Hart, Agnes
Hart, Luke
Harvard Business School
Harvey (film)
Haskins, John
Haugstad, Phil
Hearn, Lafcadio
“He Don’t Plant Cotton”
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Bob
Hennacy, Ammon
Hepenstall, W. D.; Dark Rosaleen
Here Is Ireland
Hitler, Adolf
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopper, Hedda
Hopwood Awards
horse racing
“The Hotel,” (unwritten novel)
Hovda, Fr. Robert
Howe, John
Hughes, Fr. Philip
Hughes, Riley
Hugo, Fr. John
Humphrey, Donald (Don) and; illness and death of; JFP’s letters to
Humphrey, Hubert
Humphrey, Mary Alice Frawley; JFP’s letters to
Huntington Hartford Foundation
Huxley, Aldous
Huysmans, Joris-Karl
Hynes, Arleen McCarty
Hynes, Emerson
Institute for Sex Research
International Boxing Club
Ireland; Catholicism and; Powers family in; press
Irish Hospitals’ Sweepstakes
Irish Times, The
Irving, Washington
Jacksonville, Illinois
Jacobs Prairie, Minnesota
James, Henry; “Lesson of the Master”
Jarrell, Randall
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jensen, Rosemary
Johnson, Lonnie
Johnson, Dr. Samuel
John XXIII, Pope
Jolson, Al
Joyce, James; Ulysses
Judge, Fr. Paul
Kacmarcik, Frank
Kansas City, Missouri
Keefe, Richard (Dick)
Kelly, Fr. Patrick
Kennedy, John F.; assassination of
Kennedy, X. J. and; “Epitaph for a Postal Clerk” (poem)
Kentucky Derby
Kenyon College
Kenyon Review, The
Kenyon Review Fellows in Fiction
Kinsey, Dr. Alfred
Knox, Msgr. Ronald
Knox, Ronald; Enthusiasm
Kogan, Herman
Kraft, Charlotte Powers; JFP’s letters to
Kraft, William (Bill) and; JFP’s letters to
Kralick, Jack
Lacouture, Onesimus
Ladies’ Home Journal
Landor, Walter Savage
Lasker, Joe
Lavagetto, Cookie
Lawrence, Fr. Emeric
Leave Her to Heaven (film)
LeBerthon, Ted
Left Book Club
Legion of Decency pledge
Lennon Sisters
Leopard, The (film)
Leopardstown Racecourse, Ireland
Levin, Harry
Lewis, Sinclair
Life magazine
“Lions, Harts, Leaping Does,”
Listen to the Classics (radio show)
Little, Brown
liturgical movement
Locke, Bobby
Lockhart, Freda Bruce
London Illustrated
Times (London), The
Long, Earl
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
“Look How the Fish Live,”
Lord, Miles
“The Lord’s Day,”
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Times
“A Losing Game,”
Lost Weekend, The (film)
Lowell, Robert; JFP’s letters to
Lund, Reidar
Mailer, Norman
Malamud, Bernard
Manchester Guardian, The
Man in the White Suit, The (film)
Mantle, Mickey
Maranda, Georges
Maris, Roger
Maritain, Jacques
Marquette University
Marshall, John; JFP’s letters to
Marshall Field’s
Martin, Dean
Martin, Mary
Martinez, Jimmy
Martin Luther (film)
Maugham, Somerset
McCarthy, Abigail Quigley
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Sen. Joseph
McClurg, A. C.
McCormick, Ken
McDonald, Donald
McGlothin, Pat
McQuaid, Abp. John Charles
Merton, Thomas (aka Fr. Louis OSCO) and; Journals
Michener, James
Michigan Daily, The
Michigan State Spartans
Middle East
Millgate, Michael; JFP’s letters to; William Faulkner
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Journal
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minneapolis Tribune, The
Minnesota Twins
Minnesota Vikings
Miss America Pageant
Mississippi River
Mitchell, Ruth
Mitford, Nancy
Mohan, Robert Paul
Moisevitch, Tanya
Monroe, Marilyn
Montini, Card. Giovanni (later Pope Paul VI)
Montogomery, Viscount, The Memoirs of Field Marshal Montogomery
Moon, Bucklin
Morte D’Urban and; as National Book Award winner; publication of and; sales of
Morton, J. B., Belloc
Muggeridge, Malcolm
Murdoch, Iris, The Flight from the Enchanter
Murphy, Fr. Edward F., SJ; Père Antoine and; The Scarlet Lily
Murray, Fr. John Courtney
Murray, Abp. John Gregory
Murrow, Ed
Mussolini, Benito
My Turn to Make the Tea (Monica Dickens)
“Nationally Advertised Brands” (NAB) (unwritten novel)
Nabokov, Vladimir, Pale Fire
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Nation, The
National Book Award
National Football League
Nazareth Hall
Nemerov, Howard
Newman Club, Minneapolis and,
New Mexico
New Mexico Quarterly Review
New Republic, The
New York; Port of
New Yorker, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times, The
New York Times Book Review, The
New York Yankees
Nicolson, Harold, Some People
Nieuw Amsterdam (ship)
Nixon, Richard
“Nobody Home” (unwritten novel)
Nolan, Fr.
Noone, Jimmie
Norris, Hoke
Northwestern University
Oakmont, Pennsylvania
O’Brien, Kate
Observer, The
O’Casey, Sean
O’Connell, Dick
O’Connell, Joann Wiley; caricature of Jim by; JFP’s letters to
O’Connell, Joseph; JFP’s letters to
O’Connor, Edwin; The Last Hurrah
O’Connor, Flannery; “Greenleaf”
O’Connor, Frank
Ó Faoláin, Eileen
Ó Faoláin, Seán
O’Hara, Maureen
O. Henry Award