O’Neill, Marty
Ong, Walter
Orwell, George; The Road to Wigan Pier
Osaka, Japan
Ottaviani, Card. Alfredo
Our Father’s House (anthology)
Oxford, England
Palmer, Joe H.
Palmquist, Mary Pluth; JFP’s letters to
Palmquist, Richard (Dick); JFP’s letters to
Paris, France
Partisan Review
Pater, Walter
Perón, Eva
Perry, Jim
Perspectives (magazine)
Petrek, Fr.
Petters, Catherine
Petters, Fredric; JFP’s letters to
Petters, Rosemary Boyle (Romy); JFP’s letters to
Peyton, Father Patrick
Pickwick Papers, The (film)
Pirates of Penzance, The
Pontifical Academy of Theology
pop culture
Pope, Alexander
Porter, Katherine Anne; “The Fig Tree,”; “Holiday”; JFP’s letters to; Ship of Fools
Portland, Oregon
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Dawn, The Golden Spur
Power, Jimmy
Powers, Elizabeth Alice Wahl (Betty); Avon house of; courted by Jim; death of; early married life; engagement to Jim; Fr. George Garrelts and; in Ireland; JFP’s letters to; marriage to Jim and; “Martinmas”; in Milwaukee; miscarriage of; motherhood and family life; pregnancies of; Rafferty & Co.; return to St. Cloud; St. Cloud house of; “Tide Rips in the Teacups,”; time management and; at Wahls’ summer cottage and; wedding of; writing career of and; at Yaddo
Powers, Hugh Wahl; birth of; childhood of
Powers, James
Powers, James Ansberry; background of
Powers, James Ansbury (Boz); birth of; childhood of; JFP’s letters to
Powers, James Farl (Jim); in Ann Arbor; appendectomy of; Avon house of; birth of; caricature of; cars of; childhood of; as conscientious objector during World War II; courtship of Betty; Detachment movement and; dreams of; Dublin office of; early jobs of; early married life; education of; engagement to Betty; fatherhood and family life and; finances of and; first published book of; first published story of; Guggenheim grant of and; housing situations and problems of and; in Ireland; marriage to Betty and; middle name of and; in Milwaukee; “the Movement” and; National Book Award of; parole of; political views of and; in prison; publication of Morte D’Urban and; publishers of and; return to St. Cloud; reviews by; reviews on and; rural living of; St. Cloud house of; as St. Joseph’s Hospital orderly; Shanedling Building office of; as sports fan and; as a teacher; views on Catholic Church; Vossberg Building office of; at Wahls’ summer cottage and; wedding of; women and; at Yaddo. See also titles of specific works
Powers, Jane Elizabeth; birth of; childhood of
Powers, Katherine Anne; birth of; childhood of; JFP’s letters to
Powers, Mary Farl; birth of; childhood of; JFP’s letters to
Powers, Richard (Dick)
Powers, Zella Routzong; background of
“The Presence of Grace” (story)
Presence of Grace, The (story collection)
presidential elections: of 1944 and; of 1948; of 1952; of 1960
Priest, The
Priestley, J. B., Journey Down a Rainbow
“Prince of Darkness,”
Prince of Darkness, and Other Stories
Princeton University
Publishers Weekly
Purdue University
Quebec, Canada
Quesnel, Pasquier
Quiet Man, The (film)
Quincy, Illinois
Quincy College Academy; Little Hawks
Quinn, J. Kerker; JFP’s letters to
Rabelais, François
Radio Luxembourg
Radio Moscow
Ramacher, Fr. Edward
Ransom, John Crowe
Ravel, Maurice; La Valse
Rawson, Ramona
Reed College
Reporter, The
Republican Party (United States)
Respighi, Ottorino
Rice, Warner G.
Rickey, Branch
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
Roach, Jim
Roberts, Thomas d’Esterre, SJ, Black Popes: Authority; Its Use and Abuse
Robinson, Henry Morton, The Cardinal
Rockefeller Foundation
Rockford, Illinois
Roethke, Theodore
Rogers, Will
Rome, Italy
Roncalli, Angelo Giuseppe (later Pope John XXIII)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Ross, Lanny
Routzong, Farl
Routzong, Matilda
Roy, Fr. Pacifique
Rule of St. Benedict, The
“The Sack Race” (provisional title for novel)
Saddler, Sandy
Sagan, Françoise
St. Anthony Village, Oakmont, Pennsylvania
St. Benedict’s, see College of St. Benedict
St. Cloud Diocese
St. Cloud “red house”; demolition of
St. Cloud State College
St. Cloud Times, The
St. John’s Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota
St. Joseph’s Hospital, St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Mary’s Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Olaf’s, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Paul Pioneer Press
St. Paul Saints
St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Stephens, Greystones, Ireland
San Antonio, Texas
Sand, George
Sandstone Federal Penitentiary, Sandstone, Minnesota; JFP’s letters from
San Francisco
Saratoga Springs, New York
Sarazen, Gene
Saroyan, William
Saturday Evening Post, The
Saturday Review
Sauk Centre, Minnesota
Schenk, Bp. Francis Joseph
Scherer, Sr. Mary Joseph
Schuman, William
Seattle, Washington
Seberger, Albertine Muller; JFP’s letters to
Second Vatican Council
Seide, Michael
Senate, U.S.
Shanedling Building office
Shattuck, Charles; JFP’s letters to
Shattuck, Susan
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Irwin
Sheen, Bp. Fulton
Sheil, Bp. Bernard James
Sigal, Clancy, Going Away
Silvers, Phil
Sinatra, Frank
$64,000 Question, The (TV show)
Skillin, Ed
Smedley, Agnes
Smith, Red
Snead, Sam
Society of Midland Authors
Spellman, Card. Francis Joseph
Speltz, George Henry
Spillane, Mickey
Spiritual Writers’ Conference
sports and. See also specific sports
Stafford, Jean; Boston Adventure; The Mountain Lion
Stagg, A. A.
Standard (magazine)
Standard Oil
Stanford, William Bedell
Stranraer, Scotland
Stearns County, Minnesota
Steinbeck, John, The Grapes of Wrath
Stevenson, Adlai
Stokowski, Leopold
Strobel, Albert; death of; JFP’s letters to
Strobel, Bertha Seberger; death of; JFP’s letters to