wrest Osraige back by force?"

Her brother gave an affirmative gesture.

"Not by force alone, Fidelma," he agreed. "Do you know something of the internal politics of Osraige?"

Fidelma knew little of the kingdom and admitted as much.

"For reasons too long and complicated to explain now, nearly two hundred years ago the native kings of Osraige were replaced by a family from the Corco Loigde in the south-west of the kingdom. There has been friction in Osraige ever since. The Corco Loigde are not popular. Now and then, the Osraige have risen up to displace them. Less than a year ago, Ulan, the last descendant of the native kings of Osraige with a legal claim to the kingship, was killed by the current king, Scandlán. Needless to say, Scandlán is of the Corco Loigde ruling family."