Phillippa frowned. How long will it last?
Nobody knows. This is unprecedented, as far as I can make out. But the mass ejection is fast moving and will pass over us soon. Only hours more, perhaps?
Phillippa said earnestly, We need to know. Its not just power we have to think about. Theres sewage, the water supply
The Thames barrier, Toby said. When is high tide?
I dont know, Phillippa said, making a note. Professor McGorran, can you try to nail down a timescale?
Yes, Ill try. She closed down the link.
Of course, Toby said to Siobhan, the sensible thing to do would be to build our systems more robustly in the first place.
Ah, but when have we humans ever been sensible?
Siobhan continued to work. But as time wore on the comms links only worsened.
And she was distracted by more images.
Here was an immense explosion in the great trans-European pipeline that nowadays brought Britain most of its natural gas. Like cables, pipelines were also conductors thousands of kilometers long, and the currents induced in them could increase corrosion to the point of failure. Pipelines were grounded at frequent intervals to avert this problem. But this pipeline, a very modern structure, had been made of ethylene for economys sake, and was a good deal easier to ignite. Numbly Siobhan studied the statistics of this one incident: a wall of flame a kilometer wide, trees felled for hundreds of meters around, hundreds feared dead She tried to imagine such horror multiplied a thousandfold around the world.
And it wasnt just humans and their technological systems that were affected. Here was a random bit of news of flocks of birds apparently losing their way, and a haunting image of whales beached on a North American shore.
Toby Pitt brought her a phone, a clunky set trailing a cord. Im sorry it took so long, he said.
The phone must have been at least thirty years old, but, connected to the Societys reliable fiber-optic backup lines, it worked, more or less. It took her a few tries to get through to Guys, and then to persuade a receptionist to find her mother.
Maria sounded scared, but in control. Im fine, she insisted. The power outages have just been blinks; the emergency system is working well. But things are very strange here.
Siobhan nodded. The hospitals must be overwhelmed. Heat victimsthe accidents in traffic
Not just that, Maria said. People are coming in because their pacemakers are playing up, or their servo-muscles, or bowel control implants. And theres a whole flood of heart attack victims, it seems to me. Even people with no implants at all.
Of course, Siobhan mused. The human body itself is a complex system controlled by bioelectricity, itself subject to electrical and magnetic fields. We are all tied to the sun, she thought, like the birds and the whales, tied by invisible lines of force nobody even suspected existed a couple of centuries ago. And we are so very vulnerable to the suns tantrums, even our very bodies.
Toby Pitt said, Siobhan, Im sorry to interrupt. Youve another call.
Who is it?
The Prime Minister.
Good Lord. She thought it over, and asked, Which one?
The phone came alive in her hand. As electricity jolted into her body the muscles of her right arm turned rigid. Then the phone shot from her grasp and slid over the table, showering blue sparks.
Part 2
8: Recovery
Somebody was hammering on the door of the flat.
Bisesa had learned to mask her reactions in front of Myra. Fixing a smile on her face, ignoring the racing of her heart, she got up from the sofa slowly and folded away her magazine.
Myra turned her head suspiciously. She was lying on her belly watching a softwall synth-soap. There was a lot of knowingness in those eight-year-old eyes, Bisesa thought, too much. Myra knew that something strange had happened to the world a few days ago, and it was odd that her mother was here in the first place. But there was a sort of understanding between the two of them, a conspiracy. They would act normal, and maybe at some point things would turn out to be normal after alclass="underline" that was their unspoken hope.
Bisesa could use a whispered command to Aristotle to turn a section of the door transparent. But as a British Army officer trained in combat technology, she had never quite trusted electronic senses, and she peered through the old-fashioned spy hole to double-check.
It was only Linda. Bisesa opened the door.
Linda was a short, stocky, competent-looking girl. Aged twenty-two, she was Bisesas cousin, a student at Imperial College studying biospheric ethics. For the last two years she had served as Myras nanny during Bisesas long postings abroad. Right now she held two bulging paper bags of groceries, with two more stacked by her feet, and she was sweating profusely. Sorry for kicking the door down, she said. I thought these damn bags would give way.
Well, you made it. Bisesa let Linda in and carefully double-locked the door.
They hauled the groceries to the flats small kitchen. Most of what Linda had bought were staplesmilk, bread, quorn products, some limp-looking vegetables, and mottled apples. Linda apologized for the meagerness of her haul, but it could have been worse; Bisesa, who followed the news assiduously, knew that London had come close to a strict rationing system.
For Bisesa, unpacking groceries was oddly nostalgic, something she used to do every Friday evening with her mother, who would do her big shop at the end of the family farms long week. These days family habits had changed; most groceries were remote-ordered and delivered. But days after June 9 the transport and distribution services were still clogged up, and everybody had had to return to the stores in person to go through the rituals of carts and checkouts.
This was a new experience to Linda, and she was complaining briskly. You wouldnt believe the queues. They actually have bouncers on the meat counters. The checkout registers are operating now, so thats a blessing; no more hand-calculated bills. But a lot of people still wont swipe through. A sight you often saw since June 9 was the telltale forearm scar of somebody whod had to have her implanted ident chip replaced, the original having been wiped and fried by the solar frenzy of that day.
Still no bottled water, Bisesa said.
Not yet, no, Linda said. She reflexively turned on the taps at the kitchen sink, to no effect. The solar storm had induced corrosive currents in Londons hundreds of kilometers of aging pipe work. So even when they got the pumps working, no water could be delivered to many parts of the city until the engineers and their smart little mole-shaped robots had fixed up the network once more. Linda sighed. Looks like itll be the standpipe again.
Right now a corner of the softwall was showing an aerial view of London, overlaid by an outline map of the continuing power-outs, with a few sparks that marked riots, lootings, and other instances of disorder. Blue asterisks showed the positions of standpipes, most of them along the banks of the Thames. Bisesa found this evidence of the resilience of the old city oddly moving. Long before the Romans came to found London in the first place, Celts had fished the Thames in their wicker boats, and now in this twenty-first-century crisis Londoners were drawn back to their river once again.