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Watch your step, my Alpha. It’s dangerous in here.

Cullen started to cough uncontrollably. His lungs burned but he didn’t have time to worry about that. He needed to get the prince out of the building, had to make sure his Alpha and the baby made it to safety, and even more importantly he had to get back to Summer.

He needed to see her look at him with kindness one more time before he told the pack the story behind how he knew about these creatures. Once he told his tale, he might never see anything but disgust in her eyes.

Chapter Seven

Summer exhaled the breath she didn’t know she held when Cullen emerged from the burning building. Ashlee slumped in Summer’s arms then pulled free of her embrace. She rushed towards Tristan, Virginia still in her arms, and threw one arm around Tristan and Braden while still gripping the baby in the other.

A tiny worm of jealousy snaked through Summer’s gut. She wanted to do the same with Cullen but they hadn’t gotten to that kind of level in their relationship. He’d probably scoff at her or worse yet, ignore her. Summer felt frozen to the ground. She needed to do something, she couldn’t just stay where she was.

She watched as Cullen laid Theo on the ground, then his body shook with the force of his cough. Summer blinked and her mind came back online. He was hurt.

She picked up one of the oxygen tanks, struggling with it as she ran towards him. It wasn’t until she got to him that she realized she had no idea how to use the thing. She knelt down and Cullen took the tank from her, slipping the mask onto his face. She tried not to notice that he was naked but it was next to impossible.

Sculptures could have created masterpieces based on Cullen’s physique. She blinked so she wouldn’t focus too much on his naked perfection.

She was also as nude as the day she was born and she really didn’t want to dwell on that. None of the shifters seemed at all bothered so it was obviously something they were used to. But not Summer. She would never feel comfortable baring it all in front of strangers.

Theo is very hurt.

His voice in her head made her heart stutter. It certainly was convenient considering the oxygen mask covered his face.

I can see that. Summer turned around and watched as Ashlee tended to him. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Ashlee is good at healing, right?

No. He will never heal. If he does not die from his injuries tonight, he will be forever scarred.

Cullen tried to stand up but fell back down.

“What do you think you’re doing? Don’t move.” She yelled out loud and it wasn’t until she heard the sound of her own voice that she even knew she had. She cleared her throat and looked around. Tristan’s eyes met her from across the clearing, but everyone else seemed preoccupied.

He’s wondering how long he can wait before he comes over here and demands answers from me. Cullen sounded tired.

Even with the oxygen mask on, Ashlee could see the concern on Cullen’s face. Little lines had formed next to his eyes. She reached out and smoothed them away and then gulped when she realized what she’d done.

Because you knew what those creatures were? The ones Ashlee saw?

Cullen took her hand in his and gave it a tight squeeze. Summer couldn’t help the small smile that formed on her face. She’d touched him and he hadn’t been upset about it.

Tristan may have me executed for this. In her mind Cullen’s voice was monotone, emotionless, as it had been when he told the story of his parents’ deaths. He’d be within his rights. I’ve kept this from him and before him, from Michael.

But why? No one was going to be executing Cullen. Not while she had breath in her body. They’d leave this stupid place and never return before she allowed it.

Because it was a terrible time in our pack’s history and I thought, or rather I hoped, since the demons were gone, no one ever needed to know about it.

So you’re motives weren’t malicious. Summer paused, unsure of how to approach the next question. Do you want to tell me what they were and how you know about them?

Cullen pulled the mask from his face, his eyes weary and tired. He shook his head. “No, but I suppose I should.”

“Cullen.” Tristan’s voice rang out like a bell, a pissed off bell, behind them. “Are you better now? Can you tell me what those things were that burned our home to the ground and why they came after my son?”

Summer put her hands on her hips. “Does he look like he’s better to you?”

Alpha! Summer’s wolf sounded terrified.

She shook her head. I don’t care.

Tristan’s eyes flared and she thought she heard him growl.

Lower your eyes, now. Her wolf pleaded with her for action. Summer begrudgingly obliged, but not before she shot Tristan a look that let him know what she thought of his antics. She didn’t know if Tristan could read eye hatred.

“I am well enough, my Alpha.” Was Summer mistaken or did she hear the slightest tinge of laughter in Cullen’s voice? She raised her gaze just high enough to catch his eye. They glimmered at her with an emotion Summer couldn’t identify that made butterflies move through her stomach. “But might we perhaps move this conversation elsewhere? The Institute is burning to the ground—again. It’s sure to draw attention from the mainland. I would suggest we go elsewhere, at least most of us, before that happens.”

Cullen pointed towards Tristan’s eyes. As Alpha of their pack, they were forever in wolf form. Summer realized Tristan must always have to cover his eyes when around regular humans. Tristan nodded and touched his eyes. “I lost my dark glasses in there.” He sighed, loudly which brought Ashlee and the children to his side. Ashlee wrapped her arms around Tristan’s waist and Summer felt a pang of longing.

Would she and Cullen ever have that kind of relationship? Was she foolish to even wish they could? Did they even have a relationship?

Cullen’s arm touched the small of her back and returned her to reality and out of her foolish daydreaming. Her parents were dead less than twenty-four hours, flying demons burned down The Institute, and she had to learn to handle and live with her wolf so Cullen would teach her how to enact revenge. There were lots of things she should be thinking about instead of Cullen and romance.

“Where did your mind go?” Cullen’s blue eyes bored into Summer’s, making her insides feel warm.

“Um…” Summer tried to think of something to say to Cullen but she couldn’t seem to help the all-consuming need to stare at Cullen’s sculpted form in the moonlight.

Her eyes felt dry, which she now knew meant they changed into their wolf form. She blinked to try to clear them but nothing happened. Her wolf eyes allowed her to see him so clearly. She took in a deep breath and realized she could decipher every aspect of his spicy scent. He smelled of dark roast coffee beans and apple cider. Mixed into his aroma were the trees, the fall breeze, and the woods at night. If it was possible, Summer thought she could smell the flavors of the moon itself on Cullen.

He is ours. It’s been enough time. Take him.

Her wolf sounded more dominant than Summer could ever remember hearing her before. Her pulse pounded in her ears.

“Summer?” Cullen’s eyes had gone wolf and his voice was low.

She looked around and noticed the others leaving the area. Where were they going? Did Cullen know the nature of her thoughts?