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"So?" She curled her toes into the hardwood, her body a bundle of raw nerves.

He wondered if she was serious. Glancing up, meeting her gaze, he realized she was. As Zoe had tried to tell him time and again, Sam didn't understand being loved and accepted. It would take a long time to convince her there was nothing she could do to change the way he felt about her.

"So, you're my niece and that binds us. You can stuff all the toilets you want and it won't get you tossed out of here. You can run away and, mark my words, I'd find you."

"You mean it?"

His throat filled as he looked at the young girl. "I mean it. I guess what I'm saying is, you're my family and I love you." He held his breath, wondering if he'd gone too far too fast.

But when Sam unexpectedly stepped forward and gave him a quick hug, he realized his honesty had been a good thing for them both. "You should get some sleep," he told her.

"Yeah. I have a big day ahead of me. I promised Grandma Vivian I'd help her fix up the garden."

"You did, huh?"

Sam raised her shoulders. "Ima messed it up. It's right I help fix it. Besides Grandma said if I did, she'd build a special pen for Ima to stay when we come visit."

Ryan blinked. "You're kidding."

"Well she wouldn't build it herself, but she did say she'd have one built for Ima. It works for me." Sam yawned, then flipped her hair out of her eyes with her hands. "I guess I'm beat." She started for the hallway, then turned. "Night, Uncle Ryan."

She padded down the hall, leaving him with a warm, fuzzy feeling of family that he'd never had before. A feeling he wanted to share with Zoe, so rather than head for his room, he paused outside her closed door.

On the other side was another female with whom he had unresolved issues and feelings. He didn't believe any talk with Zoe would be nearly as productive or end as well as the one he'd just had with Sam. But he was too wound up to sleep and decided it was time she hear what he had to say.

Although it was late, he knocked once and walked inside. Zoe lay in bed under the covers, but she didn't seem shocked to find him standing by her side. She moved over to make room for him to sit, while she propped herself up against her pillow.

"What's going on?" she asked, her voice rough from sleep.

Ryan tried like hell not to focus on her skimpy tank top or think about the matching pair of equally skimpy panties she likely wore beneath the covers. Instead he reached for her hand and chose his words.

"I had a bonding moment with Sam."

A smile touched her lips. "That's great. You and your family are beginning to make headway with her." Her voice held a somber tone.

"You don't sound thrilled."

"It's a mixed blessing," she said. "As much as I'm happy for you, your progress with Sam means that my family's role in her life is coming to an end."

"We'll work things out. You will see her again."

Through the darkness, Zoe merely stared. "We have to be up early," she said at last.

In other words, she was asking him to leave. Not yet, he thought. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"About what?"

"That you'll see Sam again."

She sighed. "Actually I do believe you. We agreed early on that you're a man of your word and I've seen that for myself many times since we met."

He appreciated her belief in him- because faith was a solid basis for a long-standing relationship.

"Then what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" he asked, and to make certain she couldn't avoid the issue or him, he turned on the lamp on the nightstand.

With her long black hair tangled around her face, she'd never looked more endearing or desirable.

"I was thinking that since you have things under control with Sam- "

"Relatively under control," he joked and got a laugh in return.

"I thought that as soon as we solve this key mystery, I'd take her home. I know we haven't figured out who's after her, but at this point she's as safe here as she is at home…I mean in New Jersey. I hope you'll give my parents the courtesy of a few weeks more with Sam to say goodbye before you move her up here for good."

He narrowed his gaze, wanting to hear more before he jumped to any conclusion about where this conversation was heading. "Go on."

"Well since Sam will have to start school in the fall, you'll need to register her, and she'll need time to get settled in at your parents', of course. But it's still early and I'm sure my parents would appreciate some quality time with Sam, that's all." She toyed with the blanket, her nerves clearly showing.

He swallowed hard. Just as he suspected, Zoe was making plans to pull out of Boston and his life as soon as possible without consulting him or asking him what he wanted.

"Let me ask you something. Just whose plan is this? Because I don't recall mentioning registering Sam in school or her living with my parents, of all people."

She blinked. "I just assumed- I mean I didn't think your schedule would be that flexible when you returned to work. So you'll be able to be home with her in the mornings and after school? Because she really needs a watchful eye, what with her tendency to get in trouble when she's left alone."

He rolled his shoulders, but the tension remained. "I haven't had time to think it through yet, but you apparently have it worked out. And that plan seems to include running away from your own feelings," he accused.

Maybe he was dense, but he thought after all their closeness, she'd at least treat him fairly. But then if she was truly running, she wasn't being fair to herself, either.

"Quit raising your voice or you'll have Sam running in here to see what's going on," Zoe said in a harsh whisper.

In an effort to calm down, he inhaled and counted to ten, then exhaled before speaking again. "I see."

"You see what?" she asked, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

"You just changed the subject. We were talking about your feelings."

Zoe pushed her hair out of her eyes. "This isn't about me. It's about Sam and what's best for her. Now you tell me you don't have a plan." She maneuvered up in bed and perched her hands on her hips, which had the unfortunate effect of pushing out her breasts and erect nipples, distracting him.

She frustrated him as much as she turned him on and he swallowed hard, determined to force her to acknowledge the truth about them, her fears and her hang-ups be damned. He wasn't about to lose her now.

"What about what's best for you? And for me? Doesn't that have to be decided. too?" he asked, fingers clenched into fists at his side.

Zoe tried hard to hold onto her anger because it was the only way to keep Ryan at a distance and she needed that kind of barrier between them right now. From the moment his mother had turned her attitude around, Zoe had accepted the end. She'd tried to explain as much to Ryan the night before, but apparently he hadn't understood.

Or didn't want to, said a small voice in her head, one that mimicked her parents when they accused her of being afraid to commit to anyone, anything or any man. She wasn't giving him an easy time, but he'd thank her in the end. With time and miles between them, he'd see she was right and they couldn't have a future.

"We come in second to Sam," she explained slowly. "That's what happens when there are kids involved. So I'll go home and get my business on track. I know Quinn and Connor need me back soon. And- "

"And you'll go back to living at home?"

"Until I find my own place to live, yes."

"You are so full of crap," he said, taking her by complete surprise.

"Excuse me?" She sat up even straighter in bed.

He groaned. "We've had this discussion before. You say you'll find a place to move, but I've come to realize that you won't. You'll continue to live at home because you love your family, but also because it's the easy way out. You won't have to face moving out, growing up, or having an adult relationship, which might lead to, God forbid, having to compromise with another human being who is also independent and knows his own mind."